Chapter 892: 909 The Wedding of Ye Mei and Lanquan 3

Chapter 892 909 Yemei and Lanquan's Wedding 3

Shanshan jumped on her calf and jumped out of her seat: "Mom, I'm going to find my classmates to play."

"Didn't you say that he often bullies you, do you still play with him?"

"But, there is no one here to play with me." Shanshan felt so bored, and ran away.

But Ting Jun had no feeling for her, and his mind was focused on watching chess. Shanshan climbed onto his seat and squeezed side by side with him. She insisted on talking to him. Ting Jun pulled her braid: "Don't noisy!"

Shanshan was sore that she raised her small hand to hit him, and rolled her eyes contemptuously: "Don't pretend, do you understand?"

Tingjun glanced at her with a faint look: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you, you don't understand this? I'm already at the amateur level, why don't I understand it? This young master started learning Go last year, okay? ?Silly goose!"

The Go teacher who taught him said that learning Go can exercise logical thinking ability, exercise the brain, and enhance memory.

"You are a few months younger than me, you want to call me sister."

Ting Jun gave her two words: "Dreaming!"

"Your mom and dad? Look, that's my mom, that's my grandparents."

Ting Jun seemed to have been poked in sadness, pretending to be a black face, and squeezed her fleshy face: "You need to control, clown girl!"

In the distance, a group of people came in mighty, Yin Zhan calmly, seated in the prepared position, the people in the ordinary stands, especially the girls, each looked their heads to see his demeanor.

Some time ago, Yin Zhan, as the Secretary of State, delivered a speech on behalf of his country at the UN General Assembly. It was not only generous but also inspiring. He was simply the youngest and most handsome diplomatic leader in the minds of the people.

Immediately afterwards, another group of people came in mighty, and Leng Ye was eager to enter the hall with all the hearts of the people, and came to Tong Lu's side, arrogantly seated, there was a group of ordinary people in the stands, especially girls, probed.

It's a pity that Leng Yejin is married, so in the end he still pays more attention to Yin Zhan's girls. After all, he is still single, and the girls can continue to dream.

Not far away, the outgoing Minister of Defense and his wife and daughter were also sitting in the VIP seats. Guo Ying saw Leng Yejin and Tong Lu, who bowed their heads and whispered, and wished to stare at the two of them.

But immediately, she smiled again.

Today is the best time. She must make Tong Lu, a bitch, not die, and anyone who dares to design her should go to hell.

Guo Ying got up gracefully, the full-blown eldest lady. She didn't keep the door behind because of the storm the other day. She took out her mobile phone, walked to a quiet place and dialed a phone call: "Let you arrange things. No?"

"It's arranged. According to your request, our people have pretended to be waitresses and set up ambushes in the women's bathroom. As long as Tong Lu goes to the bathroom to go to the bathroom, we will take her away and give her enough injections. Morphine can make her addicted to her at once, and rest assured that she will become an addict from now on."

Guo Ying hummed with satisfaction and emphasized: "Not only must she become an addict from now on, but also let Leng Yejin think that Yin Zhan wants to ruin Tong Lu because of love and hatred, and let Yin Zhan think that Leng Yejin disliked Tong Lu for being unclear with Yin Zhan at the beginning, so after the old incidents were exposed and the incident subsided, he used this method to abandon Tong Lu, I want them to fight for a woman to death and life!"

(End of this chapter)