Chapter 3473: 3542 Marriage lover 4

Chapter 3473 3542 Flash Marriage Lovers 4

"For the time being, forgive you for your lack of sentiment. If you say a few more words, I will reluctantly accept your insincere tone."

Su Shishi hugged Yin Tingjun's head, kissed her, and whispered softly mixed with the voice of saliva. Over and over again, he delighted Yin Tingjun's body and mind, including every neuron: "Husband, husband, husband, husband, husband..."

"It's over, I don't want you to stop at all. I wish my wife would be a repeater from now on."

Yin Tingjun put her down, put on her coat, and threw her coat to her, squeezed her hand, and said with her fingers interlocking: "Go, my husband will take you to celebrate."

"Where to go?"

"Marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog, just follow me, your husband is reluctant to sell you."

After Yin Tingjun made a phone call, he got out of the garage and drove by himself, driving his newlyweds in the dark. The stereo in the car was playing "You are going to marry me today". Su Shishi couldn't help but ask curiously several times. "Where to celebrate? Did you call your uncle just now? I heard your name is uncle."

"Uncle cousin, I didn't introduce you to him."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang, Yin Tingjun connected the car phone, and Yan Shuo's voice came from the phone: "Tingjun, are you there yet? Give me a call when you are here."

"There are five minutes left."

"All right, I'll wait for you."

Five minutes later, Yin Tingjun drove the car to the underground garage of the Yanjia Jewelry Customization Center and took her upstairs by the elevator.

In the elevator, Yin Tingjun called Yan Shuo and said to Su Shishi: "Would you like to design and make our wedding ring with me? I want to make things for a lifetime, and my cousin made them by myself. I think it’s very meaningful. I used to think that no matter how expensive a wedding ring is, it’s not more precious than what I did."

Su Shishi was excited when he heard it: "Can you make it yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

Su Shishi was so excited that her steps seemed to be flying: "I like it."

At the Yanjia Jewelry Design Center, Yan Shuo sat there alone waiting for two people. Seeing the two holding hands, they walked over like Siamese babies. Yan Shuo waited for Yin Tingjun to introduce each other and carried the car keys. Shaking: "What jewelry do you want?"

Yin Tingjun said vigorously, "The ring."

Yan Shuo's eyebrows brightened, and he shot the two up and down: "Are you planning to propose so soon?"

It has only been three months since he knew that Ting Jun had a girlfriend until now, counting with his fingers.

But I didn’t want Yin Tingjun to say: "Uncle cousin, my wife and I are going to have a wedding ring. You are the first person to know the news. Shishi and I got the certificate an hour ago. Recommend us and what styles are there? We want to be complete by ourselves."

"Oh, ah? What did you say? What do you mean by the certificate you got an hour ago?"

Yan Shuo couldn't react at all. Although this kid was very arrogant when introducing his girlfriend, "This is my wife, this is my cousin, and I will be my family from now on", but he didn't care about the sentence "Wife "It has a real chill.

Yin Tingjun whistled and snapped his fingers, as excited as if he had won a Mark Six lottery: "Yes, that's the literal meaning you heard. This young master officially announced that he is a married man. Cousin, don't be foolish, tell us. How to make the ring."

"Fuck." Yan Shuo quickly put away his surprised expression, and took a long leg: "I am the first to know? What wedding gift do you want from your cousin? This news is too hot, your grandma, our aunt knows Yet?"

(End of this chapter)