Chapter 2860

Name:Peak Strength Author:梦岂

When people were rolled up and flew to the opposite bank, they saw the brilliant light on the West River boat. Then, the whole boat twisted and disappeared on the West River, as if it had never appeared before.

Although Xiang Yang was swept away by this force, he didn't lose his mind at the moment. Instead, he looked at the Xihe boat and felt that the feeling between himself and Xihe ship still existed. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, as long as this strange Xihe boat still exists, I can find it in the future and enter those worlds to seek treasure."

Among the strange and broken worlds connected by the Xihe ship, not to mention that the powerful destructive power of each world is the best treasure to refine Xiang Yang's body, it is aimed at the existence of at least one inborn spiritual treasure in each world, and Xiangyang can't let go of these worlds.


Xiang Yang suddenly thought of the little black tiger. It seemed that he had no shadow. When he disappeared with the Xihe boat, his face changed slightly.

"The little one won't be gone like this?"

As for the magic of the little black tiger, Xiang Yang has not fully understood. Moreover, he has to rely on the little black tiger to go to the so-called primitive place in the depths of chaos to have a good look. If the little black tiger disappears, it would be a pity.


when Xiang Yang was standing on the other side of the river, he suddenly heard a cry of complacency coming out of the void. In his eyes, the little black tiger was chasing the West River boat away happily.

"This little thing is not limited by nothingness at all."

Xiang Yang felt a sigh of relief after seeing him. Fortunately, although the little black tiger ran far away, he must know how to run back. That's OK.


However, when Xiang Yang just breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that there were several powerful murders around him, and he did not need to look at it. It was Jin Duoming and a group of men of that guy, as well as some other people on the ship, who were obviously preparing to settle accounts after autumn.

"Two elders."

At the moment, the East emperor Yuxi was quickly saluting the two Yasheng strongmen. She chuckled, and with the bearing that should be possessed by the descendants of the Donghuang family, she said to the two strong men with a natural smile, "it's really hard for Xi'er to let the two elders go out in person."

"Well, what's the little Lord saying? You are the future demon lord of our Wanyao group. You are in danger. Everyone wants to do something. What can you do to be polite?"

"That's right. What are you doing with us, little girl?"

Wanyao group of two Yasheng peak of the strong, laughing said.

Obviously, they are very good to the emperor's seal. Although they are strong in Asia, they don't have any shelf.

"Two elders, Xi'er would like to introduce you. This is Xiang Yang, the disciple of that line."

With a soft smile, the Eastern Emperor Yuxi took two elders to Xiang Yang, who was being glared at by a group of people. At the moment, with a smile on her face, she took a look at Jin Duoming and others. As a result, Jin Duoming and others changed their faces and quickly dispersed their murderous spirit. They did not dare to show their intention to kill Xiang Yang in front of the two strongmen in the holy land.

Other people are also slightly changed. No matter where they come from, no matter what kind of strong background exists behind them, they dare not make mistakes in the face of the strong Asian saints.

"It turns out that this boy is what the two old men call Xiang Yang."

"I've heard about it for a long time, but those two old guys are very respectful of you."

Before Xiang Yang opened his mouth, the two strongmen of the holy land said to Xiang Yang with a smile.

With a smile on his face, Xiang Yang calmly saluted the two strongmen of the Holy Land and said, "I've met two predecessors."

"Boy, you don't behave like this in front of those two old guys. Why are you so polite when you see us? Ha ha, you're welcome. Just treat us as if you saw those two old guys." The two strongmen of Holy Land obviously wanted to make friends with Xiang Yang. After listening to Xiang Yang's salute, they said with a smile.

"However, those two old guys are so shameless in my heart that I would treat them like that. At first glance, the two elders knew that they were full of righteousness and righteous. Naturally, I could not treat them like this." Xiang Yang said in a hurry.

"Ha ha ha, yes, those two old guys are really shameless. Unlike us, we are really righteous in the Wanyao group."

"Ha ha, if the two old guys listen to me, I will certainly express my dissatisfaction. However, Xiang Xiaoyou has a good eye and can see the difference between us and those two old guys at a glance."


the two sub sages said with a smile.

