For a period of time, Mrs. Chen lived a life that was worse than death. She was constantly bullied and humiliated by her master, and she had no way to escape, not even to die!

She has almost no faith in life, she just wants everything to end soon, and then she will die soon!

But Mrs. Chen's prayers did not come true. From the beginning of wanting to die, to the last time she saw the master who adopted him for eight years. Showing a face that is not as good as a beast makes Madam Chen extremely resentful!

Perhaps Mrs. Chen's resentment angered his master, not only insulting Mrs. Chen, but also severely beating Mrs. Chen!

Mrs. Chen has been discovered countless times to seek death, so she can't wait to kill that master who is inferior to a beast!

Occasionally, Mrs. Chen thought that she had read an ancient book, which recorded an ancient spiritual practice, but it was a mental method that might lead to death after cultivation. Ninety people are dead...

But in order to let herself die, and to avenge herself, Mrs. Chen still started to cultivate with a cruel heart. She stopped making trouble, no longer angered the beast, and began to silently and secretly cultivate which ancient mental method!

I have to say that Mrs. Chen's talent is really strong. With the help of her memory, which kind of mind method has been fully cultivated to the point of halfway, most of the injuries in her body have healed. Mrs. Chen has hope and is faster. practice!

It was also Mrs. Chen's luck. During that time, she was crazy like a beast, and her strength was about to break through, so she imprisoned Mrs. Chen in the underground secret room, and went to retreat by herself...

The other party's retreat also gave Mrs. Chen time to practice. The reason why a mental method is powerful is itself an evil mental method. It can be said that after a mental method is practiced, the power of a person will become very strong, and using it once at the same time is equivalent to It consumes one's own vitality, so it is recorded in the ancient books, and no one cultivates!

Mrs. Chen quickly reached the culmination of her cultivation. She was only one step away from becoming a strong man and avenging herself, but she did not think of which animal or beast would leave the level at the critical moment because there was no breakthrough!

The person who was unhappy without a breakthrough, directly thought of Mrs. Chen who had not seen her for a year, and came to the secret room to find that Mrs. Chen suddenly had a powerful aura, and the other party was shocked!

I always felt that Mrs. Chen couldn't continue to practice, otherwise I was afraid that I would end up badly!

So he was ready to interrupt Mrs. Chen's cultivation again. Although Mrs. Chen was in the process of cultivation, she could naturally sense the situation outside. When she saw someone reappearing, she wanted to interrupt her cultivation by repeating the same trick, and hatred in her heart. hurricane……

As a result, the practice was interrupted, but also because of Madam Chen's hatred, not only was she not injured this time, but her strength soared, her eyes were red, and she even went crazy. The beautiful face was fierce and looked very scary!

Mrs. Chen was still sensible at that time, but she couldn't control her power because of her madness, but she had only one thought in her heart, to kill the beast in front of her!

Mrs. Chen did it. She not only killed the other party, but also made the other party's soul fly away. She avenged herself. In the end, she blew the place that carried her nightmares into ruins!

Only then did I go to the nearby forest, but Mrs. Chen, who had already gone too far, lost her mind. After entering the forest, she slaughtered most of the monsters outside the forest, which was extremely cruel!