Chapter 260: Tianzang [subscription]

Chiba slammed the fire fist, forced the five root members back, and immediately took out a bitter, branded surgery, and attacked the flame.

When the flames collapsed, the flames did not burst out of the flame, and it was more than ten meters away.

After suffering and rushing out, Chiba launched the technique of flying thunder, which made him disappear from the place, appearing beside the bitterness, already more than ten meters away.

The five root members saw that Chiba rushed out and left the distance, and could not help but stunned. Without Chiba iu, they would rush out of the encirclement and would get rid of them.

"Absolutely can't let him escape." He said to the members and quickly chased the past to Chiba.

The root members chased the past and wanted to block Chiba. The ministry let him leave here.

Chiba originally thought that it would be easy to leave from here, no one would stop it, but did not expect that, after tens of meters, there are still root members appearing in front.

A root member blocks in front, transports 14 turns to Chakra, and both hands quickly seal and display the Ninjutsu.

"The raft of the hibiscus!"

As she applied Muji Ninjutsu, her arm came forward and immediately spread out the trunk, like a swaying python, attacking Chiba and trying to tie him.

Seeing the other side's display of Muxi Ninjutsu, Chiba slightly stunned and immediately guessed what his identity was.

The root member of this attack is the collection of the Tianzang cultivated by the first generation of fire shadow cells.

For Tianzang, Chiba is still curious, and has some thoughts in his heart.

Tianzang itself is the life body cultivated by the first generation of fire-shadow cells. It is good at hibiscus and ninjutsu. If you can control him, it will be very strong for anyone, and it will be of great help.

"Since I met you here, I will take you down and take it by the way." Chiba said, showing a cold look, facing the attacked trunk, without hesitation, directly rushed over, positive attack.

"Mirror fire!"

Chiba rushed past, or waved his right fist, quickly attacking the past, forming a fire wall, blocking the trunk of the attack.

These very thick trunks, when confronted with such a strong flame, could not compete at all, were directly shattered, and could not hurt Chiba.

Seeing Chiba easily dispels his own attack, and the sky is slightly stunned, revealing a stunned look.

However, his reaction speed is very fast, and he is not afraid of it, and he will soon respond.

He quits backwards, still runs Chakra, his hands are quickly printed, and the Ninjutsu attack is applied.

"The raft, the tree is bound to eternal burial!"

After the chasing of Chakala, it immediately slammed onto the ground and transported Chakra to the ground, causing the ground to tumbling. Numerous large trunks were found from the ground, like countless shots, attacking Chiba to the past. The latter is bound.

If you are bound by these trunks, it is very difficult to break free, and it will be pulled into the ground and completely buried. The power is quite amazing.

Such a ninja is considered to be the most powerful and the most widely attacked ninjutsu. It is not an easy task to resolve such an offensive.

In the face of such an attack, I saw thousands of tree trunks attacked, and Chiba was still very calm, calm and calm, not flustered.

Chiba pulled out the devil's knife and weep, and launched a blazing flame, lingering over the blade.

"Fire burning city Guo!"

Chiba is not polite, waving the devil's weeping in the hand and slamming it out, causing the blazing flame to erupt, like countless beasts slamming and rushing toward the surrounding trunk.

With the violent flames, the trunks that were explored were immediately wrapped in flames, burned quickly, turned into ashes, and wanted to attack Chiba, the difficulty was very large.

A bitterness rushed out of the flame and came to the sky.

Seeing that there was no such attack, Tianzang suddenly rose up, and there was a bad feeling. Without hesitation, he quickly retraced and pulled away.

However, just in a flash of time, Chiba appeared in front of him, and he started the shaving, and it was an acceleration. He approached him and made him have no way to escape.

Chiba does not want to kill the sky, but just wants to take him, and then slowly control him, let him play.

Therefore, Chiba did not kill the enemy, launched the armed color domineering, wrapped the left fist, and rushed to the sky.

Even though Tianzang condensed a wooden shield and resisted the fists that had been bombarded, the power of this punch was very strong, which made Tianzang fly out, the body rolled on the ground, and fell a few meters before it stopped.

Chiba will not give Tianzang a chance to fight back, it will only waste more time, he will not have this patience.

He continued to pursue the past, and it was a round of onslaught of Tianzang, which made Tianzang unable to parry, and soon became unconscious and unconscious.

After the stunned day, Chiba did not hesitate to lift the sky and immediately rushed to the distance.

Although the five root members pursued it and did not want to let go of Chiba easily, but with their strength, they could not compete with Chiba at all, and they did not even have the strength to retain people.


When Chiba was rushing forward, he turned around and launched a mirror fire, blocking the path of chasing, blocking the five root members, and spending more time trying to chase it.

At the Huo Ying office building, I participated in the group of Muye and Iwicun village peace talks, and suddenly received the root members to report the attack on the base, and could not help but move.

Such a thing is very important for the group, and it must not be delayed. Otherwise, I don’t know how much damage I will suffer.

The group did not hesitate and found an excuse to leave the meeting room.

Anyway, this important thing is hosted by Fei Fei and Mu Ye, and there will be no difference. Even if he does not attend the meeting, there will be no problem and no impact.

In this case, the most important thing is to rush back to the base and organize the people who invaded the base.

"Who is the attack on the root base?" After the group went out of the meeting room, he immediately opened his mouth and sipped, showing his anger and being unable to calm down.

The guards of the leaves can be said to be very good, especially if the roots are stronger, but this will happen. Some people even sneak into the village and attack the root base. This is a very serious matter, and it must not be careless. .