Chapter 2541

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
锛傛槸锛孲enior Brother 锛侊纾

Chain塉unior Brother 绔嫔嵆铡诲嗳澶囧纰戜简锛屽苟涓旀瀬涓虹殑鍏村锛屾绁濻enior Brother 涔冩槸澶╄秺鎺掕姒灭殑绗竴浣嶏纴Lin Ling 鏁(二)嫑鎯嫑鎯粬锛岃粬锛岃绠鐩鐩鏄痗鏄痗鏄痗tingtingting 涓殑courting death 锛

锛侺in Ling 锛宒efeated 锛侊纾

Zhaoqing oldly snorted 銆

LLin Ling 锛屽悗鏉ヤ粬涓嶭in Ling battle 锛屽 嬭 嬭 嬭 屽綊锛岃 屽綊锛岃 屽綊锛岃 屽綊锛岃 屽綊锛岃 鏄粬浜 鏄粬浜Key 诲ぇ杈憋紒

浜嫔悗浠栦笉 嶆皵锛屾墍浠ユ 嶆皵锛屾墍浠ユ 鎾 鎾 鎾 锛岄 Ling Ling in Ling 鍑 潵 潵 潵 潵 潵 潵

鍙﹄笉杩囷纴Lin Ling 姣斾粬鎯 杩樿涓嶅牚锛屽眳鐒 杩樿涓嶅牚锛屽眳鐒 杩樿涓嶅牚锛屽眳鐒 杩樿涓嶅牚锛屽眳鐒 病 病 病 娓呰 娓呰 娓呰 娓呰 锛 锛

钖庢潵镄勪竴骞达纴浠栦互涓篖in Ling 阃冨嚭闱掑窞浜嗭纴鍙皝鐭ラ死锛孡 in Ling 鍐嶅害娴嚭浜嗘娴嚭浜嗘闱纴骞寮曞彂浜嗛潚宸炴旦钻★紒

杩椤ぉ瓒婃阅嶆柊鎺掓锛孡 in Ling 蹇呯劧鏄紬浜 殑鐪 腑阍夛纴 腑阍夛纴 腑阍夛纴 € € 昏 昏 昏 昏 昏L€Lin Ling 浜嗭紒

涓 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕 钖嶅悕

簬 簬 Lin Ling 镄勬湅鍙嬶纴浠栦 涔熶笉鐪嫔ソ Lin Ling 锛屼絾鏄粬浠 塺 chain ejoice in other people 鈥檚 misfortune 锛屽弽 chain 掓浛 Lin Ling 鎷呭Curry

涓夊ぉ镞堕棿锛屼 鏄湪浼椾 鏄湪浼椾 熷緟涔嬩腑 熷緟涔嬩腑 熷緟涔嬩腑 熷緟涔嬩腑 熷緟涔嬩腑


鍦ㄨ 涓 澶╋纴 澶╋纴 澶╋纴 € € € € 夌殑 genius 閮 褰掓潵锛屽苟涓斾紒锲 褰掓潵锛屽苟涓斾紒锲 褰掓潵锛屽苟涓斾紒锲 褰掓潵锛屽苟涓斾紒锲 褰掓潵锛屽苟涓斾紒锲

锲犱 锛岃笍涓婇潚宸濸 ak ak ak 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 鏄粬浠殑鐩爣锛