"That's natural. The two elders saved all the people on the scene, and they wanted to thank the two elders and the Wanyao group from now on." Xiang Yang said with a smile.At the same time, he looks at the other people present, especially when he sees Jin Duoming, with a wisp of strange smile on his mouth, which makes Jin Duoming suddenly think that Xiang Yang has any tricks to show against him.

"Well, these are small things. Don't mention them any more." After hearing this, the two elites were more satisfied with Xiang Yang. If Xiang Yang didn't mention it, other people on the scene could think that nothing had happened. However, after Xiang Yang said it, these people couldn't help expressing themselves.

As expected, countless people from the boat headed by Jin Duoming saluted the two strongmen of the holy land at the moment. "Thank you for your help. We certainly dare not forget it."

"Ha ha, you're welcome. You're welcome."

The two strong men laughed. Although their accomplishments reached their level, they didn't care about courtesy. However, they were very happy to see that there were tens of thousands of strong men saluting them.

Next, the two elites didn't stay much. Instead, they said with a smile, "Xi'er, the Demon Lord has already communicated with the holy master. This time, you don't have to go through the examination, and you will be sent to Shengzong by the two of us."


the words of these two strongmen of holy land were really too caught off guard. Rao Shi, the emperor of the East, looked at them with an incredible look after them and said, "you send me to the holy land?"

"Yes, let's go. We have something to do after we have safely sent you to the holy place." The two strongmen of the Holy Land urged.


Although the emperor felt a little regretful that he could not go with Xiang Yang, he did not refuse the two strongmen in the holy land, but nodded and answered.

"Xiangyang, goodbye to Shengzong."

Then, the emperor looked at Xiang Yang and said softly.

"Well, you go ahead and wait for me." Xiang Yang laughed. Although he felt a little reluctant to give up because the East emperor's jade seal was about to leave immediately, he did not say so. Instead, he waved to the emperor with a smile.

"Boy, ha ha, it seems that you have some relationship with Xi'er. It's not bad. We are very optimistic about you. Come on. We hope you can have a position in the future Wanyao group."


the two strongmen of the Holy Land laughed and said, and then they directly took the imperial seal of the Eastern Emperor, and their bodies flowed around and disappeared in the void.

"I have a place in the Wanyao group? What does that mean? "

Xiang Yang touched his head and looked puzzled. Then, he sighed, "sure enough, these strongmen of Wanyao group are some unreliable old monsters. These two strongmen are obviously old monsters that have existed in ancient times, just like the two old guys before, they are shameless guys."

"Xiang Yang, do you dare to insult the strongmen of Wanyao group? Do you want to die?" Jin Duoming on one side seized the opportunity at this time and yelled at Xiang Yang angrily.

"Who are you?"

Xiang Yang squinted at Jin Duoming and flashed a ray of cold light in his eyes.

Although he has already got off the boat, Jin Duoming seems to be able to cut into this guy if he is more arrogant.

"On the West River boat, it's not good to attack you because of too many restrictions. Now, if you are still arrogant by relying on your identity as the descendant of that line, I will let you know how you end up." Jin Duoming said in a cold voice.

At the same time, he did not directly start at Xiang Yang, but looked at the huge open space on the bank, and then suddenly waved his hand.


At this moment, the dazzling light flashed, and countless giant star turtles appeared on the shore. At the same time, there were a large number of teams. There were millions of people, including nearly one million people in the standard army. These people were obviously under Jin Duoming.

When he got on the Xihe ship, Jin Duoming collected the whole caravan into the immortal mansion, and then joined the bodyguards to get on the ship. At the moment, he really released all the people, and immediately formed a vast and boundless team.

Although the strength of these teams is uneven, there are big Luo strong, there are real immortals, and even celestial immortals, but the number really reached a very terrible level.

"You have so many people with you. No wonder you dare to be arrogant in front of me."

Xiang Yang sighed.

At the moment, the rest of the people who got off the ship, except for Kim's men, and those who had been travelling with the caravan, the rest had already left.

The rest of the people looked at Xiang Yang with lively eyes.

No matter how powerful and weird Xiang Yang has, he is still just a man. Moreover, his cultivation on the surface is just the peak of the true immortal.

