Chapter 4958

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
鈥沧滠锛孡in Ling 锛熶笘鐣屾剰蹇楀瘎浣掳纻鈥

鎷嶅崠浼 墠涓 墠涓 鐗囨 鐗囨 鐩厜 鐩厜 watched Lin Ling 锛屾姝 悳瀵荤潃锛

Chain缁堥兘鏄惤鍦↙in Ling 韬笂锛屾瘯绔熷湪鍦哄洓浜 纴 纴 € € 廘 Ling in Ling 镄勮帿杩囦簬锏 彂鐢 彂鐢 瓙浜嗭紒

鈥淟in Ling 鏄皝锛熲€

褰撶劧锛屼篃 変 変 Ling in Ling 锛岃鍏 粬浜 粬浜 竴鑴 竴鑴 竴鑴

鈥淟in Ling 锛岄 濉斿墠鍑犲眰鍑哄悕镄勪 濉斿墠鍑犲眰鍑哄悕镄勪 灞 灞 灞 灞 灞 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰 鎴愰In Ling 寰埚嚭钖嶏紒鈥

Someone said.

鈥滃垏锛屼 鈥滃垏锛屼 鎴戜 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅 镄勫疄锷涳纴鑻ュ幓阆揿鍓嶅

鈥滆 Umbrella 浣犲 浣犲 钖э纴浠栧湪 钖э纴浠栧湪 3rd Layer 鐏 simple threshold rudder

鈥滃惉璇村湪5th Layer 锛屼粬鐏 鍑犲ぇ绁炴棌镄勫垎閮纴绉 涅 X 5th Layer 锛屽叾涓 変竾娴 chain 変竾娴 棌浜嗭紒鈥

鈥滆 屼笖锛屼 屼笖锛屼 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 槸涓栫晫镒忓 槸涓栫晫镒忓

涓 阒 阒 氦璋堜箣澹 氦璋堜箣澹 in in in in in in cold breath 涔嫔 0锛

阆揿鍓嶅 阆揿鍓嶅 阆揿鍓嶅 阆揿鍓嶅 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 娈碉纴杩椤苟涓嶅镐纴 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸 镄勬槸

粖镄勯 粖镄勯 粖镄勯 濉斾箣涓纴璋佹暍杩欎箞 濉斾箣涓纴璋佹暍杩欎箞 纻 纻 纻

鈥滆呖浜庡彟澶栦笁浜 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 涔熸槸涓栫晫镒忓 涔熸槸涓栫晫镒忓 涔熸槸涓栫晫镒忓

杩欎 镞跺 镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 寮 寮 濮嬮偅椋樻 濮嬮偅椋樻 濮嬮偅椋樻 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 啀搴 纴 纴 纴 纴 watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch曟亶鐒 锛 锛

闅 ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 瀹炲姏杩欎箞寮 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 鏉ワ纴浠栦 鏉ワ纴浠栦 鏉ワ纴浠栦


璁 浜哄 浜哄 鎯 鎯 鎯 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩 眹钖埚晩!

Key 屼笘鐣屾剰蹇楀瘎浣掳纴瀹 is a acne

鍒湅濡 粖寰埚皯浜 粖寰埚皯浜 粖寰埚皯浜 粖寰埚皯浜 悊浼 悊浼 悊浼 悊浼 悊浼 悊浼 悊浼 悊浼伃杩囦笘镄勶紒

Key 屽浠婏纴姣忎 浜 浜 浜 浜 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濋兘鍦ㄩ 濉斾箣椤讹纴璁や 濉斾箣椤讹纴璁や 濉斾箣椤讹纴璁や 濉斾箣椤讹纴闾 濉斾箣椤讹纴闾 濉斾箣椤讹纴闾 濉斾箣椤讹纴闾瀵 姊涓栫晫镒忓 姊涓栫晫镒忓 镄勫姏 忥紒

Gallium 浠ワ纴浜 浠ワ纴浜 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗 嶆笎娓愬缮鍗


鈥淟in Ling 锛屾湁浜 毚 毚 毚 嚭鎴戜 嚭鎴戜 嚭鎴戜 嚭鎴戜

姝ゅ埢锛岄緳濞樿劯鑹 哜 嶃 嶃

Lin Ling nodded 锛屼粬 chain 镐曡 浠 浠 浠 锛屾瘯绔燂纴阆揿 NUM NUM 6th Layer chain 夊お澶歱 owerhouse 浜嗭纴绱娲炰笉杩囨槸鍐 涓 涓€瑙掕€屽凡锛岃嫢浠栦滑镄勮韩浠芥毚暗诧纴闾e皢寮曟潵旋镄刾镄刾owerhouse 锛

浠朣oul Force 勭劧寮ユ 勭劧寮ユ 屽嚭锛屼笉鏂湪镆ユ帰锛岄殢钖庡彂鐜 屽嚭锛屼笉鏂湪镆ユ帰锛岄殢钖庡彂鐜 屽嚭锛屼笉鏂湪镆ユ帰锛岄殢钖庡彂鐜 纴璇 纴璇 纴璇 纴璇 纴璇 纴璇

灞呯劧鏄竴钖嶅コ瀛愶纴绌 潃 black robe 锛屽緢鏄绉桡紒

Most important 锛屽ス韬笂 chain 愭棌镄勪竴鍒囩壒寰侊纴杩欐剰 愭棌镄勪竴鍒囩壒寰侊纴杩欐剰 愭棌镄勪竴鍒囩壒寰侊纴杩欐剰 潃锛屽鏂 潃锛屽鏂 潃锛屽鏂 潃锛屽鏂 潃锛屽鏂 槸 槸 愭棌镄勪


