Chapter 685

Beiming Mo can tell that Jin Sihan is a little dissatisfied with himself. Today's intention should be to test the candidate of Beiming's president first, and then make the next step. After all, in the business world, there are no absolute enemies, and of course there are no friends to fight against.

Everyone is just talking business. Of course, interests should be put in the first place.

"Mr. Jin, I don't want to be the sole owner of GT group, but there are complicated relationships here. Generally speaking, I did something improper. I should let you know when this happened. To apologize, how about a time and place for me to treat you? "

As the president of an international group, Jin Sihan is not the kind of cautious person. Even if they do not participate in GT group, it will not have any influence on the group. It's just that he wants Beiming Mo to tell the reason himself, that's all.

He nodded, and recognized the explanation of Beiming Mo: "I see Beiming's sincerity. I will take it as if it didn't happen. As for the future, we can only see the aftereffect. It's said that the new president is a woman. I also want to see what kind of woman can make Beiming, who has always been cold faced, move and willingly give up her kingdom. "

Beiming Mo said with a faint smile: "Mr. Jin, why do you know. You don't get enough from the media about me and her. "

At this point, his face became serious again: "the reason why I let her do this position is that she is probably the person I trust most. Of course, during this period of time, I will still stay in Beiming as her assistant, so Mr. Jin doesn't have to worry about any big changes. As for the future, I will properly handle these things. "

"OK, let's call it a day. Now that Beiming is here, let's talk about cooperation... "


GU Huan sat in the car waiting for about ten minutes, during which time she felt a little uneasy.

Because she saw the little soldier in the guard room talking on the phone and looking at him from time to time.

Is there anything wrong with the dress when I came here today? She thought she looked at herself again, then adjusted her rearview mirror to see what was wrong with her makeup.

"You may go in, miss." Gu Huan is checking the makeup on her face when the little soldier does not know when she has stood by her side. Give her the invitation as you speak.

Gu Huan repeated his thanks.

"Miss, villa D, there is a parking space ready for you."

Follow the little soldier's gesture to see past, in the back of a small fountain, there is a European style two-story villa. That's where the appointment is.

Although it's not dark yet, it's full of lights.


GU Huan parked his car in the garage beside the villa. There are two parking spaces, but one of them has been occupied by a black Toyota car.

Obviously, the person who invited her had already come here to wait. It's just that this is the kind of car you can see all over the street. It just doesn't match this villa which looks very chic and reveals the European architectural style.

This is the current situation. People who have absolute rights can sleep on soft pillows when they live in a garden house. But when you travel, you must be a little low-key. People may not be able to see where they live, but travel is not the same. In public all the time, it is necessary to maintain their friendly image in the eyes of the people.

She opened the door and came down.

A light breeze, let her feel a little relaxed and happy. At this time of year, people living in the city can't stand the hot season. But just a few dozen kilometers away, there is a cool place.

With a complex mind, Gu Huan went to the front door of the villa. On the third step paved with marble, facing itself is a vermilion door with exquisite patterns carved on its four feet.

She calmed her uneasy mood a little, raised her hand and pressed the doorbell, which was also antique European style, installed on the edge of the door frame.

After three clear doorbells, light footsteps came from inside. The person who heard it should be a light person.

Sure enough, when the door opened, it was a man who was about the same height as himself. His body was slightly thin.

A pair of gold rimmed glasses is on the slightly thin bridge of the nose. His face is rather thin, with slightly higher cheekbones at the bottom of the point. If you use an adjective, "pointed mouth and monkey cheek" is the most appropriate.

The pair of eyes that reveal infinite shrewdness are very God, but with this face, how to see also feel some unspeakable discomfort.

"You must be Gu Huan, right? Why did you come here? Our director has been waiting for you for a long time. " This person's voice and his own body shape extremely does not match, obviously very rough, also slightly hoarse. And from his open attitude, the tone with a bit of dissatisfaction, and from his expression is also very obvious.She clearly heard "director" from this population. It seems that this person is just a staff member.

