Chapter 4998

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
鈥渉aha 锛岃 岀殑榫欑煶 岀殑榫欑煶 岀殑榫欑煶 浣庤捣姝ラ兘鏄簩榫欑煶锛屾垜浠鍙戜 浣庤捣姝ラ兘鏄簩榫欑煶锛屾垜浠鍙戜 浣庤捣姝ラ兘鏄簩榫欑煶锛屾垜浠鍙戜 浣庤捣姝ラ兘鏄簩榫欑煶锛屾垜浠鍙戜 浣庤捣姝ラ兘鏄簩榫欑煶锛屾垜浠鍙戜 浣庤捣姝ラ兘鏄簩榫欑煶锛屾垜浠鍙戜

镞犻绛変汉閮借緢楂桦叴锛屽ぇ澶у挧鍜aid with a smile 锛岄偅镞犻鐩厜涓€纴纴纴佸埌涓佸埌涓鍧楃綍鍧楃綍夐緳鐭 纴 纴 嬫帉浼 嬫帉浼 嬫帉浼 嚭锛屾兂瑕侀嗈 嚭锛屾兂瑕侀嗈 嗗嚭鏉ワ紒


浠栨姮鐪 竴鐪嬶 竴鐪嬶 鈥沧垜鍕掍 鈥沧垜鍕掍 铡 Ling Ling Lin Ling 锛佲€

浠栬 绱 缁欎 缁欎 L L Lin Ling 锛宭aughed 阆掳 鈥滀綘鍏堢湅涓婄殑锛屽綊浣狅紒鈥


瑙佺姸锛屾棤Yun鈥檈r 浠栦滑椤挎椂绗戦獋涓€澹帮紒

Lin Ling 涔熸槸涓 绗 绗 绗 绗 纴灏嗛偅涓夐緳鐭 纴灏嗛偅涓夐緳鐭 嗕 嗕 嗕 嗕 湪鍗佸叓榫椤 湪鍗佸叓榫椤 湪鍗佸叓榫椤 湪鍗佸叓榫椤 湪鍗佸叓榫椤 湪鍗佸叓榫椤岀劧 屽湪杩欓噷鍗撮亶鍦 屽湪杩欓噷鍗撮亶鍦 兘鏄纴 兘鏄纴 兘鏄纴 兘鏄纴 湰娌 粈涔堜 粈涔堜 粈涔堜 粈涔堜 阅 阅 阅锛

Ling 鍒 垰灏嗛緳鐭 垰灏嗛緳鐭 嗭纴 Lin Ling 绐佺劧frowned 夊埌 夊埌 夊埌 夊埌 夊埌 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 ura ura ura ura ura 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧湁浜鸿鏉ヤ鏉ヤ简锛佲€

镞燳un鈥檈r 浠栦滑椤挎椂鐩厜锲涢[锛岃劯鑹查殢钖庝竴鍙桡细鈥沧槸灏佺┐涓€镞忕殑姝oung Master 浠栦滑锛佲€


Lin Ling

鈥滈偅姝oung Master 旋 槸 6th Layer 锏 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 threshold threshold 跺垱瀹囧疄锷涚浉 threshold 跺垱瀹囧疄锷涚浉 dang! 鈥

镞燳un鈥檈r 鑴歌壊鍑濋吨锛气渕ost important 锛屽皝绌翠竴镞忎笌鎴戜滑涓涓鐗欐棌鐗欐棌纴浠栦纴浠栦纴浠栦纴浠栦濡囨潵锛屽鍗婃槸涓嶅畨濂 囨潵锛屽鍗婃槸涓嶅畨濂 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 锛佲

鈥淗ahaha 锛屾棤椋庯纴 佸埌鎴戞灏侊纴浣犲眳鐒 佸埌鎴戞灏侊纴浣犲眳鐒 佸埌鎴戞灏侊纴浣犲眳鐒 缮涓嶈 缮涓嶈 锛佲

杩欐椂锛屼竴阆揿ぇ绗戜箣澹€紶鏉ワ纴鍙︼灏佺┐涓oung Master 鏀 浜呜剼姝ワ纴鑳岃礋鍙屾 浜呜剼姝ワ纴鑳岃礋鍙屾 浜呜剼姝ワ纴鑳岃礋鍙屾潵锛气沧墍璋揺nemies on a narrow road 锛屼粖澶╀綘浠篃绠梚nsert wings hard to fly 浜 鈥


镞犻furiously shouted 锛屼笌姝oung Master 娌”皯鎺ヨЕ锛岀煡阆揿悗皯鎺ヨЕ锛岀煡阆揿悗呯殑瀹炲姏锛屾洿鐭ラ呯殑瀹炲姏锛屾洿鐭ラ呯殑瀹炲姏锛屾洿鐭ラ钖庤呮仺涓嶅缑鏉呮仺涓嶅缑鏉浠栦浠栦哄揩锛

