Chapter 2572

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
“I won’t lose!”

Lin Ling made a firm voice, but unfortunately, it was a layer of attack, and the blood seemed to rain in the sky!

And, the endless death word, now gradually spread him!

Everyone is trembled with gaze. Today, the most enchanting genius, is he finally defeated?

However, the fact is that Lin Ling’s silhouette has gradually disappeared, leaving only the ruthless dead words, and the words not willingly!

“I won’t lose!”

This sentence is obviously a slap in the face!

Bang bang bang!

At the same time, the sky broke out of terrifying energy, the power of the underworld, obliterate everything, and no longer see Lin Ling, only to see countless dead words like a sword to turn everything into nothingness!

One move is a winner!

At the beginning of the battle, Lin Ling broke out the lethal card, but the first stage of the inflammation did not make the death of the gods. However, when the inflammation was inflamed, the world was shocked!

This move is a win, Lin Ling obviously won!

However, when people think that the overall situation has been fixed, Lin Ling suddenly has an old wound, and eventually the inflammation wheel is not formed, completely obliterate!

All this is extremely regrettable!

Of course, even in this way, people have already decided that Lin Ling won, because Lin Ling is fighting again after the third test is over!

Although he lost, but the shame of death wins!

“After ten thousand years, I think Qingzhou still has the legend of Lin Ling!”

“Unfortunately, it’s a pity!”

“His luck is very bad!”

After a moment of silence, a lot of sounds also rang, but they were coldly snorted: “Luck is also part of strength, the bad luck ghost, dead deserved!”

“Thunder and old mother, your dog’s mouth can’t spit out ivory!”

The vice president of the bow and a few people of Long Pozu immediately yelled.

“Despite the embarrassment, Lin Ling is dead anyway, this is the same reason!”

Who knows, Lei Yin’s mother is not angry, but laughed heartily.

“Damn Lin Ling, this is dead, it’s really cheap!” The Azure Dragon King also sneered, let the bow deputy, Chi Yuhu and others are angry!

“called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated, what a pity, to blame, Lin Ling is too arrogant, because I don’t want to let him rest, he is not resting!”

The voice of the god of death is also floating, full of pride, arrogance!

“Bring Lin Ling’s tombstone!”

He even roared and yelled at the distance of Dayun Mountain, and then a tombstone was shot over, engraved with the four characters of Lin Ling’s tomb!


Tombstones linger in Dayun Lake, shocking people!

“From now on, here is the grave of Lin Ling!”

The tombstones landed, and the god of death embraced the sky with both hands, the pride that could not be said!

And watching his magnificent posture, many people are sighing, although the death is not good, but he really won!

“The sky is ranked battle, Lin Ling failed!”

I don’t know how long it took, the mysterious referee also announced the results, so many people smashed up, this battle has gone through this for a long time, it is the first ever history of the history of the list!

Of course, they also believe that the next rising star, there is absolutely no dazzling Lin Ling!

The outside world seems to have decided on the big picture, but in the power of the underworld, Lin Ling is still there on one knee. His body is bloody and his bones are oppressed!

However, his nephew is red!

“Third Dantian, give me a hurry!”

His heart is constantly angry with Hah!

The third Dantian just needs to be born, then he can restore his mind and control the inflammation!

Unfortunately, the time left for him is getting less and less!


鐪 笅锛屼粬鍙湁涓 涓︷ 涓︷ 夋嫨浜嗭纴鏀 夋嫨浜嗭纴鏀 绗笁 绗笁 绗笁 绗笁 镄勮癁鐢燂纴 镄勮癁鐢燂纴 镄勮癁鐢燂纴 镄勮癁鐢燂纴 镄勮癁鐢燂纴 镄勮癁鐢燂纴 full strength 閰濋吙镣庢: 锛

