Chapter 1564

Name:Peak Strength Author:梦岂
"Fat sheep, this monk is really a big fat sheep."

At this moment, Xiang Yang even wanted to regard the monk as the thieves of the star sky skeleton bandits group. As long as he was a thief, it would be easy to do so. With his "just heart" ready to "act for heaven", he could "greet" this guy.

How many Buddhist beads are there on his hand? If you count them carefully, there are 107 beads. No, it should be said that there are 108 beads in total. Only one of them is supporting under the sword spirit of Xiangyang, and there are 107 beads left.

At this moment, Xiang Yang was a little dizzy. It was really terrible. Even after he saw it, he felt his mind trembling.

How powerful is this string of magic beads hanging by this guy after a string of 108 supreme spirit level beads? I'm afraid it's not bad even compared with the lower level immortal tools. Even, if it's consistent with the user's mind, the real power will be even stronger than that of the lower level immortal tools. It is very likely that the power of the medium level immortal tools can be exerted.

This string of Buddhist beads is a treasure.

Xiang Yang is really excited. However, it seems that these problems are not considered now. Because of the monk's interference, the power of the Jiuzhang sword Qi chopping on the Buddha beads is so strong that it has affected the sleeping nightmare beast. At this moment, the speed of awakening of the demon beast is faster and faster.



The sound of the broken Buddha bead and the roar of the nightmare beast almost at the same time.

At this moment, the huge golden Buddha beads turned into countless pieces and broke down. However, the power of Xiang Yang's sword was almost spent. Now that the nightmare beast had come to his senses, Xiang Yang did not intend to kill it immediately, but withdrew his sword.


The nightmare beast opened his eyes, trembled and stood up. All at once, the sound of "boom" rang out. The whole mountain collapsed and burst, and countless stones exploded in all directions. The cave also collapsed at the same time. However, Xiangyang had been prepared for it, but there was no confusion caused by falling down.


With the movement of the mountain, countless smoke and dust were flying, blocking the eyes of the people, but there was a nightmare beast was constantly roaring.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the mountain on the top of Xiang Yang and others had already disappeared. There was nothing else around them except a huge nightmare beast standing in front of them like a mountain peak.

"Nightmare Warcraft, ha ha, darling, my baby, you wake up at last. With you, the Buddha can understand the method of dream transformation. This is the peerless magic power that is claimed to be able to dream for three thousand years. If the Buddha can understand it, a sleep later can be equal to a thousand years of hard work by others. It's really wonderful."

When he saw the nightmare beast of the size of an endless mountain range, Xiang Yang didn't open his mouth, so the young monk was very excited. At the same time, he walked forward step by step to get close to the nightmare beast.

"Is this guy looking for death?" Xiang Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth, but he did not start to stop the guy. Instead, he stood beside Bo Yi and others, looking at the young monk and waiting for the guy's next move.

"Brother Xiang, this guy is going to rob us. Do you want to. Dry. He When Lei Ming and Bo Yi looked at the young monk who was picking peaches on the way, their faces suddenly showed a look of incomparable anger. Their breath was very unstable. It seemed that they would burst out at any time, ready to kill the monk.

Even Yulia was staring at the young monk, with a dark green light flowing around her body, ready to shoot each other with her bow and arrow.

After seeing this, Xiang Yang gently shook his head and said, "don't worry, wait for that little bald donkey to have a good time with the beast first."

"But what if this guy really subdues that nightmare beast?" Lei Ming asked nervously.

"What I want is just bait, not a living nightmare Warcraft. What if I was subdued? Just kill it. " Xiang Yang said calmly.

He squinted at the young monk. It was the first time that he was eaten black by others, and a monk he didn't know suddenly jumped out and said that it was impossible not to be angry. However, when he was in his own world, he once received the token from the fat monk who had taught the nine day star rhyme and the star Pavilion. In his heart, there were very few and so on There are still some special feelings among them. At the moment, he just thinks that the nightmare beast can never be robbed by the other party. As for the monk, he has not thought about destroying the other party.

