Chapter 3339

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
鈥渉ehe 戜袱brother 锛岃 锛岃 涓や 涓や 涓や 槸绁炴镄勯珮 槸绁炴镄勯珮 槸绁炴镄勯珮 槸绁炴镄勯珮 嬶纴浣嗘槸锲犱 嬶纴浣嗘槸锲犱 嬶纴浣嗘槸锲犱 嬶纴浣嗘槸锲犱 嬶纴浣嗘槸锲犱 嬶纴浣嗘槸锲犱 姝讳 姝讳 姝讳 姝讳 姝讳鍙厜瀛 鍙厜瀛 櫌镄勪竴钖嶉珮 櫌镄勪竴钖嶉珮 櫌镄勪竴钖嶉珮 嬶纴 嬶纴 缁堣缃 缁堣缃 缁堣缃 缁堣缃 缁堣缃 岀溂涓嬶纴浠栦 岀溂涓嬶纴浠栦 岀溂涓嬶纴浠栦 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲〉洖鍒 Dress up

浼椾汉涔嬩腑锛岀槠闱(三)驱瀛愮涔愬闾d袱brother 浼间箮寰堢啛镇夈

鈥 涔愬掼锛岄偅涓rother 寰埚帀瀹 悧锛熲 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 棶阆撱

鈥滀綍姝 (2) 槸铡夊锛岀 鐩 鐩 浣滃瀛 浣滃瀛 浣滃瀛 浣滃瀛 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 锛屼粬浠竴浜哄缑鍒 瑗 瑗 瑗 晫涔濋緳宀涘洓鍦 殑琛 殑琛 锛屼竴浜哄垯鏄伒南ㄧ伀娴风殑浼犱汉锛屼綘浠鑳戒笉铡夊钖楋纻鈥濈槠闱(三)驱瀛愭贰lightly smile 阆撱€

锛 榫椤矝锛岃 榫椤矝锛岃 鍙槸涓 鍙槸涓 鍙槸涓 乮 乮 乮 乮 n乮

Chain 変汉椤挎椂鎯婂懠浜呜捣鏉ャ

瑕佺煡阆掳纴鑳 嚭鐜 湪 湪 缁堜笘鐣岀殑 缁堜笘鐣岀殑 缁堜笘鐣岀殑 缁堜笘鐣岀殑 缁堜笘鐣岀殑 缁堜笘鐣岀殑 Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province Province潵 € € P P € € € € € € € € € P P P P €

鈥滈偅涓rother 锛屾 鑴氶兘涓嶅 鑴氶兘涓嶅 锛屼絾涓嶅彲钖 锛屼絾涓嶅彲钖 锛屼絾涓嶅彲钖 锛屼絾涓嶅彲钖 锛屼粬浠殑瀹炲姏寰埚 锛屼粬浠殑瀹炲姏寰埚 锛屼粬浠殑瀹炲姏寰埚 锛屼粬浠殑瀹炲姏寰埚

锏介鐢鐢峰瓙绁炰箰鍐嶅said with a smile 銆

Key 屾鍒 纴婊氭粴镄勭槠浜戝 纴婊氭粴镄勭槠浜戝 缁忔 娌 in Ling 涓変 浜嗭纴杩欎篃璁╁ 浜嗭纴杩欎篃璁╁ 浜嗭纴杩欎篃璁╁ 浠戣 佸笀浠栦 佸笀浠栦 佸笀浠栦 鐒 鐒 鐒 ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ彲鎯滐纴闾d袱brother really isn鈥檛椋庨 瀛 瀛 櫌镄勫 櫌镄勫 櫌镄勫 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

鈥渉aha 锛屽寲娓呬簯鎸’綇涓€鍒囦简锛岃 Umbrella 涔堣锛屾潃浜嗕綘涔熸 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 煡阆 煡阆

鍖栨竻浜戜腑锛岄偅涓rother 閮戒笉镐€濂芥剰镄勭湅镌€Lin Ling 銆

Ling 浣狅纴浣犲彨 浣狅纴浣犲彨 Lin Ling 锛屽垰鍒氭湁浜 殚涓璼 殚涓璼 殚涓璼 殚涓璼 殚涓璼劧钖庨吨嶆湁濂栵紒鈥

鈥滃綋鐒讹纴浣犺嫢鏄湁涓嶉敊镄 rea reasure 锛屾垜浠篃鍙 锛屾垜浠篃鍙 楗 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴 浣犱竴储鏉ョ殑锛屾墍浠ワ纴浣犱氦鍑洪挶璐纴鐒跺悗鍙╁ご涓変笅锛屾垜浠篃鏀句綘绂诲紑锛佲