浣嗘槸锛孡in Ling 鍙埚彂鐜 纴杩椤コ瀛愮殑瀹炲姏寰埚 纴杩椤コ瀛愮殑瀹炲姏寰埚 锛屽 澶 澶 澶 Ling Ling in Ling full strength 鐖嗗彂锛屼絾涔焌bsolutely not瀵 锛 锛


Lin Ling 鍙埚榫椤浠栦 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮

涓ゅぇ绁炴棌锲村圹锛岃 Umbrella 灏 畻浜嗭纴 畻浜嗭纴 湁闅愯棌鍦ㄦ殚澶勭殑 湁闅愯棌鍦ㄦ殚澶勭殑 湁闅愯棌鍦ㄦ殚澶勭殑 湁闅愯棌鍦ㄦ殚澶勭殑

鈥渉aha 锛屼綘灏 槸Lin Ling 锛屼笂娆¤嫢鏄绁栫煡阆 綘鍦ㄨ 綘鍦ㄨ 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 鏀 鏀阌栾 浜嗭紒鈥

杩欎 镞跺 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 摱鍒涘畤涓 摱鍒涘畤涓 澹皊 id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id

鎴栬锛屼粬涔熺煡阆揕in Ling 浠h〃镌€浠€涔堬纴姝やnegative threshold rudder village 澶佛澶ф晫锛岃嫢浠栬兘鎶揿埌锛屼唬琛ㄧ潃浠栦箖鏄摱 chain peak 姛镊 d simple

“Lin Ling, I remember the one in the 5th Layer that broke my Wanhai good things!”

That 10,000 elder is also cold watched Lin Ling.

The eyes of the two protoss seem to be watching prey. If they say that they want to catch Lin Ling’s mind is one hundred, now it is one thousand!

“Million elder, this Lin Ling is the number one wanted criminal of our Silvermoon family, others can give it to you, but Lin Ling must belong to me!”

Yin Chuangyu looked at Wan Elder Road.

Wan elder frowned, where is the heart to promise, but think of Lin Ling silver Banqiao Branch Clan, he finally compromised!

Kill the family!

No one can swallow this breath!

He can’t grab the silver moon!

“The other three world will be the body, I want it!”

Wanelder made his own request!

“it is good!”

Yin Chuangyu coldly smiled, and looked at Lin Ling. “Lin Ling, you have been hiding for so many years, and now you are finally exposed. I can tell you, at this moment, you will spend the day, 6th Layer is yours. Nightmare, no one will help you!”

When I heard this, many people nodded secretly. 6th Layer is the territory of the Protoss. Lin Ling, after their identity is exposed, there is no helper, no backstage, even if they can escape today, but they can’t escape tomorrow!

What’s more, Lin Ling can’t escape today!

And many people believe that the news spread in the purple wind cave, Lin Ling their days will be more difficult!

“Lin Ling, this time, do you think you can escape?”

Yin Chuangyu said again: “Forgot to tell you, I am the seventh son of Yin Chuangyu, the silver moon god, the young master of the eternal killing of the silver master is the ninth son, we are all silver moon gods A glimpse of the moonlight, you have now killed our Branch Clan and killed the son of Old Ancestor, you know how much sin you committed!”

“Lin Ling !”

Lei Gong looked at Lin Ling and looked for Lin Ling.

“In today’s situation, only full strength can be rushed out of the encirclement, but I am skeptical, even if it rushed into the auction, the news of our identity exposure, the auction is estimated to be unable to keep us, our next target is eighteen Longshan!”

Lin Ling quietly passed Sound Dao, then the fire was fully open, not to say a word, flying to the silver Chuangyu!

His Lin Ling universe, innate talent fusion, Pan Gu, and even a slightly restored universe of three poles all burst!

Most important, he also appeared in the hands of the rays of light, quietly condense into a sword!

The sword of faith!


People are stunned by Lin Ling’s choice. At this time, Lin Ling actually took the initiative to attack?

You know, after the arrival of the two major protoss, it is the powerhouse with the God Stage giant god Middle Stage!

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Wan Elder disdain, in his opinion, Lin Ling is walking right into a trap!

That silver Chuangyu did not fear, the body shape shook, sprinkled countless moonlight, suddenly turned into a huge moonlight giant!

His power of God reached two hundred and eight hundred hundred thousand!

The most terrifying is that his universe is also five realms, and has a powerful body!

This kind of god makes all attacks impossible. Unless it is a powerful force of God, you can’t hurt him!


People have witnessed the powerful power of Yin Chuangyu, and they have changed!


Silver Chuangyu, the moonlight of silver is like snow, but it also emits a metal-like voice!

“Lin Ling, do you know how to write the word “courting death”?”

He also has enough domineering to say this!

A silhouette came, and it was getting closer and closer to Yin Chuangyu. It was Lin Ling, and the silver light of Yin Chuangyu also shot at Lin Ling!

What is shocking is that Lin Ling has a strong cosmic protection that blocks most of the silver light, and even if there is a silver light running through the universe, it falls on Lin Ling, but it is blocked by his powerful fleshly body. !

That fleshly body, like the Vajra iron block, is ignoring the power of God!

You know, this is the power of God in the Middle Stage of the god-class cosmic giant!