Chapter 2354: 2410 Did they both hide something from her? 5

Chapter 2354 Chapter 2410 Are they both hiding something from her? 5

It must not be that he is good at math, but how many days he has known them every day.

Nan Sheng Qingxinnian shook so badly, Lonely Shan looked at the little excitement in her eyes, the corners of her lips stirred, and she didn't ask her the result again.

They descended from Diamond Hill, the sky was dark, and the sunset on the beach was as beautiful as a computer wallpaper. After the three had dinner at a seafood buffet, Lonely Shan wanted to go shopping in the mall and buy some seasonal clothes.

The shopping malls near the city center and Waikiki Beach, from big shopping malls, first-class boutiques, specialty stores to outlets, have everything you need, all kinds of top-end high-end clothing, Lonely Shan just swipes his card to make Nansheng love Wu was stunned.

"I thought women would die at the mall."

Wu Yi carried several shopping bags and added: "I always think so, but in fact, shopaholics may not really belong to women. Master, do you still want to buy? Is that enough? I only need two. Just a change of clothes."

I’ve seen a generous boss, but I’ve never seen such a generous boss. Not to mention the boss’s own clothes, the clothes he bought for his bodyguard, he counted them, and there were no less than ten sets. Each set is very valuable, depending on the price. He was speechless.

Wu Yi has been an orphan since he was a child. He had never spent so much money in the army before.

Lonely Shan disapproved, so she swept him up and down disgustedly: "Seeing that you usually wear this way, so you don't know how to dress. No wonder you haven't found a girlfriend until now. You follow me like this, which affects my taste. "

Lonely Shan shook his head straight, walked to a French high-end brand store, saw a good pair of sunglasses, put on the bridge of the nose, like a big-name movie king, walking with wind, standing in front of the mirror to take a photo from the left and right, directly to pay the bill.

Wu Yi took his card to pay the bill, and when he looked at the bill, there was only twenty-eight thousand broken sunglasses. He didn't see how rare it was. He bought a pair of sunglasses on the street for just over 100 yuan!


Wu Yi kept muttering in the bottom of his heart, he wanted Nan Shengqing to persuade Nan Shengqing to persuade him, but Lonely Shan’s words "take what you value" has already made Nan Shengqing crazy with excitement, like falling into the honey of happiness. , Wu Yi simply broke his heart, two prodigal sons, if no one takes care of the money for them in the future, it is estimated that this property will be lost!

Finally, the two prodigal sons held hands and walked to a jewelry store excitedly.

Lonely Shan leaned over her body and looked at the safety locks in front of the exquisite counter. Nan Shengqing was not interested in safety locks. She wanted to look at the necklace and whispered to him, "I don't like safety locks."

"Who said I want to buy it for you?"

"Could it be that you want to buy it for yourself? Or do you plan to buy it for other women?"

Lonely Shan raised her hand and squeezed her face, "Xiao Zhan's daughter is about to be born, what kind of vinegar?"

After speaking, continue to look at the safety lock, which is most suitable for the newborn baby.

"You mean Lord Yin? Your Excellency Yin is going to be a father? How about this? How about this? Looks good, and this one."

This jewelry shop ranks first and second in the world. The safety locks made are all exquisite. Nan Shengqing thinks they are all beautiful, but I can’t see what I like after watching Lonely Shan for a long time. I always feel that everything is too inferior. Good product, can't get it.

"Forget it, it's not good. I remember I collected two Hetian jade safety locks before, and I looked back and looked for them."

"What's wrong? It's all pretty good-looking. If I have a baby in the future, I will buy this kind of safety lock to bring the baby, bless the baby's life safety and happiness."

(End of this chapter)