涓rother 涓岖 屽悓镄勮阆撱 key

Lin Ling othernother 閮 槸 槸 Martial Ancestor Realm Late Stage 镄勶纴浣嗘槸innate talent 鍙槸5th Grade 镄勭粓鏋佽崚浣撹€屽凡锛屾兂涓嶆槑锏 粬浠摢鏉ョ殑镊﹄ 粬浠摢鏉ョ殑镊﹄ 銆 銆

涓嶈 锛孡 锛孡 in Ling 寰埚揩涔熸亶鐒 锛屼粬 锛屼粬 锛屼粬 Lin Ling 鍦ㄩ 闄 一 (一) 嚭钖嶏纴鍦ㄤ笁鍗佸叚瀛 櫌鍗 緢涓 緢涓 鑸纴 鑸纴鍒汉镊︻劧涓嶈璇嗕粬浜嗭紒

鍙嶅€扡in Ling 濂 borrowing 锛屾槸璋佽杩欎袱brother 鏉ユ潃镊 镄勶紒


杩欐椂锛孡in Ling 涔熸槸寮€鍙d simply

鈥沧 庝箞锛熸墦绠楁姇闄崭 庝箞锛熸墦绠楁姇闄崭 庝箞锛熸墦绠楁姇闄崭 锛熻钖э纴浣犳兂闂粈涔堬纻鈥濅袱 锛熻钖э纴浣犳兂闂粈涔堬纻鈥濅袱 other 锛熻钖э纴浣犳兂闂粈涔堬纻鈥濅袱 锛熻钖э纴浣犳兂闂粈涔堬纻鈥濅袱 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧

鈥滀綘浠韩涓婃湁澶 Argon 皯镄囨櫠Forging 纻鈥

Lin Ling indifferently asked 銆

鈥滀綘闂 Umbrella 涓仛浠 涔堬纻鎴戦兘杩樻 涔堬纻鎴戦兘杩樻 涔堬纻鎴戦兘杩樻 闂綘杩欎 闂綘杩欎 闂锛屼綘鍙嶅 掓潵闂垜浠 掓潵闂垜浠 掓潵闂垜浠 掓潵闂垜浠 掓潵闂垜浠 锛岄毦阆Plan


鈥滀綘鐚 殑涓嶉敊锛屾垜 殑涓嶉敊锛屾垜 撶畻鎶娄綘浠潃浜嗭纴鐒跺悗澶哄彇浣犱 撶畻鎶娄綘浠潃浜嗭纴鐒跺悗澶哄彇浣犱 韬笂镄 rea rea rea rea rea rea rea伄鎸$潃涓€鍒囷纴鍒汉涔熺湅涓嶅埌浠€涔堬紒鈥 rolling in Ling nodded 锛岀洿鎺ユ圹璁や 锛

“You courting death!”

闾d袱brother 椤挎椂镒d綇浜嗭纴闅忓悗姘斿缑镐掔伀婊斿ぉ銆

杩橲aint Realm 镄凩in Ling 灞呯劧 撹捣浠栦 撹捣浠栦 撹捣浠栦 镄勪 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 锛宑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑


鍏 腑涓 浜哄帀锽濅竴澹 浜哄帀锽濅竴澹 浜哄帀锽濅竴澹 浜哄帀锽濅竴澹 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍙戞煍鍜岀殑 鍙戞煍鍜岀殑 鍙戞煍鍜岀殑 ray ray锛岀缃╂暣涓寲娓呬簯锛


鍑犱箮鍦ㄥ悓镞讹纴闾ivine Beast White Tiger 纴 箣澹 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴浜呜埇锛

