Chapter 4514

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼

Lin Ling 阆撱€

鈥滈 澧冿纴闾 澧冿纴闾 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 綘搴旇涓嶆槸浠庨 濇櫒鍏夎 濇櫒鍏夎 濇櫒鍏夎 濇櫒鍏夎 濇櫒鍏夎 濇櫒鍏夎 濇櫒鍏夎 d d d d d d d d d揿闾h actually 鏉ョ殑锛屼笉杩囧墠琛岀殑阃斾腑骞 rudder disease chain 夎鍒€

鈥滀腑浣岖Late Stage 涔熻兘铡 濉旈偅杈癸纻鈥 in in in Ling 涓岖敱鐤戞儜璧 潵銆

鈥渉ehe 锛岃 鏄湅杩愭皵镄勶纴铏 鏄湅杩愭皵镄勶纴铏 劧鎴戞槸阆揿闾 h actually 鏉ョ殑锛屼絾鏄笉浠 h〃鎴戝幓浜嗛 〃鎴戝幓浜嗛笉杩囨垜鍒濇潵阆揿镄勬椂 chain 欙纴璧 殑 鹃殰鏄湪阆揿闾 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 嚭 鹃殰涔嫔悗锛屾垜渚 鹃殰涔嫔悗锛屾垜渚挎槸鍦ㄩ死濉旈偅涓€宁〈简锛佲€漮ld man 瑙伊喷阆撱€

鈥滆缮鍙 鈥滆缮鍙 鈥滆缮鍙

Lin Ling 鏆楁殚缇°C厱銆

浠栧惉璇村叾浠栦汉鎯 铡 铡 铡 铡 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 繀椤荤粡铡嗛浘闅滐纴鍗 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 変竴閮ㄥ垎浜 変竴閮ㄥ垎浜 変竴閮ㄥ垎浜 変竴閮ㄥ垎浜 変竴閮ㄥ垎浜Indecent

鈥滆 钖э纴鐪嬬湅鑳 钖э纴鐪嬬湅鑳 亣鍒 亣鍒 亣鍒 亣鍒 亣鍒 NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM 8-Layer 锛岀浉浼犲緢鏄嵄闄╋纴 € €浠ヨ兘缁挞槦涓 璧 璧 殑璇濓纴闾 殑璇濓纴闾 h 偗瀹 畨鍏ㄧ殑澶 畨鍏ㄧ殑澶 紒鈥 紒鈥

鏅ㄥ厜 佷 佷 Ling in Ling 浜よ皥鍑犲彞钖庯纴 嬩腑鍑 嬩腑鍑 嬩腑鍑 嬩腑鍑 嬩腑鍑 潵锛

Ling宁姪Lin Ling 锛岀洰镄勬槸璁mmin Ling 缁挞槦钖岃锛

鈥滆 umbrella 杈癸纴鎴慸aughter 濂 篃鍦ㄨ 篃鍦ㄨ 杩囨潵锛佲

闅忓悗锛屾櫒鍏夎€佷汉鍏村涓€绗戏纴宁》潃Lin Ling 椤虹潃妫滠鍓嶈锛

Key 孡 in Ling chain 掍篃娌 °C 湁鎷掔粷锛屽垵鏉ヨ 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯 岋纴浠栦篃鎯╀綍鍦紒

浠栨 涓嚭鐜 涓嚭鐜 涓嚭鐜 涓嚭鐜 阍ュ 阍ュ 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling


粖灏 粖灏 瓑镡熸倝杩欓噷涔嫔悗锛屽啀 瓑镡熸倝杩欓噷涔嫔悗锛屽啀 瓑镡熸倝杩欓噷涔嫔悗锛屽啀 瓑镡熸倝杩欓噷涔嫔悗锛屽啀


璧 嚭妫滠涔嫔悗锛岃 鏂 鏂 鏂 究 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 変笁阆搒 潵锛岀殕鏄腑浣岖 Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage愬镌€鏅ㄥ厜鏅ㄥ厜鏅ㄥ厜佷澶澶枈阆撱枈阆撱

杩椤コ瀛愪 瀛愰珮鎸 瀛愰珮鎸 瀛愰珮鎸 纴绌 潃钖勫铓旷 潃钖勫铓旷 潃钖勫铓旷 镄勭 镄勭 瑁欙纴璁 鍦 鍦 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾瀬涓 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾瀬涓 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾瀬涓 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾瀬涓 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾瀬涓 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾瀬涓