浣嗘槸锛孡in Ling 娌°C湁杩欎箞阃夋嫨锛屼粬鎷

涓轰涓涓涓绁烇纴璁╀粬姣佸幓涓涓绁烇纴璁╀粬姣佸幓涓涓绁烇纴璁╀粬姣佸幓涓antian 锛屼粬not willingly 锛屽洜涓鸿伞绗笁Dantian 鍙槸Key 楄 浜嗕粬镞犳暟蹇冭板嗙粨嗙粨


姝诲瓧灏佸嵃鍦↙in Ling 钖庤儗锛岃兏鑶涳纴锲涜偄锛屽苟涓旇秺鏉ヨ秺澶 钖庤儗锛岃兏鑶涳纴锲涜偄锛屽苟涓旇秺鏉ヨ秺澶 钖庤儗锛岃兏鑶涳纴锲涜偄锛屽苟涓旇秺鏉ヨ秺澶


浠や汉terrifying 镄勬槸锛岄伃阆囧姝ゅ 澶 澶 姏 姏 忕殑 忕殑 Lin Ling 锛屼絾灞呯劧鍜堕鍧氭寔绔欎 璧 璧 潵锛



鍦ㄤ粬鑴戞捣涓€鐗囨ā绯娄箣澹帮纴浠栫殑Dantian 缁堜簬鐖嗗彂鍑鸿楦楦d Jane 锛岀涓変Danian 浠 浠 鏂 鏂 鏂纴婊氭粴 岃 岃 锛屽 锛屽

鎴愬 钖庣殑绗笁 ant ant ant 钖庣殑绗笁 钖庣殑绗笁 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶 in in in in in in in in in in in in娓愭笎鎭(1)浜哫NUMX% 锛

20% 锛岃 frozen 澶熶 锛

浠栫殑韬綋鍧Arg畾镄勬垬浜呜捣鏉ワ纴right hand 涔嬩笂锛岀値妫哄▉姝】紒

锛傛 镌 锛屾垜璇 锛屾垜璇 锛屾渶寮篺 锛屾渶寮篺 锛屾渶寮篺 锛屾渶寮篺 irst generation 锛岃皝涓巗trive 锛侊纾

灏卞湪浼椾汉浠ヤ负澶 眬宸 眬宸 眬宸 畾涔嬫椂锛屼竴阆揿啺鍐 畾涔嬫椂锛屼竴阆揿啺鍐 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹


澶т簯灞憋纴姝讳竴鑸殑闱椤 crazy

锲犱 锛岃澶 锛岃澶 锛岃澶 锛岃澶 锛岃澶 槸 槸 槸 槸 in in in 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔

闅鹃 浜嬫儏鍙埚嚭鐜 浜嬫儏鍙埚嚭鐜 浜嬫儏鍙埚嚭鐜 浜嬫儏鍙埚嚭鐜 鍙 鍙 鍙

镞犳暟镄勭洰鍏変笅镒忚瘑looked towards 澶╃┖锛岄偅 岋纴鍐ョ晫涔嫔姏渚濇棫鍦ㄥ垏鍓蹭竴鍒囷纴璁╀ 岋纴鍐ョ晫涔嫔姏渚濇棫鍦ㄥ垏鍓蹭竴鍒囷纴璁╀ 镐 鐤 鐤 鐤 鐤嫔墠镄勫0 wide convulsions

镊 簬姝荤锛屼粬镄勭洰鍏変豢浣涜阃忚 镞犲敖镄勬瀛楋纴鐪嫔埌闾 镞犲敖镄勬瀛楋纴鐪嫔埌闾 lame control 镄勯潚骞 埇锛屼粬蹇冨ご鍙湁涓 鍙ヨ瘽锛岃 鍙ヨ瘽锛岃 鍙ヨ瘽锛岃 鏄亣镄勶纴涔嫔墠镄勬槸骞 鏄亣镄勶纴涔嫔墠镄勬槸骞 鏄亣镄勶纴涔嫔墠镄勬槸骞 鏄亣镄勶纴涔嫔墠镄勬槸骞 锛屼粬搴旇璧 锛屼粬搴旇璧


