Chapter 2849: 2920 Fighting Together The Brothers of Life and Death 4

Chapter 2849 Chapter 2920 Fighting Together Life and Death Brothers 4

Mu Li coughed twice and motioned to her to shut up, but Xingluo was not reconciled, and Balabala said a few more words. Mu Li pressed his eyebrows and said hurriedly: "My side is hands-free."

"Huh? What?" Xing Luo reacted for only a second, and the corner of his eyes was almost cramped: "Ali, or your husband is the most handsome, gentle and most masculine, bye..." After speaking, he quickly cut off the phone.

Mu Li looked at the smile of the man next to her, and chuckled: "Xing Luo said that she was super moldy in the past two days, and it was useless to look at the almanac when she went out. I believe it now. She must be upset on the phone side now."

Because of the jet lag, it’s noon in Country L where Xingluo is. She was still lying in bed and didn’t get up. Xingluo probably was really stupid by Leng Ye’s picking up. Do you think she’s also at noon and she doesn’t have any scruples when she speaks. ?

Yin Zhan snorted abruptly, threw the phone on the head of the bed, and continued to sleep with his arms around her.

Less than ten minutes after sleeping, the phone rang again. This time it was not the starfall, but the army called.

"What did you say? You say it again!"

The voice of Yin Zhan suddenly sank, as if shook the ice.

Mu Li was awakened by his tone, pricked up her ears, and vaguely heard the voice on the phone, vaguely and intermittently: "...Ting Jun... whereabouts unknown..."

Mu Li sat up suddenly, Yin Zhan also sat up, glanced at the anxiety in her eyes, and pressed the phone in the hands-free mode: "You can tell me clearly, what is going on?"

"Mr. President, our special forces went to the Amazon jungle for training. Ting Jun did not return to the team according to the stipulated time. The positioning bracelet also lost the signal. Now it has been missing for two days. There is more than one of our troops operating in the Amazon jungle. According to the news, there is still a criminal gang chased by Interpol. The situation is more complicated than we thought. As far as the situation is now, there are at least five different forces here, and one is from country E."

If the president’s son unfortunately falls into the hands of country E’s forces, the consequences would be disastrous!

Upon hearing the news, the military had to call Yin Zhan's phone immediately to inform it!

Mu Li fainted, and immediately dialed Xingluo’s phone. The country where Xingluo is located is currently the closest to the Amazon jungle. She has a wealth of jungle experience. Visiting the Amazon jungle is like visiting a playground. You must find Tingjun. He must not fall into the hands of any other armed forces.


In the Amazon jungle, the moisture in the forest was too heavy. Ting Jun angrily split the last compressed biscuit in his backpack into two, and gave it to the same creeping teenager next to him. The two silently gnawed down the unswallowed compressed biscuit, Ting Jun eats food without knowing the taste, but Lan Ting thinks it is delicious on earth.

Ting Jun couldn't help but glanced at Lan Ting: "How many days have you not eaten? To such a miserable level?"

Lan Ting didn’t care about being ridiculed by Tingjun. It’s important to fill his stomach. He chewed and said, "At least they are better than you. These people are all coming for you, but not for me. No life back!"

"That's my business, what are you staying to join in the fun?"

Ting Jun really wanted to curse. He was dragged to the Amazon jungle to train in the wild to survive. He said he would return to the team for five days, but now he has been overtime for two days. An armed force here has been eyeing him four days ago. He couldn't get rid of it. The opponents were all tall Malaysians. He was still a child, and he had no advantage in terms of combat experience or size.

"I just want to stay and witness how you died, otherwise you died unclearly, and I will regret this for life with this question." After eating half of the compressed biscuits, Lan Ting felt as if he had come alive.

He was also drawn to the Amazon jungle by the hunter training camp. He left the team because of encountering Tingjun. Two and a half-year-old teenagers are now facing an unidentified adult armed force alone, fighting side by side and holding on until now. But how long can it last?

[The author has something to say: Update here today, continue tomorrow, ask for votes, ask for votes, ask for votes. Meme~~]

(End of this chapter)