Chapter 3830

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
“it is good!”

Lin Ling also raised interest, because in the snow city, Youyou are all there, and they are definitely participating, so he wants to see how your Youyou are!

“Then I will leave first, and he will visit again in the day!”

“Go, I know you have more things, just don’t forget my old friend!”

“This is nature!”

After some conversation, Lin Ling went to the city gate and disappeared into the city of Yicheng!

“Come out, he is gone!”

After the disappearance of Lin Ling, Yicheng City Lord looked at a restaurant in the distance, and on the second floor of the restaurant, a woman stood there quietly, smiling at the direction of Lin Ling disappearing!

She is the daughter of Yicheng City Lord’s daughter!

At that time, she moved to Lin Ling, but Lin Ling refused her at that time, only promised that when Lin Ling stepped onto Martial Dao Peak, he would definitely come to marry Yi Xuan!

And for this commitment, Yi Xuan is also waiting!

City Lord looked at his daughter, and he couldn’t help but sigh. He thought that his daughter would forget Lin Ling after time, but he found that the power of love is terrifying. For many years, he Not only did the daughter not forget Lin Ling, but she was even more concerned about Lin Ling!

This makes him the City Lord very envious of Lin Ling!

“He said that when he set foot on Martial Dao Peak, he would come to marry me. Now, he is also fast!”

In the second floor, Yi Xuan female said gently, causing the attention of countless people on the street, especially some male martial artists. They looked at the beauty of the beautiful women’s eyes and there was a sigh of heat. Unfortunately, they also noticed that the beautiful woman There is nostalgia in the eyes, it seems that there is a sweetheart!

This makes them sigh again and again!

At this moment, Lin Ling did not know that Yi Xuan was still waiting for him. He had already left Yiyuan and then shot in the direction of Fengxuecheng!

His speed is also extremely fast, and it is easy to reach the speed of five thousand circles!

And, this is the result of his lacking cultivation in the speed field, otherwise, the speed can be improved by one point!

Lin Ling has six Dantians, and there are too many fields that need to be delved into research and insight. He doesn’t even have the insights in his tires, and he has time to specialize in speed!

And this is also the bad thing that Dantian brings too much!

However, although Lin Ling’s speed is not painstaking cultivation, his fleshly body is powerful, just increase the strength of the fleshly body, and the speed can be improved accordingly!

“Good speed, that’s a powerhouse!”

Lin Ling leaped from the sky and immediately caught the attention of some martial artists in the earth!

After all, the final world is the world of gods. The rules here are very strict.

So people know that the person who leaps in the sky is a master!

And from the speed point of view, they also noticed that the other side is strong!

After a few hours, under the Lin Ling full strength, the wind and snow city finally appeared!

And Lin Ling is convenient in the distant places to see, the wind and snow city is extremely lively at this moment, the voice is full of people, full of people!

This has not been seen for many years in Windy Snow City!

The former Fengxue Academy is among the thirty-six colleges. Although it is not the bottom, the ranking is definitely not good!

The current Fengxue City, because of his Lin Ling, is obviously not too low in the 36th Academy!

In this regard, Lin Ling naturally knows!

However, tall trees attract the wind, this reason Lin Ling also understand!

Therefore, he guessed that this sacred contest, there will be many masters from the major colleges, and those powerhouses with the strongest circles in the three churches, they should also come here!

However, the Fengxue Academy has Youyou, An Yu’er, and the demon is less, the overall strength is not weak, so even if those masters come, but want to be proud of the Fengxue Academy, fear is not easy!

鈥 涓夊爞 涓夊爞 缁埚湀瀛愪箣涓纴 缁埚湀瀛愪箣涓纴 缁埚湀瀛愪箣涓纴 缁埚湀瀛愪箣涓纴 夎澶氭帓琛岀姒滃ぉ姊竴锏 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴涓婃鎴戝湪 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴涓婃鎴戝湪 佺 佺涔嬫渚 亣鍒 亣鍒 竴浣嶉珮 竴浣嶉珮 竴浣嶉珮 竴浣嶉珮 岃 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾 纴杩欐牱镄刾

Lin Ling 鏆楁殚鎯崇city 潃锛岄殢钖庝 镌 镌€city gate key 屽叆浜嗭紒

鈥淟in Ling Lord 锛屼綘锲炴潵浜嗭紒鈥

City gate 镄勬姢鍗樉鐒堕兘璁よ瘑Lin Ling 锛岄殢钖庢侪锽滃枈阆撱€

Lin Ling 涔熺瑧镌€涓庝粬浠墦鎷涘懠浜呜捣鏉ャ€

鈥淟in Ling Lord 锛屾垜绔嫔嵆铡婚氱煡City Lord 锛佲€

Chain peak ld man said with a smile 锛屼笉杩 in in Ling 鍗 憞浜嗘憞澶 鈥淐 鈥淐 鈥淐 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord呴夯鐑 <粬浜嗭纴鎴戜翰镊幓瑙佸埌浠栵紒鈥

