Chapter 781

Don't say, since Yangyang let Jinlei they really play, the feeling is more realistic. The same also let in the side looking at other people, the heart is flustered.

Soon, Cheng Cheng came here at any time. He didn't know what was going on. When he saw Yang Yang being beaten, he was a little worried.


when Cheng Cheng sees that Jin Lei and his gang have just stopped for a while, and now they are looking for trouble again, he is really a little angry.

He rushed to the group of five: "Jin Lei, are you finished. If you want revenge, you can beat me. Why do you want to trouble me again? "

Cheng Cheng's sudden appearance, both Jin Lei and Yang Yang are surprised.

Yang Yang, in particular, doesn't want Cheng Cheng to ruin his own business.

He winked at Cheng Cheng and said in a low voice, "go away, we are acting. I'll tell you, don't spoil me

Cheng Cheng is a little strange. Are they acting? They are really fighting when they see Jin Lei. Yang Yang is just in the file, and only occasionally can he do it twice.

Yangyang see Cheng Cheng did not move, he said to the side of Wu Xiaoer: "you pull him away, don't spoil my good."

Cheng Cheng's appearance really didn't make Yang Yang think of it, adding a bit of reality to their play.

There are more and more onlookers, facing the aggressive Jin Lei and the retreating Yang Yang. At last they began to worry.

Some people began to cheer for Yangyang: "Beiming Siyang, you must win, but don't let Jinlei get down. We are all optimistic about you."

Listening to the big guy cheering for himself, Yang Yang's heart was not so happy. He felt as if he was back among them.

If he can, he really doesn't care how many punches he gets.

This is called "bitter meat strategy.".

"Oh..." Yang Yang thought in his heart that he was beaten to his stomach by Jin Lei.

His cry, two hands holding the stomach, small body slightly bow up.

Jin Lei saw really hit the ocean, in the heart is also surprised. Also hastened to stop hand, stand in situ nervously looking at Yang Yang.

Although Yang Yang can fight, it doesn't mean that he can be beaten. The one on his stomach is really strong.

A little cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Even so, Yang Yang did not forget to wink at Jin Lei. Let him do the rest of the play well, but don't waste all his previous work.

At this time, Jin Lei understood.

He walked up to Yang Yang and gave a cold smile: "boy, you are strong enough. This is even if I return the two you gave me last time. Well, I'm good for you. Let's call here today. I'll take care of you with the rest when I'm happy. "

Then he said to the onlookers, "I'll still be the boss here. When you see me, you know what to do."

With that, he gestured to the two stunned valets: "let's go!"

Looking at Jin Lei and his group swaggering away, others gathered around Yang Yang, and some even asked him, "are you OK, Beiming Siyang? Why are you not in shape today? I think before you are a move to Jinlei that boy to beat down

Cheng Cheng holds Yang Yang and straightens up.

While biting her teeth, Yang Yang forced herself to smile: "it used to be because of my good luck. Now it seems that my luck is not so good. It's really painful to hit me this time. "

Even at this time, Yang Yang has not forgotten the trouble that has been around him: "Hey, how come every time I want to play with you, you will stay away from me?"


in fact, Cheng also wants to know about Yang Yang. All this time, he can always see his depression.

Although twins are more or less telepathic, it can not be said that they are Ascaris lumbricoides.

Now, he finally knows why he used to be unhappy on the way to school. It turns out that's the reason.

He is alienated by others. Is that the purpose of his acting with Jin Lei?

Yang Yang raised the question and let the other children look at each other for a while.

Finally, one stood up and said, "we don't want to play with you, but when you show up, Jin Lei often follows. We hate him very much, so..."

This answer really surprised Yang Yang. He always thought that they were all afraid of themselves and that they had become "little overlord" like Jin Lei

Looking back, it seems that it's really such a thing. As long as you go there, you always feel like someone is following you.

Just like just now, it's just like this.

It's all about Jin Lei and his gang.It turned out to be a misunderstanding.


The pain in the stomach hit again.

If I had known that, why would I have let Jin Lei and himself play this play? I got a punch.

Forget it, if not, where do you know these things.

The dark clouds that lingered on the top of Yangyang's head finally dispersed.


after school in the afternoon, Yang Yang is a very happy one.

