Chapter 25 - 25: Deathmatch

Name:Peerless Medicine God Author:

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Deathmatch

Chapter 25: Deathmatch . . .

"Have you caught wind of the latest news? The individual at the bottom of the Yellow Rank, colloquially known as the Ten Thousand Years Last Place, Ye Yuan, has recently entered into a life-and-death contract with someone."

"Certainly, I've heard about it. Does he have a death wish? It's been over two years since we had a life-and-death contract in the academy. This will be the talk of the town for a while."

"Yes, it's been precisely two years and five months. The last such contract was signed by Senior Apprentice Brother Long, also a Yellow Rank student. Surprisingly, he emerged victorious against an opponent two minor realms above him. Who would have predicted he'd climb to the top of the Martial Roll of Honor within two years?"

"That's right. Senior Apprentice Brother Long didn't even reveal his full strength back then. Since that deathmatch, he became unstoppable, progressing to the Heaven Rank and ultimately claiming the first position on the Martial Roll of Honor."

"Do you think this Ye Yuan can replicate Senior Apprentice Brother Long's feat? Rumor has it that he advanced two levels in just a few days, jumping from the First Level Essence Qi Realm to the Third Level Essence Qi Realm."

"Impossible! He can't compare to Senior Apprentice Brother Long. Even when he was low-key, Senior Apprentice Brother Long wasn't that weak. Advancing two levels at once? Don't you know Ye Yuan entered the academy through a significant backdoor? His father is one of the few Alchemy Grandmasters in the State of Qin. Using such means to boost his son's strength by two levels is hardly surprising. It's an empty advancement; what combat power does he truly possess?"

"True. He's been in the academy for half a year already. If he could advance, he would have done so sooner. It's likely he used some secret technique to augment his strength."

Observing this unfolding scene, voices in the crowd murmured about the unexpected turn of events, highlighting the enigmatic nature of Ye Yuan's actions amidst the looming deathmatch.

Ye Yuan possessed a vast array of martial techniques, yet finding one suitable for someone at the Essence Qi Realm proved challenging. Given his stature in his previous life, martial techniques designed for the Essence Qi Realm seemed trivial in his discerning eyes.

To his surprise, Wan Yuan crossed his path on the way to the Scripture Library. It was evident that Wan Yuan deliberately awaited him, and by his side stood Liu Ruoshui. Ye Yuan, having crossed paths with her due to a recent competition with Fei Qingping, was familiar with her presence.

In a seemingly coincidental encounter, Wan Yuan greeted Ye Yuan with feigned warmth, his eyes, however, betraying a cold and detached demeanor. Wan Yuan, convinced of Ye Yuan's impending demise in the upcoming deathmatch, took this opportunity to taunt him in advance.

Observing Wan Yuan's impatience, Ye Yuan smirked at the prospect of defying Wan Yuan's expectations. Wan Yuan anticipated Ye Yuan's defeat and the subsequent loss of the pleasure derived from taunting him. Ye Yuan decided to indulge in this confrontation before the impending deathmatch.

Halting his rush to the Scripture Library, Ye Yuan responded with a composed smile, stating, "Indeed, to reincarnate. But it's to escort you on your journey to reincarnation."

Wan Yuan, hearing this, erupted into laughter, dismissing Ye Yuan's assertion. "Escort me to reincarnate? Hahaha! I'm right here. Go ahead, escort me if you can! Don't tell me you believe that just because you've reached the Third Level Essence Qi Realm through some unconventional means, you can challenge me?"

Liu Ruoshui, standing by Wan Yuan's side, joined in the amusement, covering her mouth as she chuckled. She found Ye Yuan's declaration amusing, perhaps underestimating his capabilities.

Liu Ruoshui exuded an irresistible allure, captivating the desires nestled in the hearts of the male students. Ye Yuan's predecessor, naive and weak, had succumbed to her charms. Liu Ruoshui, initially feigning weakness and pitifulness to entice Ye Yuan, now dropped the facade, openly expressing her disdain and condescension as Ye Yuan faced an imminent duel with Fei Qingping.

Addressing Wan Yuan, she added scornfully, "Senior Apprentice Brother Wan, this Junior Apprentice Brother Ye is quite the character. Despite his evident plight, he emulates others, akin to a toad harboring delusions of reaching a swan's elegance. Despite his meager strength, he seeks to inflate his presence. Now, on the brink of a duel, he even dares to issue threats. Isn't it rather amusing?"