Chapter 494 The Semi-Final!

Name:Parallel Memory Author:
Chapter 494 The Semi-Final!

It was the semi-final and only four races were in the contest.

With the next battle being between Rank-S, the excitement was high. It was the first battle between Rank-S that was going to happen.

And most of them already knew each other's power. Princess Elenia showed almost all of her power when battling with Zero and Seraphine also showed her real power when fighting with Amelia.

Mia also had shown most of her skills when battling with Cyrrinthia. As for the Rank-S -, he wasn't at the level of three of them and whoever gets him as their opponent in the next fight could be considered automatically advance to the next round.

Anyways, with most of them already eliminated, there was no need to worry about the fight and all they needed to do was enjoy the remaining fights.

But it was different for the four participants who still had to fight. They were all planning on how to defeat their opponents.

Zero and Amelia were also helping Mia by giving intel on Princess Elenia and Seraphine.

"Princess Elenia is a very powerful fighter, but she's also very reckless. She relies on her brute strength and speed to overwhelm her opponents, and she doesn't often think about tactics."

Zero said. If Princess Elenia heard that she would be boiling in anger. Anyways, Zero continued. Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

"She has a huge mana capacity but it seems a bit lower than you. As long as you delay the fight, it will be advantageous to you. Or you can make traps for Princess Elenia. In any case, as long as you focus more on defense, there is a high chance of you winning."

Zero said. He explained everything he knew and also how to defeat Princess Elenia.

"Seraphine got some powerful attacks. Her attacks are lethal and very quick. However, you can use your Primordial Ice Palace to keep her at bay. In long-range battle, you should have the advantage."

Amelia said.

"Thanks, you two!"

Mia was thankful for Zero and Amelia's help. Even with Rank-S as her opponent, Mia felt confident about her victory, and with Zero and Amelia's help, she was even more determined to win.


"Who do you think will win?"

"I hope it is Princess Elenia. She could shoot powerful attacks from a distance and could easily defeat anyone."

Meanwhile, in the arena, Seraphine and Stoneclaw stood facing each other, the tension palpable. Stoneclaw, though aware of his lower rank, refused to back down. He was the strongest in his race and it was up to him to keep the dignity of his race.

Seraphine, while confident, didn't underestimate her opponent. She had witnessed enough battles in this tournament to know that complacency could lead to defeat. "Let the battle begin!"

As the battle commenced, Seraphine displayed her combat prowess, showcasing her mastery of her spear. She didn't hold back and started with her powerful techniques which immediately overwhelmed Stoneclaw.

Stoneclaw, on the other hand, fought valiantly but struggled to keep up with Seraphine's speed and precision.

He kept getting hit by Seraphine's attack but because of his insane regeneration, he was able to keep standing.

But even his regeneration seemed to be failing when faced with a quick and powerful attack from Seraphine. She already knew about the Druid's special constitution and how good Stoneclaw was at his regeneration. She keeps on pressing giving no time for Stoneclaw to completely heal himself or to counterattack.

As the battle between Seraphine and Stoneclaw unfolded, it became increasingly clear that Seraphine's speed and skill were a formidable combination. She darted around the arena, her spear a blur of deadly precision. Stoneclaw struggled to defend himself against her relentless onslaught.

The audience watched in awe as Seraphine's attacks landed with precision, gradually wearing down Stoneclaw's defenses. Each strike left its mark, and despite his impressive regeneration, he couldn't keep up with the pace of the battle.

[ "Terraquake" ]

Even so. Stoneclaw was determined not to give up. He summoned all his strength and unleashed a powerful wave of earth magic, causing the ground to tremble. It was a desperate move, and it caught Seraphine off guard.

Seraphine was momentarily thrown off balance, but she quickly regained her composure and leaped into the air, avoiding the upheaval on the arena's floor. She landed gracefully, her eyes locked onto Stoneclaw.

Stoneclaw, exhausted but still determined, charged at Seraphine with renewed vigor. He swung his massive fists and created shockwaves of earth and rock, attempting to catch Seraphine off guard. But Seraphine's agility allowed her to evade his attacks, and she retaliated with a powerful attack.

[ "Heavenly Spear: Celestial Judgment" ]

Seraphine's spear glowed with an ethereal light as she executed her ultimate technique. She thrust the spear forward with incredible speed and precision, aiming directly at Stoneclaw. The arena seemed to hold its breath as the attack unfolded.

Stoneclaw, realizing the gravity of the situation, summoned all his remaining strength to defend against the impending strike. He created a protective barrier of solid earth, attempting to shield himself from Seraphine's devastating attack.

The clash was monumental. Seraphine's Celestial Judgment struck Stoneclaw's earth barrier with a thunderous explosion. The shockwave rippled through the arena, sending shockwaves of dust and debris in all directions. The audience watched in awe as the two forces collided, creating a dazzling display of power.

For a moment, it seemed as though Stoneclaw's earth barrier would hold, but cracks began to form, and the pressure of Seraphine's attack intensified. Stoneclaw gritted his teeth and poured every ounce of his strength into maintaining the defense.

Then, with a resounding boom, the earth barrier shattered, sending Stoneclaw flying backward. He crashed to the ground, his body bruised and battered. Seraphine stood triumphantly, her spear still glowing with celestial energy.

The referee raised his hand and declared, "Winner! Seraphine!"