Chapter 731

"Ma Ma, today I learned to scramble eggs with aunt Anne." The little baby nestles in Gu Huan's arms, holding the doll given to her by Beiming ink.

When I saw this doll for a long time, I was reluctant to let it go.

Gu Huan hugged her daughter tightly and gave her a kiss on her forehead and head: "our little baby is so powerful that she can help aunt Anne cook. It's more powerful than Cheng Cheng and Yang Yang. They don't know anyone. "

For a long time, he raised his cerebellar pouch high and put on a proud look: "of course, they are all stupid, and I'm a little chef. When Aunt Anne and I learn more, we can cook for mom. Brother Cheng Cheng and brother Yang want to eat, but I don't want to give them... "

"Wow, why don't you give it to us? If you don't share what you eat, you have to eat alone. Sister, this is not a good child. " From the door came the sound of ocean, can be really fiery, like a monkey with a burning tail.


GU Huan turns to see Yang Yang coming in from the door, followed by Cheng Cheng. They just came back from school.

These two days, she has not been free to pick up the children to and from school, this task let Xinghuo one person to undertake.

"You are very quick when you hear about food. How can I see that you don't have the same reaction to other things. If you look at Cheng Cheng and Jiu Jiu, they will make me feel relieved. "

Yang Yang looked at Gu Huan and said: "they are them, I am me, a different fireworks..."

When did this boy even listen to "brother". I really can't see when this boy's hobbies will be more, listening to songs. The problem is to listen to singers who are not in line with his age.

His age should be listening to "left hand, right hand slow motion..." What? It's called TF

"Do my homework quickly." Gu Huan slapped Yang Yang's little PP hard.

"Mom, you're getting heavier and heavier. I have finished my homework at school, ok... " Yang Yang frowned, but he didn't like his mother to "say hello" to him in this way.

Gu Huan put on a very surprised look: "don't you always finish your homework just before you go to bed? How come your brain is so nervous today and you can do it so quickly?"

The conversation between their mother and son is always such a kind of out of tune feeling.

This makes Cheng Cheng and his mother feel speechless for a long time.

However, it seems that they have reached a consensus: Yangyang inherits her disharmony to some extent. But this kind of characteristic of mother can only be reflected in Yangyang.

After dinner, Gu Huan let the three children stay in the living room on the first floor. With Annie, rocho and gunfire.

"Mom, what's today? Is there going to be a family party? My Valet Wu Xiaoer often holds some family parties in his family. " Yang Yang is sitting on the sofa, his legs drooping on the sofa.

"Wu Xiaoer? It's a familiar name. " Gu Huan thought a little, then suddenly realized: "Oh! Is his father the coal boss or something Mr. Wu

After such a saying, Cheng Cheng also remembered: "Mom, Yang Yang is talking about him."

"I'm really sorry. We don't have much time for parties. Today is just because you are very obedient today, so you can watch TV with us Luo Qiao is holding her baby in her arms. She and Yang Yang are a pair of bad friends.

If they don't fight every day, they will always feel empty, like something is missing.

A few others are used to it.

Just as they were bickering with each other, suddenly the door of their villa Rang "Dudu..."

Who will come here so late? In particular, they seem to have little contact with other people, except Yun extraordinary

"Here comes the extraordinary father?" Cheng's first reaction was that he might have come. I haven't seen him for a long time. I just said a few words on the phone. For him or Yang Yang, I really miss him.


"can it be extraordinary dad, I'll open the door, I'll watch the door..." Yangyang is a little guy who can't stay idle. It seems that he didn't get any advantage in the dispute with Luo Qiao.

Simply ignore her, ran to the door.

The four adults looked at each other, and they didn't know who it would be.

"Isn't it really the extraordinary young master who has new news?" Xing Huo's heart hopes that if cloud is extraordinary, there must be some good news.

Otherwise, how could he come to the door in person instead of calling directly.

Of course, he didn't want the opposite to happen.However, as soon as Luo Qiao heard the knock, it might be Yun Bufan, but she quickly gave the baby in her arms to Annie for temporary care, and then quickly arranged her clothes.

