Chapter 4728

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
杩栾鏄庯纴榛勫笣breakthrough 涔嫔悗锛岀涔嫔姏鎻愬崌浜嗕竴chain嶏紒

Key 屼笖锛岃 杩樻槸榛勫笣鍒 杩樻槸榛勫笣鍒 垰 垰 breakthrough 镄勫 锲狅纴鑻ュ啀缁欎篑涓 浜涙椂闂 浜涙椂闂 浜涙椂闂 纴绁炰箣锷涜缮鑳 纴绁炰箣锷涜缮鑳 纴绁炰箣锷涜缮鑳

鈥淲orthy is 榛勫笣锛佲€

闾ld man complexion slightly changed 锛屼粬宸茬粡breakthrough 鍑犱嚎骞 锛岀劧 锛岀劧 锛岀劧 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 垰 垰 垰 垰 垰 垰 垰 垰涓娄粬浜嗭纴链夋鍙涓ゆ楠镄勫樊璺濓紒

鈥滈粦 扥 扥 Ancestor 锛屾垜浠姪浣狅紒鈥

镞佽 镄勪袱浣嶅畤瀹椤 镄勪袱浣嶅畤瀹椤 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵 绁炵殕鏄痵

浠栦 钖屾椂 钖屾椂 cultivation 涓 绉嶅姏 绉嶅姏 绉嶅姏 鎷呰瀺钖堣捣鏉ワ纴锷涢噺姣斿叾浠栫绁楃殑镵旀 鎷呰瀺钖堣捣鏉ワ纴锷涢噺姣斿叾浠栫绁楃殑镵旀 鎷呰瀺钖堣捣鏉ワ纴锷涢噺姣斿叾浠栫绁楃殑镵旀 寮哄ぇ澶 寮哄ぇ澶 寮哄ぇ澶 寮哄ぇ澶 寮哄ぇ澶 寮哄ぇ澶

“Yellow Emperor Lord!”

镓€ chain 変汉閮界剑镐ヨ捣鏉ワ紒

浠栦 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 锛岃嫢榛勫笣鎴樿 锛岃嫢榛勫笣鎴樿 锛岃嫢榛勫笣鎴樿 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

鈥滃畤瀹橝ncient Clan 锛宐lessed by heaven 锛屽疄锷涙瘮鎴戜滑杩欎簺绁炵寮哄ぇ澶浜嗭紒鈥

鈥沧槸鍟婏纴鎴戜滑鏉ヨ嚜Great Desolate era 锛岃翻鍙 ra 锛屼紬绁瀍ra 锛岃€屼粬浠潵镊畤瀹椤垵寮 镄勯 镄勯 钂檈ra 锛佲€

鈥滈兘鍒 璇濅 璇濅

鐒 ヤ箣钖庯纴浜 ヤ箣钖庯纴浜 ヤ箣钖庯纴浜 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 鍏ㄩ儴杩涘叆 tre tre tre tre tre tre

鈥沧垬锲 紑 紑 紑

姝ゅ埢锛岄粍宁漵houting loudly 锛岀涔嫔姏瀵圭涓夊皧绁炵锛岀灛闂 惤浜庝笅椋庯纴涓峱 惤浜庝笅椋庯纴涓峱 ass through 阌椂鍒 纴浠栦篃鍌彂鍑鸿嚜宸辩殑澶у畤瀹欙紒


镞犳暟 chain铡熷镄勪铡熷镄勪铡熷镄勪鍦ㄨ鍦ㄨ曞湴锛屼絾曞湴锛屼絾佸埌great war 涔嫔悗锛岀悍绾锋彁璧锋鍣ㄦ潵宁伞锛


鐩澒镌 澶 澶 畤瀹椤埌鏉ワ纴闾 畤瀹椤埌鏉ワ纴闾 畤瀹椤埌鏉ワ纴闾 愭棌 愭棌 old man complexion changed

澶 畤瀹栾兘鏀 畤瀹栾兘鏀 畤瀹栾兘鏀 畤瀹栾兘鏀 燞 燞 燞 aven aven aven aven eaven and Earth 锛屼竴鑸埇鏉ヨ锛屽畤瀹栾秺寮 monkey 纴闾 e 锷╄秺澶э紒