Of course, he is also happy for a long time.

The three brothers and sisters gathered and walked to the door.

"Brother Cheng Cheng, brother Yang Yang, did you have a good time at school today?" For a long time, I was carrying a small pink schoolbag and was held by my two brothers.

"Of course, I just had a snowball fight in PE class. I wiped out more than a dozen enemies in one go. " Show off in high spirits.

Cheng Cheng glanced at him: "you have such a good time. It seems that your stomach doesn't hurt?"

"Brother Yangyang, you have a stomachache. I'll let my mother take you to the hospital later." Although she was still young for a long time, it didn't affect her concern for her brothers at all.

"No, my stomach was ready in the second class. Sister, don't tell your parents later, do you know? " I'll tell you.

"Why?" A long face of confusion.

"Don't ask why. In a word, just don't say. As long as you are obedient, I'll take you to play with the snow when you get home. "

For a long time shriveled small mouth, and then gently nodded: "that's OK."

When they came to the school gate, they saw the tall figure of Beiming Mo standing beside his car.

"Dad..." Cheng Cheng said hello as he walked.

"Dad, Dad" Yangyang and Jiujiu also said hello to him.

Beiming Mo saw the three children with a smile: "it seems that you three have a good life today."

"Yes, I had a very good day." Yang Yang said, open the back door of the car, and then let Cheng he sit in for a long time. He finally sat in and closed the door.

"Mom's here, too." When he got into the car, he saw Gu Huan sitting in the co driver's seat.

"Baby, sit down and fasten your seat belts. We're going home."


ink once again shrouded in this noisy and silent land, the sky is still cloudy with snowflakes.

"It's been raining all day, and there's no sign of it. It's the first time I've seen that. " Gu Huan stood at the window of the living room, looking out at the place not far from the door.

stands where three little men are holding small shovel and small broom.

In front of them was a snowman about their height.

This is after taking the children back, Beiming Mo took them to pile it together.

This time it was better than the one they piled in the morning, with a nose made of carrot and a hat made of red plastic bucket.

The three children were very satisfied with the snowman. After eating, they ran outside. They even want as like as two peas in their own strength.

Beiming Mo is standing beside Gu Huan at this moment. The faint smell of coffee from his cup almost fills the whole living room.

"It's the second time I've seen it." He said.

"The second time?" Gu Huan turned his head full of novelty and looked at Beiming ink: "so where did you see it for the first time?"

"The first time..." Beiming Mo took a sip of coffee, and his eyes became more profound. It should be in memory.

After a while, he spoke again: "it was on my aunt's farm. It snowed almost as much that day as it does today. Oh, no, it should be bigger than this one. "

Gu Huan listens to the low voice of Beiming Mo, and faintly feels that it must be a bad memory for him.

"Look at these three children, how happy they are playing outside." Gu Huan deliberately opened the topic, she did not want to listen to the painful memories of his childhood.

This kind of topic is really too heavy, heavy even can't let oneself smooth breathing down.

Beiming Mo drank the last coffee in his cup: "it's late, I'm going back."

Said, he turned and walked to the tea table, bent over the cup gently there.

"You..." Gu Huan wanted to say: "you won't sit for a while?" But after saying the first word, I swallow the following words.

It's "drive carefully when you go back."

She knew that in fact, the place where beimingmo lived was not far from the villa.

However, the road leading to the mid levels villa is not so easy to drive up after accumulating thick snow.She once saw on the video website that in snowy days, it's like such a slope. When many cars are driving up, they will slip. If they can't handle it properly, there may be unexpected danger.

Beiming Mo turned his head and looked at Gu Huan, then nodded: "well, I know."

With that, he arranged his clothes a little, and then walked out.

Soon, Gu Huan saw that Beiming ink had appeared out of the window where he could see it. He came to the three children and caressed their little heads.

Finally, he squatted down and gave a big hug for a long time.

This scene warms Gu Huan's heart. She even thinks of her childhood.

Although Gu Shengtian is not very good to her, he occasionally spoils himself when his interest comes.

But only a few times.


the children standing outside and Gu Huan standing in the window watched Bei Ming Mo get on the car and leave slowly.

There are two deep ruts on the white earth.