Key 屽啿鍏ュぉ瓒婃帓琛屾涔熸槸浠栦 蹇呯粡镄勯 斿 斿 斿 斿 斿

Key 屽 寮 澶╄秺鎺掓涔嫔湴锛屼箖鏄潚宸炰箣澶栫殑澶 澶╄秺鎺掓涔嫔湴锛屼箖鏄潚宸炰箣澶栫殑澶 簯灞憋紒

锲犱 鍦ㄦ鍦 寮 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑 锛屾暣涓︷潚宸炵殑

涓 澶 澶 棭镞跺垎锛岃掴澶╃槠浜 棭镞跺垎锛岃掴澶╃槠浜 棭镞跺垎锛岃掴澶╃槠浜 厜濡╁ 厜濡╁ 厜濡╁ 锛岄偅澶 锛岄偅澶 锛岄偅澶 锛岄偅澶 around

骞朵笖锛屾湁榫椤湪鎷夋:锛屾湁锏锛屾湁锏皧皧ilil瓒婄┖瓒婄┖岃岃锛屾娴╄崱娴╄崱娴╄崱★纴imposing manner 鎭(一)畯锛


锛 崄骞 崄骞 崄骞 殑鎺掓瑕佸紑濮嬩 乫 乫 乫 乫 乫 乫 乫 乫 st st st st st st st st st st st宕涜捣镄勬渶寮篺irst generation 瓒呰秺浠栦 纻锛 纻锛 纻锛

锛傛帓姒滃緢闅撅纴钖嶆鎴栬浼氭湁鍙 寲锛屼絾鎺掕鍓崭笁鍗佺殑 寲锛屼絾鎺掕鍓崭笁鍗佺殑 chain 寮篺irst generation 杩滀笉鍙樼 杩滀笉鍙樼殑锛侊纾

锛傛嵁璇存渶澶 笇 笇 chain 変笁浜 chain 変笁浜 monkey 纴鍒嗗埆鏄 vi娴侊纴缃楃澓涓嶭in Ling 锛岃 umbrella 涓変 閮Borrowing chain 寮篺 st 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺 寮篺

锛伥sk tsk 锛孡in Ling 钖鏄潵镊 鐣岀殑锛屾垜鐗 鐣岀殑锛屾垜鐗 鐣岀殑锛屾垜鐗 剰浠庡 剰浠庡 剰浠庡 鐣岃 鐣岃

锛效摷锛孡 in Ling 鍙槸璺 灏忎笐 灏忎笐 灏忎笐 锛屾娆¤嫢娌 锛屾娆¤嫢娌 ° ° ° C boundaries

鎺掓灏氭湭寮 濮嬶纴 濮嬶纴 around around around around around around around around around around around around around around around around around around Rainbow trout

Key chain 夌殑 chain 寮篺irst generation 涔嬩腑锛孡in Ling 镄勯澶存棤鐤戞槸 chain 镞 镞 镞

Chain 変 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 変 変 変 変 変 変 粬锛屼紬璇 粬锛屼紬璇 粬锛屼紬璇

锛侺in Ling 鍦ㄥ摢锛熸垜浠婃棩瑕佸皢浠栨椿鎾曚 锛岃皝鏉ラ兘 锛岃皝鏉ラ兘 don鈥檛give face 锛屽摢镐曟槸鐠€鐠ㄥ闄竴镙鈥檛give face 锛侊纾

杩欎 镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 欙纴 夊 澶 澶 澶 澶 殑 殑 殑 Azure Dragon 鍒 潵锛宒 being being 涔嬮昵锛屼竴鐪 shoulder 湅涓嶅埌杈癸纴婊氭粴镄刬 pos pos mposing manner 浠ょ殑澶 浠ょ殑澶湴闱椤疯镞犲0锛屾槸Azure Dragon 绁炲簻镄凙zure Dragon 鐜嬶紒


瑕佺煡阆掳纴鑳 垚涓 垚涓 緳绁栫殑锛屾 緳绁栫殑锛屾 涓︷兘鏄緳涓殑 涓︷兘鏄緳涓殑 涓︷兘鏄緳涓殑 涓︷兘鏄緳涓殑 涓︷兘鏄緳涓殑 涓︷兘鏄緳涓殑 咃纴 咃纴 咃纴 咃纴 咃纴 咃纴 咃纴嗭纴鎺屾 浜嗘墍 chain 夌殑榫欑锛

娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 King 浣嶉潚宸炲 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘 娌屼箣涓纴绗竴涓猘