姣斿锛岄粍宁濈殑浜岀晫澶у畤瀹欙纴鑳借鎶椾竴閮ㄥ垎阆揿镄勫ぇ瀹囧畽浜嗭纴鏀鎶椾竴閮ㄥ垎阆揿镄勫ぇ瀹囧畽浜嗭纴鏀彉阆揿澶彉阆揿澶畤瀹欑殑娉曞垯锛岃榛勫笣 chain 槸涓ゅ崈浜 chain chain 嶏纴鐢氲呖 锛 village

NUM 鐣屽ぇ瀹囧畽锛岃兘瀵 姊阆揿 NUM 70% 镄勫ぇ瀹囧畽浜嗭纴鍦ㄩ 澧冧箣涓兘鑳 澧冧箣涓兘鑳 澧冧箣涓兘鑳 棤 棤 涓 涓嶈兘锛岃浠€涔堟湁浠€涔堬紒


Lin Ling 鐪 瓙涓 闂纴浠栬璇呜 闂纴浠栬璇呜 闂纴浠栬璇呜 涓嶅皯鎷ユ湁澶 畤瀹欑殑绁炵锛屼笉杩囧ぇ澶氶兘鏄湭鎴愬 畤瀹欑殑绁炵锛屼笉杩囧ぇ澶氶兘鏄湭鎴愬 畤瀹欑殑绁炵锛屼笉杩囧ぇ澶氶兘鏄湭鎴愬 畤瀹欑殑绁炵锛屼笉杩囧ぇ澶氶兘鏄湭鎴愬囧畽锛岃€岄粍宁濈殑澶у畤瀹欙纴Lin Ling 镒熻姣斾粬镄凩in Ling 瀹囧畽旋村帀瀹宠埇锛

Hōng lóng lóng !

Canned eaven falls and earth rends 鑸纴涓庢钖屾椂锛屽ぉ绌 箣涓婏纴澶 箣涓婏纴澶 噺镄勮厫鐭 噺镄勮厫鐭 噺镄勮厫鐭 噺镄勮厫鐭 噺镄勮厫鐭 牳钀

阆ヨ翻镄勮翻鏂癸纴澶 噺镄勭绁椾篃鍦ㄨ鎴桡纴鍏ㄩ儴钖撶殑鑴 噺镄勭绁椾篃鍦ㄨ鎴桡纴鍏ㄩ儴钖撶殑鑴 噺镄勭绁椾篃鍦ㄨ鎴桡纴鍏ㄩ儴钖撶殑鑴 壊鑻岖槠锛岀涓 娆¤杩欎箞澶氲厫 娆¤杩欎箞澶氲厫鐭崇鐭


浠栦 绐 绐 獌绉佽镄勪氦璋堬纴闅 鎯 鎯 鎯 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑潃锛

涓嶈 锛岄粍 锛岄粍 锛岄粍 濈 瀹炲疄锷涗 瀹炲疄锷涗 瀹炲疄锷涗 寰楋纴灞呯劧涔熻兘瀵 寰楋纴灞呯劧涔熻兘瀵 寰楋纴灞呯劧涔熻兘瀵 寰楋纴灞呯劧涔熻兘瀵 寰楋纴灞呯劧涔熻兘瀵 寰楋纴灞呯劧涔熻兘瀵

Canned tank

涓ゆ南镄勬垬鏂楄镄勬垬鏂楄瓒瓒寔缁寔缁涓夌偡棣欙纴璁╂棤涓夌偡棣欙纴璁╂棤嗘棤钖粬浠殕鏄竴锽滐纴absolutely 娌°C兂鍒帮纴榛勫笣 Lord瀹炲姏鎻愬崌涔嫔悗锛屽眳鐒舵槸杩欎箞镄勫

Lin Ling 涔熸槸涓€阒靛叴濂嬶纴Worthy is 榛勫笣Key 佸掼锛


杩欐椂锛岄偅 can愭棌old man 绐佺劧coldly shouted 锛屼箙鏀讳笉涓嬶纴浠栦篃蹇 姘旇簛锛屽笇 姘旇簛锛屽笇 姘旇簛锛屽笇 涘榛勫笣镄勪 涘榛勫笣镄勪 涘榛勫笣镄勪 锷ㄦ岃兘璁╅粍宁濋湶鍑虹牬缁斤紒

“it is good!”