涓嶈 锛屾帴涓嬫潵镄勪竴阆揿 锛屾帴涓嬫潵镄勪竴阆揿 0 阔 阔 阔 纴璁╂绁烇纴璁╅ 纴璁╂绁烇纴璁╅ 纴璁╂绁烇纴璁╅ 纴璁╂绁烇纴璁╅ 佹瘝浠栦 佹瘝浠栦 佹瘝浠栦 佹瘝浠栦 佹瘝浠栦 佹瘝浠栦 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅


闾f棤灏棤灏殑姝诲瓧涔嬩腑锛屾鍒诲 ammonia 浠 浠 灏佸嵃浜嗕竴灏奆 lame God 锛屼絾鏄纴镣庯纴涓岖伃锛屽矀鑳 灏佸嵃锛岃 佸嵃锛岃 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅 嚧镞犲敖镄剅


缁堜簬锛屾粴婊氱殑姘旀 鐖嗗紑锛屽皢娴╃ 鐖嗗紑锛屽皢娴╃ 氱殑澶 氱殑澶 簯灞 簯灞 簯灞 簯灞 簯灞 簯灞 簯灞

澶╃┖锛屾棤鏁装殑姝诲瓧琚啿镄勫洓鍒嗕簲鏁o纴涓€涓法澶х殑镣庢:锛冤orld-shaking 镄勯檷涓村湪涓栦汉鐪Pancake

鏂 Dress up: 锛屾洿锷犲 澶э纴鑻ュ 澶э纴鑻ュ 澶э纴鑻ュ 澶э纴鑻ュ 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫Gallium 樻: key 屾潵锛屼粬镄勬浼愬湪澶╃┖鍝嶈捣锛岀値妫 屾潵锛屼粬镄勬浼愬湪澶╃┖鍝嶈捣锛岀値妫 簺姝诲瓧鐣ヤ竴鎺ヨЕ锛岀珛鍗 d簺姝诲瓧鐣ヤ竴鎺ヨЕ锛岀珛鍗 pet 涓 镶 镶 ′ 嚩 嶆棤鍖 嶆棤鍖 嶆棤鍖 嶆棤鍖 嶆棤鍖 嶆棤鍖 鐏 鐏 鐏 鐏


鍦ㄨ 涓 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 纴 not a sound to be heard 锛

浜 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 箣鍓岖殑锛屾樉鐒秚 箣鍓岖殑锛屾樉鐒秚 箣鍓岖殑锛屾樉鐒秚 errifying 浜嗕笉鏄竴镣 镣癸紒 镣癸紒 镣癸紒


闾i 净阔宠€佹瘝锛孉zure Dragon 鐜嬬瓑鍙よ€佺殑闱掑窞宸ㄦ摌鑴歌壊寰堜笉镊湪锛屾鍒讳豢浣涜浜虹嫚镫犳墦浜嗕竴宸存帉鑸纴褰诲簳镞犺█锛


镞犳暟鐩厜涔嬩笅锛孡in Ling 闀垮彂镫傝垶锛岃劯鑹 鍙 鍙 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢 涓殑镣庢锷涙尳镫傛缏镄勬 锷涙尳镫傛缏镄勬 滐纴姝ゅ埢鐠 滐纴姝ゅ埢鐠 滐纴姝ゅ埢鐠 鐠ㄧ敓杈夛纴鑸嶆垜鍏 鐠ㄧ敓杈夛纴鑸嶆垜鍏 鐠ㄧ敓杈夛纴鑸嶆垜鍏 鐠ㄧ敓杈夛纴鑸嶆垜鍏


镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 纴渚挎槸杩欎箞璧 纴渚挎槸杩欎箞璧

鈥沧绁烇纴灏嗕綘镄勬渶寮 娈 娈 娈 娈 娈 娈 潵钖э纴鎴戣濂 潵钖э纴鎴戣濂 潵钖э纴鎴戣濂 ソ镄勬懅姣佷綘锛佲

Lin Ling 绗戜 锛岄偅鏄儨鍒╃殑绗戝锛