"Yes, since big brother Xiang said so, there would be no problem." After listening to Xiang Yang's words, several people suddenly showed a smile on their faces. At this time, they really realized that Xiangyang's strength was earth shaking. Even if the monk suddenly appeared, it could not be Xiang Yang's opponent. They just relaxed."Brother Xiang, what about yuliqin?" However, Yulia is looking at her holding ulysyn with worried eyes. Now, the nightmare Warcraft has not been killed immediately, and ulysyn has not recovered from her dream.

"Well, I'll wake her up." Xiang Yang chuckled. At the moment, he had put away the green Xuan sword in his hand and came to Yulia. His hands were full of nine colors of light and pointed directly to yuliqin's forehead.

"Hum..." All of a sudden, accompanied by a slight trembling sound, and then saw the nine color light flow in yuliqin's whole body, and then gathered to her head. Of course, it is not so simple to solve yuliqin's dream, even Xiang Yang can't do it in one move.

In the process of breaking the dream, it is necessary for Xiang Yang's own strength and the quality of his divine consciousness to enter the sea of consciousness of yuliqin and wake her up a little bit. What is needed is a slow process, which can not be completed at once.


In this process, Xiang Yang looked at the monk with one mind and two purposes, but he found that the monk was very brave. He directly threw the one in his hand, which was only 107, directly towards the huge nightmare beast. At this moment, the string of beads was infinitely enlarged in the air It's long, and it's directly around the neck of the nightmare beast, and then it blooms with brilliant golden light.

Then, with the sound of a huge Buddhist trumpet, countless Buddhist scriptures flashed out from this string of beads, and went to suppress this nightmare beast with profound power.

This is the power of Buddhism to transform human beings.

According to the ancient legend, Buddha suppressed all the demons and ghosts in the eighteen hells, and turned the infinite demons into good people with his own power, which was just the power of Buddhism to transform human beings.

The young monk himself is a Buddhist, and the string of beads is the energy of Buddhism. In addition, with the power of this young monk, there is really a power to turn the nightmare into a beast.


At this moment, the nightmare beast roared like a mountain, and its huge body was shaking, which broke out a nightmare power, but it was no use. The power of Buddhism's truth words exerted itself had a strong restraining power against nightmares, and the innumerable six character Sutras of Buddhism were branded on this nightmare one by one On your body.

Nightmares roar and struggle constantly. One after another with the power of magical dreams all burst out. Bubbles flash from its body. What we can see is that each bubble contains countless figures of a world. Among them, the scenes in these bubbles are created by the nightmare beast which makes people fall into a dream Every bubble is equivalent to the dream of those who fall into a dream because of it.

Although it is a dream, each of these bubbles contains the unique power of nightmare beast.

At this moment, the nightmare Warcraft has reached the peak of its ability in the whole city and is fighting against the six character truth of Buddhism.

"Damn it, Amitabha, this nightmare beast is so powerful, which is beyond the Buddha's imagination. However, although you are powerful, the Buddha's six character mantra is not for fun. The truth subdues demons and suppresses nightmares." After seeing this scene, the young monk immediately widened his eyes and gave a strange cry.


Then, this guy actually did it directly in the air at this moment. His hands kept holding the Dharma decision, and he recited the six words of Buddhism in his mouth.

"Hum, Mani, BAM, hum"

with the six word Buddhist mantra coming out of the young monk's mouth, his whole body was also shining with bright golden light. At this moment, the whole person seemed to become a golden arhat. The breath on his body was full of the true meaning of Buddhism. Behind him, there was a golden Buddha shadow hundreds of Zhang high, The Buddha's shadow also uttered the voice of the six word truth.

When the young monk really broke out, his strength was earth shaking. Even after Xiang Yang saw it, he could not help but take a breath of air. "This guy's strength is really extraordinary." , the fastest update of the webnovel!