寰€宁革纴 chain夌潃涓€鐗欐棌Senior 鍦纴杩欐Young Master 杩树笉鏁贡鏉ワ纴濡备粖娌浼桽简浼桽enior 鍦纴鍙堟槸澶勪簬杩欑鍦版锛屼粬浠皯涓崭锛屼粬浠皯涓崭锛屼粬浠皯涓崭涓涓鐣︷夯鐑鐣︷夯鐑

鈥滃樋鍢匡纴鏄皝insert wings hard to fly 锛岀洰鍓嶈缮纭畾涓崭 wings 锛佲 锛佲

镞犻鍐风瑧锛屽张瀵圭潃镞燳un鈥檈r 浠栦 撶溂鑹诧纴鎻愰啋浠栦 撶溂鑹诧纴鎻愰啋浠栦 撶溂鑹诧纴鎻愰啋浠栦 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 鎭 鎭 鎭 鎭 鎭 鎭 鎭 鎭

Hōng lóng lóng !

涓庢钖屾椂锛岃 楦 紶鏉ワ纴鍙︼闾 d紶鏉ワ纴鍙︼闾fYoung Master 宸茬粡take action 浜嗭纴浠栦竴鎺屾愧鍑 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 golden light 鐠€鐠纴灏佸嵃Heaven and Earth 鑸紒

“Get back!”

镞犻full strength 鐖嗗彂锛屽弻鎷 墦浜嗗嚭铡 墦浜嗗嚭铡 纴涓ょ栌涓囦嚎绁炰箣锷涘啿鍑 屽嚭锛 屽嚭锛


Ear-splitting 镄勮 paddle 楦e0鍝嶈捣锛岄偅golden 镄勭灞辫鎽ф越锛屼笉杩囧緢鏄锛屼笉杩囧緢鏄oung Master 镙规湰娌°C湁full strength 锛

Xiu xiu xiu!

涓庢钖屾椂锛屽崄鍑犻死 silhouette 鍑虹幇鍦╝ around around 锛屽皢浼椾汉锲村圹浜呜捣鏉ワ紒

缁嗙粏鐪嫔幓锛岃 浜涗 浜涗 镄勫疄锷涢兘鏄绾 镄勫疄锷涢兘鏄绾 畤瀹椤 畤瀹椤 绁濵 ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle ddle 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 寮哄ぇ澶

Key 岃 岃 岃 power power power power power power ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell

鈥滆缮鏁(一)彛纭纴涔熺船锛屽氨璁╂垜鐪嬬湅浣犱滑杩欎簺涓€鐗欐棌junior chain 夊浜嗕笉璧峰惂锛佲

姝oung Master 浠 浠 鎺屾 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鑸纴绗戠湳鐪阆掳 鈥沧棤 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕 镞犵堕寮 浜嗭纴杩涘叆鍦 浜嗭纴杩涘叆鍦 闄靛娣卞锛屽浠婏纴鍙 闄靛娣卞锛屽浠婏纴鍙 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜嗗惂锛佲 浜嗗惂锛佲 浜嗗惂锛佲 浜嗗惂锛佲

“take action !”

闅忓悗锛屼粬鍙峰雕浼梡owerhouse take action 锛气滃皢浠栦滃皢浠栦滃皢浠栦鍏ㄩ儴鏉浜嗭紒鈥

鍦╔NUMXth Layer 锛宱rdinary 绁炴棌锛屼絾鏄镞忔潃绁炴棌鍗€绁炴棌锛屼絾鏄镞忔潃绁炴棌鍗存槸寰堟宁哥殑浜嬶紒

“Everyone is careful!”

镞燳un鈥檈r 鍙槺涓 澹 澹 澹 澹       Young Master 浜嗭紒

鍙︼濂 弻 弻 弻 嬭垶锷纴灏嗙涔嫔姏璋冨姩锛屾洿鍌彂鍑哄畤瀹欐潵锛屽弻灞傛敾鍑 嬭垶锷纴灏嗙涔嫔姏璋冨姩锛屾洿鍌彂鍑哄畤瀹欐潵锛屽弻灞傛敾鍑 嬭垶锷纴灏嗙涔嫔姏璋冨姩锛屾洿鍌彂鍑哄畤瀹欐潵锛屽弻灞傛敾鍑 灞傜 灞傜 灞傜 灞傜Dark Master  Young Master Key 屽幓锛


“such insignificant ability !”

姝oung Master 鍙屾 寮犲紑锛岀涔嫔姏鍖栦綔澶 噺瀹忎纻镄勭灞憋纴镫犵嫚鎾炲 噺瀹忎纻镄勭灞憋纴镫犵嫚鎾炲 鍓嶆 鍓嶆 屽嚭锛 key

Bang bang bang!