涓嶈 锛屽叧阌殑鍦 锛屽叧阌殑鍦 version of Nan chain 掓槸阆帺镄勫緢濂 紒

鍙儨瓒婃槸杩欐牱锛岃 umbrella 鍙嶅 掓洿璁╀ 掓洿璁╀ 阆愭兂涓嶆柇锛


浠栦 鏄 鏄 鏄 劧閮 劧閮 劧閮 粬涓や 粬涓や 粬涓や 粬涓や 涔熷鏅ㄥ厜 涔熷鏅ㄥ厜 涔熷鏅ㄥ厜 涔熷鏅ㄥ厜 涔熷鏅ㄥ厜

Destroy the ┖铦夊瓙锛屽ぉ缃楃湡浜 monkey 纴娌 °C兂鍒 綘浠篃鍦ㄥ晩锛佲€

鏅ㄥ厜 佷 佷 涔熸槸寰 涔熸槸寰 琛岀ぜ銆

鈥渇ather 锛岃 umbrella 浣嶆槸锛佲€

闾eコ瀛愬嵈looked towards Lin Ling 锛岀湁澶村井寰竴镄便

Ling 浣嶆槸 浣嶆槸 Lin Ling 锛屽垰鍒 湪璺笂阆囧埌镄勶纴鎴戝镐濈潃姝ゅ湴鍗 湪璺笂阆囧埌镄勶纴鎴戝镐濈潃姝ゅ湴鍗 湪璺笂阆囧埌镄勶纴鎴戝镐濈潃姝ゅ湴鍗 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶忥纴 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 宁 宁 粬鍓嶆潵浜嗭紒鈥濇櫒鍏夎 佷 佷 sai sai sai with a smile 銆

“It turned out to be like this!”

闾eコ瀛恘odded 锛气沧垜鍙槑沧垜鍙槑沧垜鍙槑 riestess 锛屾棦鐒秄ather gallium 笂浜嗕綘锛岄偅鎴戜 笂浜嗕綘锛岄偅鎴戜 灏 灏 灏阆揿墠琛屽惂锛屼笉杩囨垜浜嫔厛璇村ソ浜嗭纴阆囧埌鍗 橹锛屼綘鍙 橹锛屼綘鍙 橹锛屼綘鍙 橹锛屼綘鍙 橹锛屼綘鍙 橹锛屼綘鍙滑锛屽惁鍒欙纴闾e埆镐垜浠笉瀹(二)皵锛佲€

铏界劧锛屽コ瀛愬苟娌°C湁璧闲蛋 Lin Ling 锛屼絾鏄篃涓嶆湡寰匧in Ling 鑳芥湁浠湁浠涔埚涔埚

Even if Lin Ling escapes, she doesn’t care, as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone!

“To sell you? You are telling a joke!”

Lin Ling couldn’t help but shake his head with a smile.

If this light Priestess looks down on his Lin Ling, Lin Ling doesn’t care, but betrayed?

Lin Ling, the most disliked in his life, is someone who sells others, let alone the old man who helped him!

“Say, no, but that’s all, I hope you can say it!”

Dawn Goddess frowned, do not like Lin Ling’s attitude towards her, because she also noticed that Lin Ling is only the middle stage Middle Stage, such strength is facing her, shouldn’t it be polite?

But looking at Father’s face, she also disinclined to pay attention!

“If you are in danger, you can save yourself. If we can solve the danger, it will save you by the way!”

Leave a word, Twilight Goddess will talk to the other two gods!

However, she just turned around, Lin Ling is indifferently said: “If I can’t solve the danger, you can’t solve it!”


Twilight Goddess 瞳孔一凝!

The other two gods are also frowned!

This person, too crazy!

“Okay, find more people as soon as possible!”

The old man in the morning light quickly rushed to the round field. He was accustomed to Lin Ling’s arrogant attitude, because from the time he saw Lin Ling, he felt that this kid was cold!

“Forget it, don’t care about you!”

Twilight Goddess frowns, coldly snorted said it!

Next, everyone follows the mountain range!

There are millions of mountains here, layered on top of each other, just like a path of bamboo shoots, and in the mountains, from time to time terrifying aura diffuse out, it is very ancient, so you can’t be underestimated!

Everyone knows that there must be an extremely powerful existence hidden here!

Lin Ling followed a few people and looked at the keys and found that it was not in the direction of the key, but the gap was not big!

“Holy One, Grandfather, they don’t know how!”

Lin Ling is also worried about the Holy One, and it is also a secret sound transmission, but unfortunately the result is that they are far away from here!

As I continued to move forward, I met three gods on the way, and they knew the old people in the morning light!

These three gods are headed by the mountain god of Shanba, and the strength is also among the median gods Late Stage!

You can take a trip together!

“This is the 8-Layer. I heard that there is not only a treasure, but also an eighth world will. In the other side of the road, there is a god who said, who can find the eighth world will? Reward hundred thousand shards!”

“hundred thousand?”

“What is this? I have heard that there is a giant sacred door, and they reward any of the treasures needed to enter the upper god!”

“It seems that the world will be precious!”

These gods walked and talked, and Lin Ling listened quietly behind, and also benefited a lot!

These gods come from the side of the road, knowing more than his Lin Ling!

“It seems that the Great God of the Spirit is right, there is a world willingness to devour yourself!”

Lin Ling is not difficult to guess who issued such an order. It is estimated that it is the three major gods of Baishan. However, these three great gods are also big!

After all, the treasure that you need to step into the upper gods is arrogant!

Can be rewarded with these treasures, which shows that the three major gods of Baishan are determined to win the eighth world will.


Suddenly, the old man in the morning shouted!

I saw the wood in front of me, a corpse lying on the ground, looking at the dress, seems to be a god from the chaos!

“Be careful!”

That light Priestess immediately shouted in a low voice, revealing the gods in the body, in case of carelessness!

Others are just like the enemy!

Lin Ling Soul Force quietly permeated, suddenly aware that all around is not dangerous, he indifferently said: “It is estimated that the danger is not here, perhaps in the forest!”

“What do you know!” The Priestess of Twilight suddenly glanced at Lin Ling, but she also applied Divine Ability, quietly inspected, and did not find any danger!