Yang Hao took a curious look. It was one of the middle-aged women on the table in the eastern part of the horse six area.

When she was rescued and cried, she said that her son wanted to protect her.

Now when I see the car smashed, I think of my son. I'm very excited.

Yang Hao thought in a trance that his son was kicked by himself and killed by a zombie. Isn't he looking for revenge?

By her?

Shake your head slightly!

Did she not recognize the current situation and think that she could do anything if she had money and power?

Of course, there is no past. He is not sure whether it is said.

Can't kill a man just because of her words?

A weak woman, want to live in the end of life, but not so simple.

She left with her mouth curled as she drove away with the smashed roof of her Porsche Cayenne. Looking around, there are still 40 or 50 people left in the supermarket.

There are ten girls in the art department, 18 of Chu Lingyun and scattered men and women.

They stand together, waiting for Gu Qingyi's distribution.

But Gu Qingyi's line of sight, then concentrates on Yang Hao body, did not make decisions arbitrarily.

Yang Hao stepped forward and said faintly:

"since you choose to stay, this is your home. We are passers-by. We will leave after a night's rest! We will set up obstacles for the vehicles outside, including the Rolls Royce! "

"There will be thunder mixing outside. No one is allowed to go out at night. Otherwise, they will not be responsible for the explosion!"

"Finally, help my subordinates move the corpses to the south. Otherwise, if you stay for a long time, there will be a plague! "

After he gave the order, people at the scene looked at each other. Qin Yao, a girl from the art department who opened the door for them, stood up and spoke:

"Mr. Yang, we are all students of Jiangzhou vocational and technical college. Please help us guard us. We will cook, we will help carry things, and we will try to adapt to the end of the world

As soon as her voice dropped, all the nine students in the back nodded, indicating that they would do it.

The three strong and four strong Joe left, no one to protect them, will certainly fall into crisis, must strive for.

Yang Hao indifferently looked at them, each dressed very beautiful, is still the pure and beautiful campus.

When evil and evil smile, they say:

"is that right? Then I assigned the task, three people to help cook, the other seven to help carry the zombie! In my team, there are no idle people

If they can't pass the first level, they have to leave!


They were all in a daze. Unexpectedly, they had just expressed their will to go to work?

But, think of Cai Jing teacher's words very quickly, young commander's words is heaven, must obey!

Otherwise, it won't work!

Immediately frowned and agreed:

"yes, young commander! Let's group up at once

Qin Yao immediately assigned the task, it is estimated that it is the monitor, very authoritative.

Soon, the three weakest girls were assigned to cook with Ye Fenghua.

The other seven people, from the next pile of clothes, picked up the dirty ones and put them on, and immediately went out to help.

Just out of the supermarket door, I saw all kinds of zombies outside. They were either missing half of their heads or all over their wounds. All of them were in strange shapes. Ten girls were vomiting.

Adapt to the end of the world, not just talk about it.

Few zombies they saw were so miserable. There was always a process of relief.

However, the people in the supermarket did not pay attention to them. Chu Lingyun stepped forward, bowed his hands and said:

"this Marshal, our family didn't plan to stay here for a long time. We were ready to leave. Just can you follow your motorcade and never disturb your life

He just wants Yang Hao and others to be free bodyguards, but he doesn't want to bear any danger.

In this regard, Gu Qingyi and Cai Jing both curl their lips, feeling that the old guy is too chicken thief.

It's worthwhile to be the chairman of the board.

Yang Hao shook his head slightly and said:

"since you don't disturb me, I won't pay attention to you. It's up to you to decide what to make. Don't tell me! Now, you have to help with the zombies. "

Don't pay a price, just want to follow?

Are you kidding?

Chu Lingyun long breath, as long as let follow, will find a good gathering place, develop their own sky.

As for helping, isn't it a piece of cake?

Hastily nodded to promise: "that is nature, that is nature!"

Then, he immediately told the bodyguard behind him:

"you san, lead all the bodyguards, and help immediately!"

Even he changed his clothes and went to help. There were only five women left.

Two old women and three beautiful young girls.

Each skin is tight and can be broken by blowing bullets. The old one is properly maintained and the young one is very beautiful.No wonder some of them have guns, but they are willing to guard their families. The three girls are comparable to Cai Jing.

It's just that the dress is more exquisite, the clothes fit well, and the price is high.

The remaining ten odd people, six of them escaped from Ma Liu's hands, and the men and women of the fourth team were hungry for a long time.

Still very weak at the moment, sitting against the shelf, eyes turning on them.

Yang Hao didn't care much about himself. He took Gu Qingyi's two daughters and went outside to deal with the corpse.

Close to 30 people, six of them were Hercules. It took a full hour to clean up.

Seven girls in the Department of fine arts throw up all over their bodies with black liquid. If they take one more step, they will feel faint.

I've never had such a high-intensity exercise. It's really hard.

Cai Jing seldom opens her mouth and asks them to go to the bathroom first.

She wants to pull a few women and stand on her side to avoid Gu Qingyi surpassing her.

Yang Hao and others, do not know her idea at all, according to the routine of Li Longtao, drive the vehicles around the scene, and arrange them into the iron barrel array.

At least a hundred cars, stacked around each other, form a labyrinth, blocking the outside.

Inside is Yang Hao's motorcade, and Chu Lingyun's ten cars are also full of food and water.

Two of them are trailers and one is an oil tanker.

Rolls Royce, good as it is, has been abandoned and replaced by off-road vehicles.

This arrangement is very useful for zombies without wisdom. If it's human, it's a few steps away.

All over, ye Fenghua and others also set the meal, and 24 people sat down one after another and ate it.

The Chu family cooked food with supermarket ingredients, which was relatively delicious.

Only the remaining 16 people, each squatting in the corner, chewing bread, drinking milk.

Very envious looking at Yang Hao and others, in the field, reward, research how to shoot, how to survive in the last world.

Ten new girls have aroused the interest of several men and helped a lot.

However, the meal time is not long, less than half an hour, all over.

Exercise, sleep, sleep.

Li Longtao became a coach and taught everyone how to shoot.

After struggling for three hours, all the people found a relatively safe corner and slept.

Chu family also gradually fell into silence, only 14 scattered people, from time to time wake up, difficult to sleep.

Can see the southern side of the wasteland, a piece of fire, lit up the supermarket inside.

In the middle of the night, there was an explosion outside.