Jin Duoming's caravan is a strong one who can walk between the major celestial regions and is sure to survive. Maybe two of them, xianzun at the top of the jiuchongtian in Dalao, have already been hanged on the Xihe ship. However, the strength of this team can not be underestimated. It is absolutely beyond the power of any immortal under the holy land.After Jin Duoming released all the people, he felt very confident when facing Xiang Yang. He believed that with his current strength, when facing Xiangyang, he would absolutely have a very strong advantage and absolutely be able to destroy Xiang Yang.

With his hands on his back, he even took out a folding fan and said with a leisurely smile, "Xiang Yang, now that this young master has a million troops in hand, are you flustered?"


seeing that Jin Duoming was so confident, Xiang Yang and Hun Qiqi were speechless. I really don't know what kind of strength this miscellaneous team can bring to Jin Duoming.

You know, although there are a lot of people in this team, there are not many real strong ones. In real terms, there are only a hundred Xianwang and about ten xianzun.

Of course, for ordinary people, these ten immortal statues are enough to make many people despair. However, both Xiang Yang and Hun Qiqi feel that Jin Duoming is like a clown at the moment.

Especially soul Qi Qi, she is very clear. Although Jin Duoming has a million people, so does Xiang Yang. In Xiangyang's Wuji immortal mansion, there is the cultivation of the one million true immortals in the peak state that was just taken away from xihezhou not long ago.

Moreover, Xiang Yang's soul power is comparable to that of the soul clan's saints. It is extremely powerful and terrifying. Even if the true sub saint of the Xianzu comes, he doesn't have to be afraid.

"Flustered, speechless?"

Jin Duoming laughs, shaking the folding fan in his hand and looking at Xiang Yang with a smile. At the moment, he just feels as if he has reached the peak of his life.

As a young leader of the Jin nationality, being able to crush Xiang Yang strongly is a great sense of achievement for him. It is even more successful and exciting than when he was the candidate for the future leader of the Jin clan.

"I'm so scared."

Xiang Yang sighed. He looked at the teams behind Jin Duoming and sighed, "it's a waste of money for you to be the little master of Jin nationality. There is no immortal statue in the peak of the nine heavy heaven in Dalao. I don't know if you are a fake

"Even if you don't have the immortal statue at the peak of the nine heavens of Dalao, this team of young masters is enough to destroy you." Jin Duoming sneered, and then, abruptly, he said, "set up the array, rotate the array for millions, and kill him."


At this moment, the millions of people who were still watching erupted into a terrifying force at the same time. Everyone held the Dharma, and the golden light rose into the sky. In an instant, they reached the top of Xiang Yang's head, forming a round wheel. Around this round wheel, all kinds of swordsmen appeared.

The powerful murderous spirit and the light of all kinds of weapons erupted. The round wheel revolved, and the void burst into pieces in an instant. It was like a stone mill that could crush everything.

Moreover, although Jin Duoming didn't do it, he retreated to the rear with cold eyes, and said in a low voice, "don't be merciful. Kill him, and the accident will be carried by the young master."


at this moment, the round wheel burst out a powerful force, and instantly suppressed it towards Dang Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang stood with Hun Qiqi and saw that the round wheel was suppressed. He said with a light smile, "although it is the strength of millions of people, it is vulnerable to a single blow. Let's see the rune round wheel newly understood by this young master, and see who is stronger."

At the same time, he held the Dharma in his hands, and a dozen of Fu Wen Fu were now directly transformed into a round wheel, which was also rotated towards the top.


Compared with the golden round wheel formed by the energy of millions of immortals above, the round wheel formed by Xiangyang's more than ten runes has no color, no weapons displayed around, and there is no dazzling light, even the size can not be compared with it.

However, at this moment, when the two collided with each other, more than a dozen runes of Xiang Yang flowed, and without a sound, they even directly melted the golden round wheel. No, not only did they smile, but they absorbed it directly, making a ray of golden light appear on the more than ten runes.

"How could this... Be possible?"

Kim was stunned when he saw this scene, and then he ran back to the rear in horror, even ignoring his subordinates.

However, at this moment, in the sky, the round wheel composed of runes that had absorbed the golden round wheel and burst out the golden light was a leap directly into the void. In an instant, it reached the top of Jin Duoming's head and instantly suppressed him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!