Chapter 879: 896 Confession 10

Chapter 879 896 Husband and Wife 10

The key to the vault is not one, but ten. They go in layer by layer, and the external defense is extremely strict. Leng Yejin took out the most core layer of keys, made a copy of the other nine keys, and made a fake core key of the innermost layer. The ten keys were still packed in the original box of the vault and put them in. In the safe.

Hopefully, don't force him to do the brother-slaying thing of waiting for the rabbit!

In the evening two days later, the snow on the street still did not melt. Tong Lu sat in the speeding car and accompanied her parents to the airport. After the Spring Festival holiday, her parents had to return to Fengcheng. Sitting in the car, Tong Lu was a little bit upset, and kept talking to Madam Yin.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Yin Zhan received a call from Secretary He.

"Your Excellency, do you want to send someone into the mountain to have a look. The emergency calls made by Xu Yin were intercepted by us. It has been two days. If the two people in the Xishan Villa freeze to death, in the future, if they settle the accounts after the fall, they will be You are in trouble."

Yin Zhan looked at the snow that didn't melt outside the window. He didn't expect such a big snowfall in early spring.

He frowned and only issued an order: "Let the relevant departments lift the order of the mountain tomorrow morning."

The Xu family’s car wanted to drive to Xishan many times in the past two days, but the relevant departments were carrying the instructions to seal the mountain, and the road and the collar to the Xishan Scenic Area were blocked by heavy snow. If it was blocked again, the Xu family’s Patience will definitely run out.

He did everything he could, and as for the result, he could only do his best and obey the fate.

Villa in Xishan Scenic Area.

Yan Wanwan coughed, carrying a bowl of soft and sticky porridge, carefully carrying it into the living room.

Because Daxue was trapped in the snow-capped mountains and could not get out, she and Xu Yin had to be trapped in the villa for the past two days. Fortunately, the food was not enough to starve to death, but the cooking was a bit unpalatable, which made her feel that Xu was the one who killed him. Yin is sick.

Her forehead was very hot. The fever started last night. All day long, the fever subsided and the fever subsided. He said it was not a problem, but she was frightened. This is not the way to go. They must leave here as soon as possible.

But the snow outside the house was 20 centimeters thick, and they couldn't even get out of the house.

Xu Yin was lying on the bed, his body was wrapped in a silk quilt, and his sweater and coat were all worn on Wanwan.

Yan Wanwan brought the porridge in front of him and fed him mouthfuls. Xu Yin's physical fitness was very good. Even if he had a fever, he was not weak enough, but the whole person had no energy and didn't want to move. After drinking the porridge, He pulled her onto the bed and held her tightly.

His body was hot like a stove, and he was very anxious.

"It's okay, maybe sweating can reduce fever."

"Don't take it seriously, you still want to sweat when it's so cold? What should we do? We have to leave, you have to go to the hospital."

Yan Wanwan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. She was really afraid that he would burn a lot of things. She herself had a high fever here. She understood what it was like. That time she was groggy. She also gave her first night out, thinking she gave it to him, complacent, too happy, but...

Up to now, she couldn't figure out whether she gave Chuyeye to him or Yin Zhan. And she gave the video to Yin Zhan. Yin Zhan has not given her any response so far, but instead deceived her and Xu Yin to get here, and now they want to leave.

(End of this chapter)