杞 鎸佺 鎸佺 鎸佺 main main main main main hall 鍒 閮 閮 槸鎴樻枟锛屽惁鍒栾 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 岀殑鎴樻枟镞╁ 钖浜虹殑娉ㄦ剰浜嗭紒

鍙︼golden 绁炲北鎾炲湪purple plate torch 皵涓纴闾d簺 plate 皵灞呯劧 瀹炶 瀹炶 瀹炶 瀹炶 瀹炶 鍖栬埇锛屼笉鏂湪鎽 鍖栬埇锛屼笉鏂湪鎽 鍖栬埇锛屼笉鏂湪鎽 绁炲 绁炲 绁炲 绁炲 绁炲 绁炲屼笉杩噂olden 绁炲北鏄剧劧旋村帀瀹充竴鍒嗭纴purple plate 皵鍧氭寔涓崭 澶 澶 澶


镞燳un鈥檈r expression 涓€鍑濓纴璋冨姩鍏ㄩ儴绁炰箣锷涘鎶楋紒



Hōng lóng lóng !

涓ゆ楠镄刡attle 撶殑姘 撶殑姘 鐏儹锛屾棤姣 鐏儹锛屾棤姣 鐏儹锛屾棤姣 鐏儹锛屾棤姣 鐑堬紒 鐑堬紒

镞犻浠栦 浜 浜 浜 浜 劧 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 锛屼絾瀹炲姏寮 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴 鍒嗭纴

鈥渉ehe 锛岃 涔埚浜 涔埚浜 篃鎸 篃鎸 笉浣忔垜浠崄鍑犱 笉浣忔垜浠崄鍑犱 笉浣忔垜浠崄鍑犱 笉浣忔垜浠崄鍑犱 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四


粖锛屽粖锛屽粖锛屽 ammonia绛夋棤Yun鈥檈r 琚玱bliterate 鍏埚惂锛

鈥沧棤Yun鈥檈r 锛屼綘闀 殑寰堟纾浜纴鑻ラ潪浣犳槸涓 鐗欐棌镄勪 鐗欐棌镄勪 Master Young Master 杩樼湡涓嶆兂ruthless hand destroy flowers 鍟婏紒鈥

姝oung Master 鏄 缑娓 缑娓 垉 垉 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫 埌浜哫Yun鈥檈r 锛

鈥沧Young Master 锛屼綘濡傛楠勫偛镊Arc Award Award

镞燳un鈥檈r 瀵熻鍒 澶 澶 澶 殑铡嫔姏锛屽埆镄勪笉璇 纴涓夌栌浜 纴涓夌栌浜 纴涓夌栌浜 纴涓夌栌浜 柌浜庡 柌浜庡 柌浜庡 柌浜庡 柌浜庡 柌浜庡

涓や汉鎴樻枟浜嗘暟锏鎴樻枟浜嗘暟锏鎴樻枟浜嗘暟锏洖钖堬纴鑻ラ潪鍦鍩庣鍧氱‖锛屼鍧氱‖锛屼璁¤璁¤璁¤屾棭灏辫exploded 浜嗭紒

“Go to death, nine characters sealed!”

At this time, Wu Young Master grasped the opportunity, his hands frequently moved, and made a mysterious imprint. After being merged into his body, a fierce attack broke out!

I saw that no Yun’er was surrounded by nine golden mountains, and the encirclement was in it, and the nine mountains were going to kill without Yun’er!

“Not good, counted!”

No Yun’er complexion big change, if it is sealed in it, it is estimated that it will take off a layer of skin!

She now knows thoroughly how powerful the 6th Layer is!


At this time, a dazzling sword came, and she shot from the left side, under a sword, and there was a crack in a mountain of God!


Nawu Young Master complexion slightly changed, his nine-character seal points, end to end, this is not just a mountain, but nine!

Someone comes to be able to take out the cracks of the mountain, which shows how terrifying the strength!

And the person taking the action is Lin Ling!

He used the sword of faith, but this can cut off all the swords, and now it is constantly the golden mountain!

This undoubtedly surprised him!

6th Layer Top 100, it seems that they are really isn’t have an undeserved reputation!

“Lin Ling !”

No Yun’er see Lin Ling around, a happy heart!

“Hurry up and get out of here!”

Lin Ling sees a sword can not break the mountain, knowing that if it is sealed by the nine gods, the next game is afraid of nine deaths yet one life still!

“My nine-character seal, you can come when you want to come, you want to go and leave!”

Nawu Young Master screams Hah!


But at this time, Lin Ling punched out, terrifying fists seemed to be open-minded, and the mountain of the mountain was back!

Later, Lin Ling took out the nine-character seal with no Yun’er. At this moment, Lin Ling also noticed that the so-called nine-character seal is actually mixed with many forces, with the power of God and the power of the universe. A unique body with a family of seals!