Chapter 1249: 1266 There is much love in the world, true love is everywhere 3

Chapter 1249 1266 There is much love in the world, true love is everywhere 3

"You don't understand at all. He treats me only as his brother treats his sister. Cen Yin can bring him the feeling of love. Why should I look for that embarrassment and embarrassment? It's good to be a sister who makes him please. Let's not talk about this topic every time, okay?"

"The premise is that you didn't mention me and Leng Yeyu just now, do you think I'm a good pastime? I'm hanging up!"

Can the revenge heart not be so strong? Mu Li cut off the headset, walked to the French window, and looked at the water-washed sky through the French window. After thinking for a long time, she not only wanted to ensure his safety, but also to find out where Mu Xiao was.

It's all because of her acting too late. If Mu Xiao had just turned into a vegetable, she would have kindly sent Mu Xiao a ride, and now she won't find Mu Xiao's hiding place and become passive!

After the opening ceremony, the Republican National Congress proceeded slowly along the process, generous speeches, passionate singing and dancing, shouting audience, thunderous applause, and balloons flying in the sky.

Yin Zhan arranged for her the opportunity to take the stage. Three minutes before taking the stage, she texted Leng Yejin.

"I'm going to give a speech. Would you like to come and join us? Mr. Non-Human?"

"No, Mr. Non-Human is busy."

Tong Lu muted the phone, slightly regretful.

It is the first time for Tong Lu to be on stage in such a crowded scene. Before the stage, she was very nervous, for fear that she would not perform well on the spot. After she really took the stage, her heartbeat accelerated when she saw the darkened head, and her hand was shaking with the microphone. .

Take a deep breath and force yourself not to stage fright.

She remembered the conversation with Leng Yejin last night.

——"What if I am too nervous to speak after taking the stage?"

——"So you still have to go, stay at home and watch live TV, lest you embarrass me all over the country!"


Tong Lu took a deep breath again, in order to prove to him that she would not be ashamed and she could not be stage fright!

The hand hanging on the right was suddenly grasped by a big one. She was taken aback for a moment, and she subconsciously tilted her head so that she couldn't see anything. Tong Lu was taken aback for a moment.

"What are you nervous about, didn't you ask me to accompany you?" Someone's voice rubbed his ears.

Leng Yejin held her palm tightly, and there was a calming power in her voice.

But isn't someone unable to speak from the beginning?

If the tens of thousands of people in the audience knew that Leng Yejin was by her side at this moment, I wonder if they would break it?

"Don't be nervous, it's just a speech."

She heard the familiar voice, felt the temperature of her palm again, and her nervous heart slowly let go. Because of his presence, her violently beating heart calmed down a lot, and she smiled slightly.

In the eyes of everyone, she was calm and calm, slowly walking towards the center of the stage.

"Thank you, thank you very much, I am very happy to be with you to witness this historic meeting. I am very proud that you elected him to run for President of the United States, my brother, Mr. Yin Zhan."

"A few years ago, my husband said a word to me. He told me that my grandpa is an amazing person. He has a famous saying that is my husband's motto."

"My husband said that my grandfather once said: Home, country, and the world, if a person doesn’t even love his family, don’t expect him to love the country. He said, this is not only his motto, my mother’s family, They all follow this sentence."

"At that time, I just got together with my relatives, and I could not deeply feel the affection from my parents and elder brothers, because as we all know, I lived in a family that lacked the love of my father since I was a child, and my family did not explain to me what affection is."

(End of this chapter)