涓変汉涔嬩腑锛屼竴钖嶆渶寮辩殑瀹囧畽宸ㄧ鍒嗗紑锛屽皠钖慙 in Ling 绛変汉锛

Lin Ling 杩栾 鎷ユ湁鏁 鎷ユ湁鏁 鎷ユ湁鏁 鎷ユ湁鏁 急 急 急 急 急 舵 舵 舵 侊纴瀵 侊纴瀵 侊纴瀵 侊纴瀵

褰撶劧锛屽摢镐曟槸杩欎簺绁炵镄勫叏鐩涙椂 chain 燂纴浠栦篃涓嶆浘鏀 湪鐪 湪鐪 湪鐪 湪鐪

鈥沧浜猴纴寰埚己锛孡 in Ling 锛屼綘full strength 鎭(一)锛岄椤煎ぇ宁濓纴宁濓纴濅缪锛岃垳濓纴鎴戜 slip take action 锛佲€

瑙佸鏂玫瑰皠鏉ワ纴镞犺镞犲惉浠栦滑镄嗘槸铡塻houted 銆

浠栦 濡 濡 粖骞 粖骞 湭鎭 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭 湭鎭竴浜岋紒


板峰叕绔欎简璧锋潵锛岄殢钖庤浠栦滑镄 湁锛屼粬 湁锛屼粬 i i i i 阆掳 澶 澶 浜 浜 浜 浜嗭纴姣旗鍏冩仮澶岖殑旋村揩锛佲

“I am coming too!”


鈥滃彲鎭讹纴鎴戠殑涓 殗阍熼渶瑕佺涔嫔姏鍌彂锛屽惁鍒椤浠娄篃鑳 殗阍熼渶瑕佺涔嫔姏鍌彂锛屽惁鍒椤浠娄篃鑳 蹇欎 蹇欎 蹇欎 蹇欎 蹇欎 锛佲

闾e湥褰掍竴鍒 file ot willingly 阆撱€


Di Shitian 涔熼浜嗗嚭铡 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒 纴瓒

Lin Ling’s scorpion flashed, speeding up recovery, and there were always gods who took out the treasures that have been collected for many years, so that Lin Ling can restore the yuan!

Nowadays, everyone is alive and kicking, and no one will hide it!

They all know that Lin Ling is the strongest on the scene. If Lin Ling returns to its heyday, there is a good chance to repel the cosmic giant!

“Hahaha, final struggle. The cosmic giant also has strengths and weaknesses, which are evaluated by the power of God. However, the first Sakura Senior is only one person stronger than the five emperors we used to have!”

They were still surrounded by the Yangtze River, but they did not worry at all, with their arms around the chest with a smile.

Fortunately, Emperor Sui was lucky, but he joined the Corruption. Otherwise, where can he fight against Lin Ling and the Yellow Emperor!

“Just by you!”

At this moment, the cosmic giant stopped the pace and looked at the Emperor and other people with disdain: “A group of soldiers will be defeated!”

He opened his cloak, revealing rotten meat, and flying a lot of worms. These worms are powerful gods and can erode each other’s means!

In the face of the Yellow Emperor’s big universe, he can’t help but, but other people, he can look in the eyes!


Ignore no hearing, they will motivate all the forces, against those worms!

However, they have lost too little strength, but they insisted on three breaths, all of which were covered by insects and constantly eroded!

On the contrary, Lei Gong, they are even more powerful, the power of the world will erupt, blocking the army of insects!

Although the power of the worms is very powerful, it can help the power of the world!

Of course, Leigong is also a short-term resistance. After all, they have little power to restore the world!

“Worthy is the power of the world!”

The god named Chu Sakura squinted, and felt that he had to catch Lei Gong. Of course, he also saw that the power of this world will be weak, can’t compare with several other people he met!

“I come!”

At this time, Di Shitian shout out loudly, holding the coffin board, swept the army, exploded the sky!

Peng peng peng!

A large number of bugs are exploded and difficult to get close to Di Shitian!


At this moment, everyone is shocked!

Especially the demon is less, the south has no wind and rain, they are even more excited!

Di Shitian has always belonged to the middle and lower strength among the people. If it is a difficult problem, it is cannon fodder!

Today, however, Di Shitian is also a blockbuster!

“hehe , big brother !”

Lin Ling took a quick look and secretly reluctantly chose the coffin board for the big brother!

“Hahaha, cool!”

Di Shitian Mad Tyrant Smile, incomparably excited and happy, if you are exhausted! For him, it can help everyone, this is the most proud thing in this life!