鈥沧垜杩欐埑鐩彔涔冩槸瑗 晫涔濋緳宀涘洓鍦 晫涔濋緳宀涘洓鍦 箣涓 锛屾潹妫甃 锛屾潹妫甃 d d 锛屾潹妫甃 锛屾潹妫甃 锛屾潹妫甃 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 潧锛屽 潧锛屽 潧锛屽镄勭溂镌涗篃鍙 镄勭溂镌涗篃鍙 镄勭溂镌涗篃鍙 镄勭溂镌涗篃鍙 镄勭溂镌涗篃鍙 镄勭溂镌涗篃鍙 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶 杩囩幆瀹囧叚澶槑锛屾湁寮哄ぇ镄刬nnate talent 鍗 inch 敤涓崭 锛佲 锛佲

闾e偓鍙戠彔瀛愮殑涓欑伀锛屾鍒诲啺said with a sneer 銆

涓庢钖屾椂锛孡in Ling 瀵熻鍒 弻鐪 弻鐪 竴锏 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒 粈涔堜篃鐪嬩笉鍒

杩欐埑鐩彔鏋 劧terrifying 锛屽眳鐒跺湪涓岖棝涓岖棐镄勬儏鍐典笅锛岀伃浜嗕汉镄勫弻鐪硷纴key屼笖锛孡 in Ling 鍙戠幇锛屽嵆渚 粬闂笂浜嗗弻鐪硷纴浣嗙溂 粬闂笂浜嗗弻鐪硷纴浣嗙溂 屼緷镞 屼緷镞 湁镌 锏 锏 锏 锏 厜鍦ㄤ 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀 鐣ヤ竴鍒囷纴阃犳垚鍙岀锛


“haha, no eyes, why do you fight with us, too knife and thunder!”

The other person screams and his hands are frequently picked up!

Among the voids, a huge round moon scimitar appeared, formed by the Thunder, and then smashed toward Lin Ling!

“I am a knife and a thunder, from the bones of the sea, even if you escape to Wanjie, this knife can also chase you. When you are locked by the knife, you have escaped, and your eyes are blind. I see how you hide!”

The smug laughter floated at the same time.

I have to say that these two people can become the masters of the three gods, the strength is really powerful!

“Who said battle must use his eyes!”

At the moment, Lin Ling is carrying his hands, lightly started talking!

At the same time, his body all around has a large number of Lin Ling, vivid and lifelike, even the world around all has changed, birds and flowers, vibrant!

And this is the world of magical gods!

“What is going on here?”

The two brothers were a bit dumbfounded, though, they didn’t have eyelids, but now they are Lin Ling everywhere, they can’t tell the truth, which makes them feel like they are all smashed!

That too knife and seven thunder can not be divided into true and false Lin Ling, can only come out.

At the same time, the real Lin Ling appeared in front of the fire, and it was shot!

“courting death !”

C fire saw someone approaching, and he was also an explosive element, hitting a punch.

Hōng lóng lóng !

The two fists collided, and C fire noticed that a terrifying force came in. It was not the power of Saint Realm!


His mouth spurt blood, horrified: “You are not ordinary Saint Realm!”

“Are you stupid? Ordinary Saint Realm can enter the Shensanguan assessment?”

Lin Ling still closed his eyes, faintly shaking his head, and his words fell behind. His left hand shook and the dragon bow appeared. His bow was shot indiscriminately!

At the moment, his dragon dragon reaches the rank of 2nd Grade, and the dragon race is divided into eight Divine Ability. This day’s robbery bow formidable power has more than doubled!


Wanfo Chaozong, actually shot countless Taidao seven Thunder.

And Xuan Jin was shocked and roared, and his hands suddenly produced a complicated law.

“The big Lei Zezhen magic smelt!”

Above the sky, a huge “罡” appeared, formed by the Thunder, prestige!

And the power of Leizu with 40% is suppressed.

At the same time, Lin Ling’s 10,000 arrows came, constantly slamming the word “罡”, causing huge turmoil in the entire space.


With a roar, Wan Jian actually and the “罡” word melted into each other, and in the rolling thunder storm, Lin Ling’s silhouette looming out, as if bathed in the Thunder!

But it is safe and sound!

The two brothers looked at War God like Lin Ling, all of them were scared, how terrifying the defense power, and the eyes were so fierce, if nothing?

“I want to kill me because of your strength? It seems that you have not inquired about my strength!”

Lin Ling’s face is calm and continues to move forward.