The foundation of the whole dragon city is still there, and Yang Hao has arranged 12 arrays in a row.

The heat preservation needle technique to protect the farmland, the heat dissipation array to protect the workshop machinery, the Eternal Maze array outside the city wall, and the guard array, etc.

This kind of arrangement can avoid another sudden attack.

At least make sure that this year we will be fighting for grain.

There is no heat preservation array arranged over the whole city. We should let human beings undergo the baptism of nature and avoid the state of Wu Jinfa's adaptation.

In particular, a spirit gathering array has been set up, which is not far away from the city Lord's house.

Even, according to the level, the outermost can increase the aura concentration by three times, the middle by five times, and the innermost by ten times.

Each level needs different strength to enter.

The outermost one can hold thousands of people. It needs level 4 or above.

It can accommodate 100 people in the middle, which needs yuanyingjing.

The innermost one can accommodate ten people. It needs the nether world!

It's not that the bottom doesn't need it, but that there are genetic agents at the bottom. In addition to continuous wars, we can quickly improve our strength.

Three days, full three days time, Yang Haocai the whole city around, all fixed.

Fang Qingqing, Qin Yao, Cai Jing, etc. assisted Chu Luoluo and others to complete the death statistics as soon as possible.

The reconstruction of homes is certainly not a matter of one person, but mobilization of the whole people.

Even seven or eight year olds are piling up garbage to help adults prepare hot water.

There are also some old people in their 70s and 80s who take part in the daily cooking, drying and so on.

With the participation of all the people and the mobilization of the whole people, the relationship has become much more harmonious.

Every war, every destruction, will bring the human heart closer together.

Fortunately, the grain reserves are enough, and the polluted water resources in the city are completely emptied.

produced the most refined essence of water resources equipment, enough for seventy thousand people to use.

The most shocking news is that during the experiment, good news finally came. With limited resources, we have developed drugs that can inhibit the continued spread of T virus.

That is to say, once you are bitten by a zombie and eat the inhibitor, you will not get sick at all.

It has been tested on cats and dogs, and it really won't continue to get sick. There is no abnormality for three consecutive days.

The next step is to use it on people to see if there will be T virus latency.

When Yang Hao heard the news, he laughed and put forward what happened during his trip.

"When we use white lotus, we can even reverse the zombie into a pure human. However, the strong T virus contained in the body will make them explode in an instant, unable to survive. "

"You this inhibitor, can have some effect, simply suppress T virus in their body completely?"

The whole team saw his reversal.

If we can do that, we will increase the number of human beings by a large margin, and we can solve one of the biggest problems and reduce the number of zombies.

Chen an is very excited about this. Even though his eyes are bloodshot, he still grabs Yang Hao's arm and says quickly:

"Shao Shuai, you can get me some, I want to do the experiment! The success of the inhibitors has proved to be effective against T virus. The next step is to completely crush the T virus! "

His eyes were shining, and he was eager to obtain specimens and conduct experiments.

Yang Hao shook his head and said:

"as you know, all the zombies around Longcheng have been killed. It is extremely difficult to find a living one. Besides, it's time for you to have a rest after the periodical victory

With that, his hand had fallen on the back of his head and slipped to the ground.

Tell Mo Lu way:

"you sleep together, tired for such a long time, that string is loose, there may be problems."

Although Mo Lu is also very sloppy, at least he is not as excited as Chen an and knows when to do something.

Hearing the speech, his face showed a dry smile and said:

"thank you for your understanding. If you don't do it, no one else can persuade you. Now, we can finally have a good rest. "

"By the way, I'll give you one report in the first ten days, and the other is almost the same. When we study T virus, it is some components extracted from Tiandi Zhuguo, which have inhibitory effect. You may be looking for that kind of fruit to see if you can extract more! "

He picked up Chen an and walked to the laboratory.

Yang Hao smashed his mouth and leaned against the wall behind him, looking at their backs.

Heaven and earth Zhuguo, was still greedy snake found, sunspot rushed to grab a bite.

It is a very precious fruit, which can promote the cultivation of human beings.

Such a precious fruit, they should be used to extract medicine.

That is science maniac. If you change it to someone else, you must put it up and improve your strength.

He was hesitating whether to take out one of the Amethyst pitaya and give it to them for experiment.However, there are only 36 pieces of this thing. I gave Xuanyuan dragon one, used one, and ate one by myself. There was not much left.

In case it is useful, it will lead to the appearance of countless old men!

"Is it important for his grandmother to enhance his strength, or is it more important for human beings

Yang Hao's heart is very contradictory, and he goes to the outside.

In some cases, it's hard to make a choice.

Just like Yang Hao at the moment, even though he has made many shocking miracles, he is hard to make up his mind between his own strength and the rise of mankind.

Outside the laboratory, he arranged a large police array to avoid anyone approaching.

As soon as you get close to it, a warning tone will appear immediately to inform the master of the city directly.

This is the hope for the future of mankind, and no mistake is allowed.

Flying in the air, see the dragon city is now poor once power perpetual motion machine, the rest of the majority has been restored to the original level.

In three days, we can achieve this level naturally because there are more than ten thousand warriors in it.

If not, it would be difficult for even modern equipment to do so.

Zombies can't be found nearby. The only way is to go to zhanzhou tens of thousands of meters away.

However, inhibitors have been developed, and even can reverse zombies. It seems too inhumane to use their corpses in this way.

However, Li Longtao, Chu Luoluo and others, seeing him appear in the air, rushed up one after another.

"Commander, most parts of Longcheng have been restored. What can we do if we don't have enough electricity? "

Li Longtao and Li Sihu have chatted with each other during the reconstruction. They know about the reversion of zombies and the concept of perpetual motion machine. It's hard for him to say.

"Marshal, we already know that zombies can be reversed. Even if there is no way now, there will still be a way to make them live in the future. Our perpetual motion machine... "

Chu Luoluo's injuries are not good, but flying is not a big problem, so we can talk about it in the sky.

It can't be known by ordinary people. If we decide to use the zombie perpetual motion machine, it will bring a lot of negative effects to Yang Hao.

The others also looked at Yang Hao, waiting for him to take a notice.