锛侺in Ling ignorant and incompetent 锛岀洰镞犲皧闀匡纴浠栧凡缁忚鐠€鐠ㄥ闄(五)櫎钖崭简锛屾墍浠ワ纴鍒妸浠€涔堜簨閮借甫涓婄拃鐠ㄥ闄紒锛

杩欎 镞跺 欙纴鍙堟湁澶 欙纴鍙堟湁澶 噺镄刾 噺镄刾 house house house house house house 噺镄刾 噺镄刾 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 锷ㄨ剼锛岄潚宸 殑浜Rainbow trout 棣栦竴浜 棣栦竴浜 (5) 昵浜嗭紒


闾zure Dragon 鐜嫔湪澶у北涔嬩腑鍧愪笅锛岄润链欎竴鍒囥

Subsequently, a famous powerhouse is also coming, Lei Yin old mother, palm days and so on!

Among them, Lei Yin’s mother is specifically looking at how Lin Ling died!

As for the palm of the day, he has a deep eye, and people don’t know what he is thinking!

On the other side of Dayun Mountain, eight powers, Akasaka, and the Sunshine and other powerhouses also arrived. They watched the densely packed powerhouses, all of them showing a smile!

Now, even if they want to help Lin Ling, it seems that they can’t help it!

Everything, you can only see Lin Ling yourself!

“Lin Ling Grand Marshal will definitely be successful!”

All the army of the six military camps also arrived, and the imposing manner was magnificent!

Gradually, in the area of ​​Dayun Mountain, there are countless powerhouses, and the sky is silhouette!

All the first generations are here, and the one million of the strongest first generations in the Tianyue list are located there early, as if they were Monarch overlooking the world, they are waiting for the challenge of the junior, but they also have absolute Confidence!

“Lin Ling? He won’t dare to come!”

“Don’t dare to come? You can’t be him. Even if he flees to the ends of the earth, I have to grab him out!”

The two strongest first generations that are on the top of the list, at the moment indifferent, and the sound is not small, passed into everyone’s ears!

“It is death and left-handed!”

People are watching the two strongest first generations, and each one has changed dramatically.

The two strongest existences are all about Lin Ling take action, and Lin Ling is even more difficult to wash the list. No, it is hopeless!

“Lin Ling, maybe I really can’t come!”

I don’t know who made a voice, but many people nod, because it is normal!


The god of death had long been resentful of Lin Ling, so the first irony laughed.

“What did Lin Ling promise, when can’t I do it!”

But at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in the sky, and the sound was calm, but it seemed to be self-sufficient in the hearts of the people, so that everyone looked up towards the distance, only to see the distant sky, a large number of silhouettes also arrived, the first one was awesome. Lin Ling!

“Lin Ling, come!”

At this moment, Dayun Mountain is silent!

At this moment, countless powerhouses are also a pupil!

Everyone knows that today’s Tianyue leaderboard is actually the martial stage of Lin Ling, and Lin Ling is also the most powerful first generation in the history of the Tianyue leaderboard!

“It’s really calm and confident!”

“Yeah, so many powerhouses are waiting for him, he actually didn’t run away!”

“That is Lin Ling?”

No matter who knows Lin Ling or who doesn’t know Lin Ling, I will look at Lin Ling at this moment!

The huge turmoil that Lin Ling caused in Qingzhou caused no one to know him. Of course, this made many people look at Lin Ling very uncomfortable. However, many people secretly admire Lin Ling. In these people’s eyes, martial Artist This is to eliminate all difficulties, rise to the top of the genius, only mediocrity will not recruit people!

“Lin Ling, defeated, I didn’t expect you to come finally!”

Under the big Yunshan, the god of death looked up at Lin Ling, and his nephew showed a reincarnation of death, which made people dare not look directly at him, as if they would be taken away at a glance!


With his right hand, a huge tombstone is from the bottom of the sky, engraved with four large characters “Lin Ling’s Tomb”!