Chapter 128: uncle

Three days after the destruction of Groland.

Red clay continent, Mary Joa.

"All the news about the investigation has been completed. You really have a big problem for the old man!"

In front of the long conference table, an old man with a sword said with cold eyes.

Around the table, many people in brocades were silent and silent.

This old man is one of the supreme five in the world government, and also the most noble person in the world with concentrated power.

"Bad, lord, then, what should we do?"

Hearing someone ask the exit, the old man with a sneer sneered, and his eyes shot at the man like a sword.

"You ask the old man what to do? Groland Island was established by you at the beginning. The purpose is to allow the world government to have a secret mobile force to suppress the world's evil and rebels!"

"But over the years, you have done a lot of things that violate the old man's instructions, and how much dirt is hidden in it, you know for yourself."

After a pause, the old man's eyes were colder.

"Now Groland is discovered by the navy. What's even more ridiculous is that you dare to try to wipe out the navy on the island together. It's a real courage!"

The voice was severe, and the cold voice echoed in the spacious conference room, making the people present shrank and tremble.

This matter is not important. What is important is that it was discovered. Before anything was exposed, it was nothing. But once it appeared in the public view, it was troublesome.

"Although the navy serves the government of our world, your actions are really stupid."

Speaking of this, the old man glanced at the crowd and saw that the nobles here were all shrunk together, and after daring to speak out, they spoke lightly again.

"However, the guys you have raised these years are clever. Although the group found Groland and pierced the navy in the basket with nothing, everything about Groland has been buried in the gunfire."

"Of course, I also imagine that the navy will be very acquainted, and they should know how to deal with this matter."

It seemed that the old man's eyes became cold again.

"In the end, how about Siqiang, also a member of the nobility, his death, the destruction of Groland, the human and material resources the world government has invested in these years, and the loss of the navy to the government must have a statement!"

"This matter, you will deal with it!"

"Old man only needs one result!"

After talking, the old man turned his head and left, leaving the meeting room.

After a long while, the nobles sitting at the long table secretly sighed, looked at each other for a few moments, a light smile appeared on their faces, and their momentum became calm and casual.

In the end, they are nobles, and the nobles of this world are the ones that dominate everything. Even the five old people will not punish themselves as long as they have not made any big mistakes. Groland may be considered a major event in the eyes of some people, but in the eyes of their nobles, it is only a trivial matter.

The only thing to note is that their destruction has cost them too much.

These losses must cost the navy who dared to deal with Groland.

"Now, it is time for us to discuss and discuss what the Navy should bear."

A faint voice sounded, and the meeting room was full of excitement.

At the same time, Marin Fando.

Tang En was sitting in Zefa's office, frowning, thinking about something.

After returning to the headquarters three days ago, Zefa then ordered him severely and was not allowed to leave the headquarters for half a step.

Then, the convenience disappeared in front of my eyes. From front to back, his expression is quite dignified.


Slowly breathing out, Tang En frowned.

He knew that the Groland incident was definitely a major event, and that it would definitely have a great impact on his military career. And he was already mentally prepared to bear such a price.

No matter how powerful the navy is, it still serves the world government and the nobility. This is determined by its essential attributes and is difficult to change.

In the past life, this life, Tang En has lived for so many years, and has long understood that power is not everything. In the end, human beings are gregarious creatures, decisive and decisive, regardless of everything, only appear in those novels. As long as alive, people will face various difficulties and limitations.

The world is a complex proposition, and it is not simply a few strong men who can play with it.

But this long wait is really a torment.

In the Warring States Office.

"Zefa, the decision of the world government has come out, you must be mentally prepared."

Looking dignified, Sengoku Shen Sheng said.

"I am ready for everything."

Zefa said lightly.

"Okay, after discussion by the government, we finally decided that this matter should be resolved within our military and political affairs."

"They want the first evil, that is, as long as Tang En!"

The Warring States stared at Zefa Dao.

"This is impossible!"

Two voices suddenly sounded, and Zefa and Kapu shouted loudly.

Such a decision, of course, is impossible for them to accept. Tang En’s future, everyone can see, only a short time later, this young boy can grow into a towering tree and become a pillar of the Navy. Even, he has the potential to change the navy, which may change the world!

"Of course I know it's impossible, but the government's attitude is very firm."

Sengoku helpless.

The military power is under the regime, which is the most suffocating thing for the navy. In the original book, Wu Lao Xing even satirically ridiculed his face for a few dollars even after Chi Quan became the marshal.

"The order was given by me. I am willing to bear all the costs. The Warring States, you tell them that there is no room for discussion on this matter!"

"If the old man can't even keep his own disciples, then what else am I navy!"

"What kind of general?"

There was anger in the face, and Zefa pushed open the door, striding away.

"Warring States, the old man also supported Zefa on this matter."

"Let the kid do this thing and deal with the sins we embarrassed. If after the event, there is no way to keep him, it's just too much to say."

Kapu also said in a deep voice, with a very serious tone.

After speaking, he left quickly.

After the Groland incident, there were many things that troubled the headquarters. Those naval military records, places, civilian arrangements, and the handling of the officers of Barugo were all troublesome.

Today, they have met such unreasonable demands of the world government, and the two are already very angry.

"Of course I know, just, this matter."

The Warring States watched the two leave and patted their foreheads with a headache.

The two sides communicated with each other over the air. For the Groland incident, the final result was still to be determined.

Two days later, Mary Joa.

"The navy has a very firm attitude. They are reluctant to slacken their mouths. They are ordered by General Zefa. The naval captain named Tang En is only carrying out his mission, which is ridiculous!"

"Our world government, don't even have the ability to find out who is the first evil?"

With that, the middle-aged nobleman in Jinfu slapped on the table with a sneer.

"This colonel called Tang En must die, otherwise, next time, we nobles have any plans, the trouble will continue!"

"Kill chickens and monkeys!"

"The nobleman was tripped by the navy. How ridiculous this incident was."

After his words, the nobles around him nodded in agreement.

But sitting in the front row of the table, the middle-aged man in a purple brocade who looked at his fingers and did not pay any attention to the people after he arrived. When he heard the two names of Tang En, he suddenly stunned and looked at Information distributed on the table.

When he noticed the photo on the message, the middle-aged man's expression was a bit stunned.

Then, a sneer appeared on his face, his eyes became sharp, and he looked up sharply, looking at everyone present.

"Interesting, you are in my uncle's face."

"Want my Ross family to die?"