v4 Chapter 110: : Unexpected people

On the sea far from the island of Chambord, the two boats floated quietly on the sea.

A ship is like a fire, it is very dark, and the other is even worse. There is no good place, it is a ragged, and it is a miracle to float on the water.

On the ‘箴言’, Caesar crawled in the corner and swollen in the corner. A big tooth was already halfway, and he grabbed his hands on the deck and was trying to climb a little further.

"Where do you want to go."

Chiba said coldly, and he squeezed the heart in his hand.

Caesar suddenly writhed abnormally.

"It hurts and hurts!!"

"You still know the pain."

Chiba gently touched the heart with the trace at the wrist, and the heart suddenly disappeared into the air. This is the ability of the pocket fruit to store items, and as long as it does not exceed the internal space, it can be instantaneously "four zeros." Between the storage and take out.

Reaching over Caesar, who wants to escape, Chiba’s cold face slammed into the old fist.

"Call you to attack me,"

"Call you to explode."

"I told you to laugh."

"Continue to laugh, don't cry."

"It’s really hard to laugh, crying for labor."


Ten minutes later, Chiba released his hand, and Caesar, who had been beaten into a pig's head, was thrown aside by him.

He didn't worry that Caesar would run. He didn't say that it was the sea. He couldn't run without a boat. Even if he could run, as long as the heart was still in Chiba, he would have to obey.

Pushing open the door of the room, Chiba slowly walked in. In front of the bed was the injured coma, Joe Bonne, Bonnie, and Robin.

Although Urki was also attacked the same way, he was originally rough and thick, and he was subconsciously using the fruit ability after being hit, so he actually did not suffer any injuries.

Robin, Bonnie and Choba are really serious injuries.

Chiba closed his eyes, raised his hand to open the room, and carefully looked at their wounds.

While ‘looking’, the face of Chiba became ugly.

Urki did not know when he had arrived behind him, holding a basin and a towel in his hands.

He cautiously asked: "Boss, how are they?"

Taking a deep breath, Chiba slowly opened his eyes and took a towel and gently placed it on Bonnie's forehead.

"Everyone is seriously injured. Everyone is broken at least dozens of places where the fracture is broken. Although I have the power of surgery, I will not have any surgery at all. If Choba is here, maybe Can also cooperate with them to stabilize the wound..."

Urki put two other towels on Robin Choba's head and looked at their painful expression. Urki hurriedly said to Chiba: "What should I do, boss? You have an idea!"

Chiba took a shot of Urki's shoulder.

"I know that you are good for them, but don't worry, take care of them, I have already got it. I still remember that it was called Luo. I didn't expect to go to him so soon."

Urki's pupil lit up, and he took a hand and said with surprise.

"Yes! That kid should have this kind of surgery! And the time he got the surgery is much longer than the boss! It will definitely be treated!"

"Well, so don't worry about it, the more you worry, the more likely you are to get into trouble," Chiba said with a smile. "I just didn't expect the appointment to be used so quickly. I want to get more benefits." I am sorry...."

"What are you talking about at the boss? What is the agreement? What are the benefits? I still think about the benefits... I remember you but slammed Luo as a kid, will he promise to help us?"

"He will help us, I can guarantee this."

Chiba sighed.

Wen said that Urki immediately said: "What are we waiting for?! Go find him!"

"Well, although I have to go to him, there is still an account to calculate before."

"Accounting? Who are you looking for?"

"The ‘clown’, Don Quixote de Flamenco.”

When they came out of the sea, it happened to be noon, but now it is already in the evening.

Caesar's boat with the c`c logo floated quietly on the surface of the sea, and far from the ship was an uninhabited island.

Chiba and Urki had already drove the ship to the port of one of the small islands. The location of the port was very hidden. If you didn’t pay attention, you would not find a pirate ship with more than two hundred meters hidden inside. .

The ‘箴言炮’ that pulled the wind on the deck has been raised by Chiba, and the muzzle of ‘箴言炮’ is naturally the ruined ship of Caesar....

Chiba and Urki quietly hid on the deck and looked at the ship from a distance.

Urki regained his gaze and yelled at Caesar. He said with a foul voice: "Boy, you said that Franmingo is coming back, but, man? This has been waiting for half a night! Don't say Dophron Brother, there is not even a pirate around!"

Having Wu Erji hands up, as if we should beat him.

Caesar firmly held his head in his hands and said in a hurry.

"Hey, hey, the 'clown' is definitely coming back! I can really guarantee this! Because I have the method of artificial evil fruit in my hand, he is absolutely impossible to abandon me, if he does not come Will be found by the buyer, the other does not matter, but there are always a few 'clowns' do not dare to provoke the existence."

Urki glanced at Chiba, who slowly nodded.

Urki slammed Caesar on the ground: "I hope that what you said is true. If you don't see it, you will have to throw it into the sea and let you die."

Wen Yan, Caesar quickly showed a smile of pleading: "Don't, don't, I still use it, oh, hehe..."

When he finished, he swallowed and looked at the ‘箴言炮’ that was pulling the wind behind him.

Although Caesar is a little off-line, it is one of Begar Punk's assistants. Naturally, it is impossible to think of it as 'there is no bird to use for the wind.' He can see the power of this gun at a glance. .

Even in the case of Bega Punk, who claims to be 2.7 in the world for 500 years, Caesar does not think that there will be more power than it is.

This is purely a cannon created by the killing of power.

Use this to play ‘clown’....... I’m afraid I have to think about the next master........

As Caesar's eyes continued to float on Chiba, Chiba's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Urchi, look! Dolfranming is coming!"

Caesar also hurriedly turned to look at it, but at the first sight, his face changed.

Urki also glanced at him, but he scratched his head in confusion: "Hey? How can there be two people on the ship, the one wearing the bird hair is Dolfranming, but the other is ivory. who is it?"

“‘Dr.’ Jack?!” Caesar stared at her eyes and looked at the tall figure: “Why is he around the ‘clown’?”.