What the prime minister said is true. He hasn't seen the leader yet, and the people under him are just like that.

The problem is how unjust I should be. I was invited, I read my watch when I got off the bus, and I was 20 minutes ahead of time. What he did wrong should be criticized like this.

Fortunately, Gu Huan's temper is not like Beiming mo. She even thought: if it was him, maybe the person in front of him would have a better attitude.

Maybe he will be scolded like himself, but what is certain is that he will turn around and leave, even if he knows the consequences.

Just Gu Huan secretly sighed, he is not him. Moreover, her experience of being a common people all the year round can't change her awe of "big people" for a while.


not a few people are in such a mood as Gu Huan. On the one hand, they have hope for "big people" and at the same time they are angry at what they have done. But it's just anger. After all, they are powerless and powerless, so they can't "beat the stone with their eggs.".

Although there are too many discomfort in my heart, I still need to put on a smile: "I'm so sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road. But I see the time on the invitation... "

Gu Huan's mouth turned white, but he didn't have time to listen to any explanation: "what are you talking about? Our director is too busy every day. Do you want to let the leaders wait for you, and don't look at your identity!"

This sentence is really too hurtful, Gu Huan can't help but slightly pick eyebrows.

"Xiao Chen, what's the matter outside?" From the room came a slightly steady voice. As the voice came out, a man appeared behind the "sharp mouthed monkey cheek".

This man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, showing a dignified face. His figure is a head higher than that of the one at the door, but he is slightly shorter than that of Xinghuo or Beiming mo. from the perspective of age, he is estimated to be in his forties.

This person should be the one who sent the invitation to himself. Gu Huan thought that at the same time, the anger accumulated in his chest was also slightly suppressed.

After hearing the man's words, he immediately changed a smiling face, turned his head and said respectfully, "director Guo, in fact, there's nothing wrong. Your guests are here."

The dog slave really changed his face very quickly. Just now he looked like he was below zero, but now he shows a servile face.

Gu Huan wanted to sue in front of director Guo, but then he thought that he would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. Who knows what this guy will do after he leaves.

"Director Guo, I'm Gu Huan from Beiming group." With a smile, she took the invitation in both hands and handed it to Director Guo who had already walked to the door.

"You are the new president of Beiming group. I didn't expect you to be so young and beautiful. It's really a formidable afterlife, ha ha. What else are you doing outside? Please come and sit inside Director Guo seems to have no airs at all. He looks very approachable when he laughs.

The director spoke, and the man named Xiao Chen also changed his face.

As soon as he withdrew to the side, he put on a smiling face to Gu Huan: "please come in, Miss Gu."

Gu Huan gives him a white look when he enters the door and follows director Guo to the inner room.

The corridor of this villa is not long, but Gu Huan looks at both sides all the way. It's not because of the exquisite decoration or exquisite furniture here, but because of the oil paintings hanging on the wall, I stop to enjoy them from time to time.

"Miss Gu likes oil painting, too?" Director Guo stopped, still smiling. It seems that he does not taboo others to look East and West in his one-third acre.

Gu Huan knew that he seemed to be a bit impolite. He quickly took back his eyes and blushed: "I, I just think the painting is very beautiful, so..."

"Ha ha ha It's okay. It's okay. Hobbies begin with interest. " What Guo bureau chief laughs is more straightforward.


after a brief contact with Director Guo, Gu Huan was infected by his affable feeling, and immediately relaxed his nervous spirit.

Two people came to the living room one after the other, and then the guests and the host took their seats. Then the "sharp mouthed" dogleg like quickly prepared tea for two people.

Director Guo is sitting in the sofa full of body, his hands are very elegant on two mahogany handrails, and his legs are cocked. The easygoing spirit that he just had is gradually disappearing.

Gu Huan was arranged to sit on the sofa on his right side, and a small tea table made of mahogany was separated between them.

Even she noticed that there had been some small changes in director Guo's style now and just now, but she thought it should not be surprising. After all, the government and the people are two classes of people, so the matter of face is OK.