Chapter 4169

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼

鐒 岃 岃 岃 镞讹纴鍗楁棤 wind and rain 瀹濈浠栦 閮 閮 埌浜嗭纴闾 e崡镞爓ind and rain 瀹濈鍑 幇鍦ㄩ偅娲炰 幇鍦ㄩ偅娲炰 镄勫ご椤 rain箣涓婏纴 箣涓婏纴 嬫帉镫犵嫚涓 鎷嶏紒

Hua la la !

浠 浠 瑗 瑗 瑗 鐡 鐡 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 钖嶆棤鏁岃埇镄勬礊涓 钖嶆棤鏁岃埇镄勬礊涓 钖嶆棤鏁岃埇镄勬礊涓 ¤叆镊 ¤叆镊殑blood qi 涔熷讥婕嚭鏉ワ紒


鍗楁棤wind and rain 瀹濈涓€璺冭€岃捣锛岄伩杩囦简 blood qi 镄勬簠灏勶紒

鈥滈ザ 纴楗跺懡锛佲 纴楗跺懡锛佲 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 濆嚑钖嶆礊涓 锛屽墿浣欑殑灏忓閮 锛屽墿浣欑殑灏忓閮锛屽洜涓哄湪浠栦 璁よ瘑涔嬩腑锛屾礊涓诲 璁よ瘑涔嬩腑锛屾礊涓诲 璁よ瘑涔嬩腑锛屾礊涓诲 璁よ瘑涔嬩腑锛屾礊涓诲 鏄棤鏁岀殑瀛 鏄棤鏁岀殑瀛 湪锛岀劧 湪锛岀劧 湪锛岀劧 湪锛岀劧 湪锛岀劧 湪锛岀劧 湪锛岀劧瘮涓 涓帀瀹 涓帀瀹 涓帀瀹 涓帀瀹 涓帀瀹 纴杞 纴杞 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏 槗灏

涔坕nfluential figure 浜嗭紒


涓嶈 瀵 瀵 瀵 Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling Ling 粰浠 粰浠 粰浠 粰浠 粰浠 粰浠 粰浠 涔堣劯闱纴娣 涔堣劯闱纴娣 涔堣劯闱纴娣 涔堣劯闱纴娣 涔堣劯闱纴娣 涔堣劯闱纴娣戦偅濂囦汉浜嗭紒

“Lin Ling !”

“Le Gong Lord!”

闾d竷浜洪兘鏄嚭镊︷粦绁 is 偅杈癸纴金浠ラ兘璁よ瘑浠ラ兘璁よ瘑Lin Ling 锛屽浠婇兘婵€锷ㄧ殑绗戠潃锛


缈犺姳濮愶纴灏忓崡浠栦 涔熸槸鍐蹭 涔熸槸鍐蹭 杩欎竷浜簊 杩欎竷浜簊 杩欎竷浜簊 aid with a smile 銆

鈥 繝鑺卞锛佲

闾d竷浜竷浜鍒鍒鍒繝鑺卞浠栦繝鑺卞浠栦涓﹄涓﹄涓﹄閮閮槸濡傞 槸濡傞€

鈥沧垜浠垰濂 铡 铡 铡 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 浣狅纴缁撴灉浣犲 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒 锛岃鍒鍙ぇ镞哄掼镄勫繝铡氱 瀛恠 瀛恠 瀛恠 瀛恠 瀛恠 瀛恠 瀛恠 瀛恠 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 f 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 f 滈粦绁濭 滈粦绁濭 f f f f f f f f犵殑锛佲€

鈥滈粦绁濭randfather 镐庝箞浜嗭紒鈥

缈犺姳濮愪粬浠珛鍗 棶阆撱

鈥滀笉鐭ラ 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 鎴戜 鎴戜 噷涓 噷涓 鐗囨 鐗囨 鐗囨 鐗囨 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸锛屽法阒欑锛屾湁鐗涢瓟镞忕殑鐗涢瓟锛岃缮 chain 変竴浜涗笉鐭ラ 鍝︷噷鏉ョ殑绁炴槑锛屼竴涓﹄ 鍝︷噷鏉ョ殑绁炴槑锛屼竴涓﹄ 鍝︷噷鏉ョ殑绁炴槑锛屼竴涓﹄ 閮 閮犳瘮镄勫帀瀹 紒鈥

鈥淧eak powerhouse 閮e湪闾 钖楋纻鈥 钖楋纻鈥

杩欐椂锛孡in Ling 涔熸槸寮€鍙h阆掳fine umbrella 浜汸eak powerhouse simultaneous gather 锛岄毦涓嶆垚 chain 変粈涔埚惛寮曚 浠栦 浠栦 锛熲 €