"What are you doing, Joe? You haven't been so excited when you saw the fire. " Gu Huan looks at her jokingly.

This sentence made Xing Huo blush. It wasn't because he was jealous. He was very clear in his heart that the relationship between Luo Qiao and Yun Bufan was just like a brother and sister.

"Well, Huan is not as busy as you. He and I have a very pure relationship. Besides, I have a little Vulcan. Now I can be regarded as a half old Xu Niang. How can I have such great charm... " Luo Qiao said, also put on a pair of worry people self pity appearance.

"Mom, what news will extraordinary dad bring?" In the face of adults ridicule each other, Cheng Cheng but bite the sentence of the fire.

He thinks that the reason why adults gather here is to wait for a message from their extraordinary father.

"This..." Gu Huan buy you to Cheng Cheng, really don't know how to explain these things to him.

The matter of Beiming Mo is completely confidential to the children.

"In fact, it's nothing. I asked your extraordinary father to buy some foreign milk powder. Don't you see that these things in China are really unsafe and make people panic. Now foreign products are in hot demand. " Or Luo Qiao's brain turns faster, soon thought of a reason to prevaricate in the past.

Fortunately, the trend of overseas purchasing has not passed recently. If you buy a few cans of milk powder or something, it should not be a timely lie.

Cheng Cheng has been muddled through. Not only Luo Qiao, but also the other three people are secretly relieved.

Like Gu Huan, they don't want their children to know the bad news. They are now single parent families. Although they don't worry about food and clothing, they are better off than children from healthy families.

Their three children are hiding the depression in their hearts in their own way, and the face of adults is a lovely appearance.

The door bell rang three times before he opened it.

"Come, come If you ring the doorbell like this, it will be broken sooner or later. You'll accompany me then. " The conversation between him and Yun Bufan was so casual that there was nothing to estimate. It's much easier than talking to your mother.

But after he padded his feet, turned the door handle, and slowly opened the door, he saw the tall man standing outside. First he was slightly stunned, and then his mouth was going to grin to the root of his ears.


when she saw the people coming, she was immediately elated: "master, why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time. It's like you're suntanned... "

Standing at the door was lojo's brother, Lohan, a foreign tutor. He hasn't been around since he left last time.

Yangyang also wanted to call him, but somehow it was busy. After playing several times, he finally gave up.

It's really a surprise to see him here today.

Hearing Yang Yang yelling at the door, the people sitting in the living room didn't really hear what he was calling. He even thought: isn't it that Yun Bufan has come? Is it necessary to shout like this

Lohan, standing at the door, looked down at Yang Yang with a smile, then put his hand on his little head and stroked it gently: "yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time. You're a little fatter than when I left. Don't you usually take good exercise? "

Said, he gently pinched the sun's small arm.

"I'm very obedient. I practice every day. As for the problem of growing fat Hehe, I really can't resist the temptation of delicious food. " Yang Yang while showing his arm on the small muscles, while some embarrassed free a small hand rubbed his belly.

After the conversation at the door, the people inside finally understood who was coming.

"No, my brother is here. What should I do If not, I'll go upstairs and hide first... " As soon as lojo heard Lohan's voice, he was like an ant on a hot pot and began to turn around at a loss.

"Watch out for the kids, watch out for the kids. Where else can you go now? " Gu Huan quickly reminds her. Otherwise, who knows if she will do anything outrageous to avoid her brother.

While the living room was in a mess, Yang Yang had already taken Lohan's big hand and went inside.

"Miss Luo, where have you been these days? Why did you suddenly think of coming to see me today?"

Lohan's influence on Yangyang is no less than that of yunbufan. Even more than he is in Yangyang's heart.

It was cultivated over a long period of time, during which Lohan played the role of teacher and friend.

In teaching him knowledge, but also taught him other usually very interested in things."Mom, look who's here..." Yangyang happily pulled Lohan to appear at the door of the living room.

It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse. No matter how you hide it, you won't hide it for a lifetime. There will be a day of exposure. What's more, I realize that it's really unsatisfactory.

It's too much not to tell your parents when you get married secretly. If you have children, it's too shameful.