Chapter 229: Killing [seeking automatic, full order]

"It doesn't matter what kind of ninjutsu you use. The important thing is that you are defeated by me and fall into my hands." Chiba looked at the half-hidden, jokingly, revealing a mocking smile.

For a few decades, he was defeated by a teenager and fell into the hands of the other party.

However, even if he does not accept it, there is no way because he has no ability to escape, and he has no ability to change the result.

"Chiba, we can talk about it, if you let me go, no matter what requirements you have, I can satisfy you, whether it is ninja or wealth, I will give it to you." Half hidden does not say threatening words, but Directly bribe Chiba, I hope the other party will be tempted.

Half-Tibe now understands exactly what the situation is, knows how his own situation is, does not threaten Chiba’s capital, and can save his life from the other side. It is already very rare.

Moreover, although Chiba is only a teenager, but she is resourceful and very sophisticated, and wants to fool him, it is basically impossible, and it takes a lot of wind-risk.

"Oh, as long as I kill you, your collection of ninja scrolls, and the wealth that will be gathered, will fall into my hands, do I still need to get it from you?" Chiba said disdainfully, Half-hidden is really stupid.

"Don't we talk about it, can you spare me a life?" The ice on the half-hidden body melted completely, and the body was able to move freely, but the heart fell into the hands of Chiba, still dare not move, even the idea of ​​running away .

After all, Chiba controls his heart and holds his life and death. As long as he crushes his heart, he can easily erase him.

"I feel that you are begging for mercy with me. There is absolutely no need for it. Because you are destined to die today, there will be no suspense." Chiba said coldly, his eyes are firm and there will be no change.

As he said, his left hand squeezed the heart hard, causing a painful feeling in the semi-hidden, making a scream, falling to the ground and holding the heart.

Chiba walked forward and came to the semi-Tibetan side. He still felt pain in the latter, and there was no way to avoid the attack. He did not hesitate, waving the devil's weeping in his hand, flashing a glimmer of cold light, passing through the half-hidden throat.

Only the blade crossed, and a half-hidden throat had a wound. The blood was like a warm current. It quickly rushed out and sprayed out like a blooming flower, which looked very glaring.

Half-hidden incredulously licking his neck, feeling the warmth flowing out, his eyes wide, revealing a look of fear.

He has not known how long it is, without the feeling of fear, and now appears again, but he has to face the result of death.

There is no way to change this result. It can only wait for the death to come, waiting for death to take him away, and the time will not be too long.

After the death of the semi-hidden death, Chiba put the half-hidden heart back into his body and helped him to keep a whole body.

Although the semi-Tibetan is dead, as long as the corpse is preserved, it can play a role. At least when the long door is made, it can be used.

Half-hidden is a shadow-level powerhouse. If you use his body to make it a shackle, then the strength will definitely be strong, even if it is not as strong as it is alive, at least not too bad.

Moreover, through the reincarnation of the eye, the strength will not be weakened, and it can be largely flat.

After solving the semi-hidden, Chiba did not squat, but rushed to other battlefields, joined the battle, and killed these rains.

The rainy forbearance of the members of the Xiao organization, there is enough confidence, can compete with the members of the Xiao organization, but when you see the emergence of Chiba, you know that the semi-Tibetan has been defeated.

For them, the half-hidden but the **** of the rain country is also their god. It is their spiritual pillar. If the half-hidden is defeated, they will be greatly affected. The morale will be greatly affected and they will not continue to fight. Go on.

They understand in their hearts that if they continue to fight, there is only one result, that is, they are killed and the second situation does not occur.


Naiwan Pill learned that the semi-Tibetan was defeated. Even after the death of the war, there was no thought of a little fighting. The first one retreated and did not want to stay here, lest he should be left here and become a dead person.

Although Naiwan Pill is relatively taboo, but when Semi-Tibet is defeated, he will not have that idea. The first idea is to save his life and not want to die here.

····· ask for flowers····

Naiwanwan understands that half-hidden is defeated or strangled, representing the cause of the semi-hidden work, which will be captured by the Xiao organization, and there is no other result.

As for the rain and tolerance that followed the semi-hidden, if you choose to abandon the darkness, join the Xiao organization and work for the Xiao organization, then you can save a life.

Naiwan Pill feels that even if he surrenders, he still can't save his life, or he will be killed, so he will retreat decisively. Maybe he can save his life. If he can't leave the country after the rain, at least he can still be happy.

Naiwan Pill turned around and ran towards the distance, wanting to leave.

However, he just ran a few tens of meters, and there was a bitterness around him.


Seeing this bitterness, Naiwan Wan has a very bad feeling in his heart. It seems that this is like a sign of death. Once it appears, there is no way to be spared, and it will pay the price of life.

The next moment, Chiba's figure appeared next to Nai-Yan Pill, without hesitation, a strong punch and went out, attacking the other side.

Moreover, Chiba still launches armed color domineering, wrapped in fists, and the power is even stronger. Even if a giant beast appears in front of him, it will be knocked down by a boxing, and there is no ability to resist.


Seeing the black fist of Chiba attacking, Nai-Yi Wan is like a slap in the face, but it does not react at all, let alone avoid or resist.

He was slammed to the ground and pulled out a mud pit. Half of his face fell into the ground, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out. The bones on his body were broken, and a scream was made, almost coma.

"It seems that your strength is not very good, even my one can not stop, let alone escape." Chiba stood beside Naiwan pill, jokingly said, his eyes became fierce.

"Can you let me go once and spare me a life." Nai Lang pill moved his head, looked up, looked at Chiba, said hard, and begged for mercy from Chiba.

He doesn't want to die here, he wants to stay alive.

Therefore, as long as he can save his life, he is willing to give up all dignity and can bow down. .