Chapter 900: 917 and Mr. Vampire 1

Chapter 900 Chapter 917 and Mr. Vampire 1

Regardless of whether he regretted it, in Leng Yerong's view, his father had been treated cruelly throughout his life. Thinking about it, Leng Yerong's eyes darkened a little.

Leng Ye took out his cell phone and deleted some cell phone numbers and email messages. At the same time, he sent a text message to Black Hawk and gave him another cell phone number.

At this moment, the wedding ceremony was over. Everyone moved to the outside of the church. The bride wanted to throw colorful flowers. Many unmarried girls rushed over to grab the colorful flowers.

"Go grab it." Leng Yejin raised his chin to Tong Luang.

"Don't grab it, you can grab it when you're unmarried. I'm already your wife, why should I grab it? I want to grab you."

In her anger, she didn't want him to take risks but couldn't persuade him. He had always done things like this, and others' opinions were basically ignored.

Tong Lu clasped his arms and decided not to leave him for 24 hours.

She did that too, she would go wherever he went.

All day long, noon banquet, afternoon cocktail, and evening formal wedding dinner. Even if he goes to the bathroom, Tong Lu has to stand at the door of the men’s bathroom, not leaving every step. To outsiders, it looks like a divorce. The little woman who doesn't open her husband.

Leng Ye Jin didn't know what to do, and it wasn't life and death. This woman's dependent gesture made him feel particularly guilty, as if he had done something to her.

He condensed his eyebrows, unscrewed her hand, and patted the back of his hand to appease: "I'm going to the toilet."

She wanted to follow, Leng Yejin winked at Long Yan, and Long Yan grabbed Tong Lu and smiled: "Sister-in-law, follow your brother again. People really want to think you haven't weaned."

Tong Lu was embarrassed, this joke was not funny at all.

Leng Ye Jin seemed to drink too much, and stumbled out of the banquet hall. Several bodyguards wanted to follow him. When he waved his hand, everyone followed him. The security level of the Lanquan wedding was extremely high. I'm afraid someone really wants to do it to him. No opportunity was found.

At least this whole day was in peace. He felt that he did not take the initiative to create opportunities for the other party, and the other party was probably out of play tonight.

"But, don't—"

Leng Yejin made a shut up gesture, really drank high, pulled the tie around his neck, and went to the bathroom to vomit for a long time.

After vomiting, I walked out of the bathroom and couldn't stand still, let alone walk. I found the waiters in the two hotels who followed her when he walked out of the banquet hall: "Send to the guest room."

"Sir, what is your room number?"

Leng Ye shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then I will ask the front desk, may I have your name, sir?"

"Leng Ye Jin."

The two waiters said they would help him to the room, but they walked outside the hotel.

A bodyguard walked to Long Yan's side and said something to him in a low voice. Long Yan nodded: "Sister-in-law, brother is gone."

After a while, Zhou Yeshuo walked back from the hotel, walked towards the banquet hall with a little sway, and sat down in a stretched position. Tong Lu was a little nervous, grabbed the corner of her clothes, and looked at Zhou Yeshuo: "Why did you go? Long?"

Zhou Ye sat down and leaned back in the chair: "I'm a bit too drunk. I lie down for a while. When the banquet is over, I will wake up."

"Yeah." Tong Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and she didn't want to deal with him either.

She called the playful Shanshan over, fed her something, and worried about Leng Yejin in her heart. She would definitely not show him a good face when she looked back, just like to play?

Thinking about it, there was a thin mist over his eyes, and his nose was sour.

(End of this chapter)