鈥滃惉璇村嚭浜嗕竴涓︻阍燂纴寰堟槸铡夊镄勶纴嚭浜嗕竴涓︻阍燂纴寰堟槸铡夊镄勶纴€ chain 夌殑绁炵閮 湪浜夊ず闾



Lin Ling frowned 锛岃槠鐒 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 涔堥挓锛屼絾鏄兘璁╂墍 夌绁楅兘鍑哄姏浜夊ず镄勶纴镐曟槸寰坣 夌绁楅兘鍑哄姏浜夊ず镄勶纴镐曟槸寰坣 ot Simple 鍟婏紒

鈥 珛鍗 珛鍗 甫鎴戜 甫鎴戜 杩囧幓锛佲

浜庢槸锛孡in Ling 绔嫔嵆璇撮死绔嫔嵆璇撮


澶 椇浠栦 椇浠栦 椇浠栦 閮 閮 閮 槸镣 槸镣 涓嚭鐜 涓嚭鐜 镙 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the闱(一)悗锛岀珶鎸囧嚭浜嗕竴涓楠钖戞潵锛

“This side!”

闅忓悗澶 椇浠栦 椇浠栦 椇浠栦 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L f f f f f f f哄湪闾i噷锛屾渶镐曚粬 chain夊嵄闄╀简锛屾垜浠€熷害锷犲揩鍑犲垎钖э紒鈥

“it is good!”

Lin Ling nodded, Black God is a good brother of Lei Gong, even if Lei Gong is still alive, he will definitely help the Black God, so Lin Ling is no exception!

The caves are all in all directions, and it is very chaotic. When Dawang took the road, they passed through the territory of several cave masters!

“Everyone is careful. When we came here, I almost woke up the cave master here. It is said to be a huge crab. It is very strong. Even the black god Grandfather dare not provoke it!”

After coming to a cave full of water, Dawang speed slowed down, cautiously step by step!

“This is too slow, rushing over!”

However, Lin Ling is worried about the black god, but he is not interested in walking slowly!

“This can’t be done”

Seeing Lin Ling so impulsive, Dawang they are scared!

“No problem, we have more powerhouses here, people stop killing God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha!”

Lin Ling indifference spit out a sentence, the scorpion is also looked towards South without wind and rain Baoshen them, and the south without wind and rain Baoshen immediately smiled nodded, although even the black god is also taboo crab cave owners, but they are here It can be more than the fighting power of the Black God!

When I saw the south without wind and rain, Bao Ling nodded. Lin Ling immediately let Dawang lead the way, scared the latter’s face pale, helplessly looked at Cuihua sister, until the latter agreed, he dared to let go of speed. !

“Insane, crazy!”

But even so, when he led the way, he and the other six people were also timid!

After everyone speeded up, they undoubtedly alerted the demon of this side. I saw the water on the ground, and a crab-like demon emerged!


Lin Ling shouted in a low voice, the powerhouse behind him was smashed out, and all the demons encountered on the way were killed!


At the end, the most terrifying crab cave owner appeared. It was as big as a mountain. A pair of giant tongs seemed to pinch off any interface. Look at the huge mouth. A lot of white whiskers were hanging there, proving that it was old. Already old!

“Where is the little demon, I dare to bother me to retreat!”

It makes a low sound and triggers a terrifying sound storm!

“Under the thunder, let me stop, kill without mercy!”

Lin Ling has a singer sword in his hand, no longer nonsense, killing it!

“Old crab, don’t you know that you are old, or am I older?”

South no wind and rain Baoshen is also take action, rolling wind and rain drowning, then, others are also taking action in succession, jointly suppress the crab cave master!

And this sudden change obviously caught the crab hole master caught off guard, the most shocking thing is that a group of people did not have a weak, very strong, extremely strong!

Of course, this group of people is strong, but the fucking team is still coming together!

“wait a minute!”

The crab shell of the crab cave is very hard, and it has blocked the joint efforts of the people, but it seems to be unhindered. In fact, he can’t resist this attack for a long time!

“Wait for your fart!”

Lin Ling is trying to save time and take action. It is impossible to wait. He wanders up and one move is breaking out!

Hua la la !

The crab cave master who has experienced countless attacks can’t stop it, and the armor is completely cracked!

“Go to death!”

The armor has just cracked, and there is no wind and rain in the south. Then the gods take the action, and the power of God suppresses it. The hard-bodied owner will obliterate the powerful hole owner!

The whole battle is also very short, and the three musk is not enough. This terrifying change is undoubtedly scared. Dawang they are pale and have been speechless for a long time!

“Too strong, this is the thunder main hall?”

“Lin Ling, it’s much stronger than it was in the past. If he broke the shell, the crab old demon would have been able to support it for a long time!”

“Sure enough, we used to worry about it!”

The seven men whispered and then led the way again!

Lin Ling collected the treasures left by the crab demon, and immediately went on the road. He did not expect that this road was not harvested. Except for the treasure left by the crab old demon, the peacock cave left Feathers are also extremely valuable!

After a long time, everyone finally rushed out of the cave, where the eyes were, the Heaven and Earth in front seemed to be under the sun, a blood red color, and no time, the sky has a thunder, world-shaking! Here, it is the world of the gods strive!