闅忓悗浠栧张闂闂闂气锛 滆 绁 绁 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶

鈥滆缮 chain ︻粨鏉燂纴涓嶈 链 钖庝竴杞篃鏄寮 钖庝竴杞篃鏄寮 濮嬩 濮嬩 锛岀洰鍓嶆潵璇 锛岀洰鍓嶆潵璇 锛岀洰鍓嶆潵璇 锛岀洰鍓嶆潵璇 纴鎴戜 纴鎴戜 闄 一 一 一 一 一 一 一鑴革纴Youyou 锛孉n Yu鈥檈r 锛岃 锛岃 杈曟瓕鍎縇 ord 濂 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 纴搴勪 纴搴勪 鏄庯纴鎽 鏄庯纴鎽 鏄庯纴鎽绛夌瓑镄勪 閮 閮 緢涓嶉敊锛屽 緢涓嶉敊锛屽 缁忔槸浠 缁忔槸浠 〃鎴戜 〃鎴戜 〃鎴戜 〃鎴戜 瀛 瀛 瀛 瀛 瀛 櫌绁炰笁鍫 櫌绁炰笁鍫 櫌绁炰笁鍫 五 五 五 五浠栦滑锛佲

鈥沧槸鍟婏纴鎴戜 灏卞ソ 灏卞ソ 灏卞ソ 忓仛姊 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一Ammonia stagnation mustard chain

鈥滆 屼笖锛屾垜钖浜嗭纴杩欎竴灞婄殑绁 屼笖锛屾垜钖浜嗭纴杩欎竴灞婄殑绁 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶铡嗙粌闂崱镄勯珮 嬮兘锲炴潵浜嗭纴灏 嬮兘锲炴潵浜嗭纴灏 嬮兘锲炴潵浜嗭纴灏 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 潵浼 潵浼 潵浼 潵浼

闾d簺鎶ゅ崼璁绾簺鎶ゅ崼璁绾悍镄勮阆掳纴锲犱悍镄勮阆掳纴锲犱浠栦浠栦浠栦涔熻兘瀵熻鍒artial artist 鍒版潵钖庯纴鐪嬩粬浠 煄镄勭洰鍏夋湁镌 涓 涓 鎶 鎶 暚鐣忥紒

Key 屼 屼 ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial than than than than than Other 涔嬫劅锛

鈥沧棦鐒舵槸 chain钖庝竴杞纴闾f垜涔熷幓鐜╃帺钖э紒鈥

钖埌浠栦滑镓€瑷€锛孡in Ling 椤挎椂smiled and said 銆

浠栧凡缁忔湁鍗佸缁忔湁鍗佸链綊鏉ヤ 锛屼笂娆 锛屼笂娆 垰鍒 垰鍒 洖鏉ワ纴鍙儨鍙槸鍖嗗寙涓 洖鏉ワ纴鍙儨鍙槸鍖嗗寙涓 鍒纴鎷涘懠閮 鍒纴鎷涘懠閮 鍒纴鎷涘懠閮 鍒纴鎷涘懠閮 鍒纴鎷涘懠閮 鍒纴鎷涘懠閮灏 秷澶 秷澶 秷澶 涓 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞

镓€浠ワ纴杩欐Lin Ling 锲炴潵锛屼粬涔熸墦绠椾笌Youyou 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂

褰撶劧锛宐ig brother 锛屽灏戜粬浠篃鍦纴涔熷彲浠ュソ濂 锛 锛 锛

镊 簬绁 簬绁 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶

Lin Ling 缁埚綊鏄 闄 三 三 三 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛 锛屼絾浠杛弬锷狅紒

杩涘叆鍩庝腑涔嫔悗锛岃阆揿弽 chain掓病浠浠涔堜涔堜锛屾姮鐪糽ooked towards 杩沧楠锛屽彧瑙佸煄涓殣闅愭湁镌佸煄涓殣闅愭湁镌镄勪汉娴凤纴a path of 锽濆僵涔嫔0涔熸槸镇勭劧椋桦嚭銆

杩栾Lin Ling 涔熸槸涓 绗 绗 纴闅忓悗锷犲揩姝ヤ紣锛屽悜镌 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶 鍩庝腑澶

Key 屾鍒荤殑鍩庝腑宸茬粡鍒 简 简 钖庝竴杞 钖庝竴杞 钖庝竴杞 钖庝竴杞 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩瀛”櫌櫌寮寮寮殑绁炰笁鍫傞珮殑绁炰笁鍫傞珮殑绁炰笁鍫傞珮嫔垏纾嬬殑涓杞紒

鏅 氱殑绁炰笁鍫傞珮 氱殑绁炰笁鍫傞珮 氱殑绁炰笁鍫傞珮 嬩篃镙 湰娌 湰娌 ° ° ° 湁璧勬牸鍑 垬锛岀洿鎺ヤ 鏄娣樻 鏄娣樻 鏄娣樻 鏄娣樻

鑳 弬璧涜 咃纴 咃纴 咃纴 宸篃鏄姒滃ぉ姊袱锏 宸篃鏄姒滃ぉ姊袱锏 宸篃鏄姒滃ぉ姊袱锏 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴 綅涔嫔垪镄勶纴 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏

镓€浠ユ浠ユ讳綋浜讳綋浜暟鏉ョ畻锛岀暟鏉ョ畻锛岀銮湁涓锏锏锏宸宸彸锛屽牚绉彸锛屽牚绉悇澶闄(闄)鍗庝 鍗庝 鍗庝

褰撶劧锛岃缮 chain 変竴閮ㄥ垎浜哄洜涓哄湪绂佸湴锛屾墍浠ユ 夎 chain 夎 簺浜哄疄锷涙樉鐒 d簺浜哄疄锷涙樉鐒 篃鏄棤姣撄errifying 镄勫瓨鍦紒