Chapter 672

Beiming Yifeng poured a full cup for himself, and then took a sip. He looked at Beiming Mo with a smile: "second uncle, it's really a coincidence, this sentence is just what I want to say to you. For so many years, I can't stand your arbitrary way, and I've put up with you for a long time. It's only in the last two days that I've started to hate you less

Beiming Mo didn't feel surprised after hearing these words. It's normal that his previous practice was despised by individuals. He left his seat and walked slowly to the edge of the roof.

Facing the wind, hands on the fence, the foot is a busy city, but in front of a blue sky. Maybe my mood should be as broad as the sky. Do you want to feel comfortable just because you are so busy?

"I'm interested to hear why you don't hate me so much."


Beiming Yifeng thought that his words might irritate Beiming Mo, but what he didn't expect was his 180 degree turn in attitude.

He turned his head and looked at Beiming Mo, who was standing on the edge of the fence and had even gnashed his teeth, but he couldn't help it.

I don't know why, he began to feel a little uneasy about drinking for Gu Huan in front of Beiming Mo just now.

This is not because he is afraid of the second uncle who has been cold in his heart, but now the atmosphere is so peaceful that he can't believe it.

What he even wants to face is that Beiming Mo waves his fist to fight with himself. Maybe he can shout in front of him

Beiming Yifeng is holding a wine glass, and the things in his mind make him feel funny. Can't mature people face this moment with mature attitude.

The sound of the cup bumping again.

Then, a full glass of red wine was delivered to Beiming mo.

Beiming Mo turns his head and looks at Beiming Yifeng.

Beiming Yifeng nodded to him, and then shook another cup in his hand: "are you still afraid to drink a cup?"

"Hum..." Beiming Mo made a disdainful sound from his nose and reached for the wine cup.

Since the appearance of Beiming Yifeng, Beiming ink has never tasted the wine he brought. Maybe it's because from the moment I saw him, I had already classified him into the group that I didn't accept, even in the same category as Luo Zong.

As for why Mr. Luo should be included, it is also because he saw the body language of Gu Huan in the sightseeing room before the luncheon.

I can clearly feel that this Luo must have a bad intention to Gu Huan.

Beiming Mo took a drink and put the dark red liquid in his mouth. He tasted the feeling and taste of the liquid in his mouth.

Finally, he nodded: "what you brought is really a good bottle of wine. I didn't expect you to be interested in this too. I remember you didn't drink at all before

"Thank you for your compliment." Then Beiming Yifeng had another bitter smile: "people will change, especially after experiencing the things that make him unforgettable. I will smash my past beliefs and hopes, and then reshape them. "

"I agree with you, Yifeng. Mediocre life can only let a person languidly live his life. Only the bumps and tribulations on the road can polish a different person. " This is the conclusion of beimingmo.

"Well, after I give you some good comments on the wine, should you tell me what that sentence means? I really want to hear it, maybe because I haven't heard other people's comments on me for a long time. "

Beiming also Maple looked up and drank the remaining wine, put the cup on the fence. He leaned over to face Beiming Mo, and supported his weight on the fence with one arm.

"Second uncle, I didn't comment on you. But they are afraid of you, they hate you. And these two kinds of people are not willing to say anything about you in front of you. "

"Those who are afraid of me and those who hate me..." After tasting Beiming ink carefully for a while, he turned his face and looked at Beiming Yifeng: "then I want to know which of these two kinds of people you belong to."


Beiming Yifeng gave a faint smile, and then gently waved his free hand in front of Beiming Mo: "I'm sorry, uncle. I don't belong to two kinds of people. I'm the third kind. I hate you. "

"Hate me? I'd love to hear that. " He was not the kind of person who felt unhappy and even angry when he heard that someone hated him.

"In fact, I think there are enough people who hate me. Maybe you can tell some reasons from your mouth. Of course, these reasons should be determined by what I have done in the past. "

Beiming Yifeng nodded, his hands crossed, and his two thumbs rotated alternately: "uncle, you're right. But for me, I hate you for only two reasons. ""Only two? Are you too polite. At this time, you don't have to worry about anything. "

"Second uncle, what else do you think I have to worry about you now? Now there is no subordination between you and me, and even there is no relationship between us except for a little negligible blood relationship. "

Beiming Mo's eyebrows slightly picked, he agreed with Beiming Yifeng's comments on their relationship. Maybe that's what he wants to express.

"Go on, since there is no relationship between us, what is the reason for hating me?"

Beiming Yifeng turns his head, where you can see the building of Beiming group. His eyes soon solidified there.

Beiming Mo looked at him and said, "is that why you hate me?"

"Yes, that's it. Maybe if we didn't have it, we would be like-minded uncle and nephew. But these are just assumptions. Because you and I were born to live for it. "

"Yifeng, I think you are wrong. You live for it, but I am different from you. Its existence interferes with my life. And I had to do it for it. "

With these words, Beiming Mo may feel that he is confused. These words are all ready to rot in the stomach, actually said after a few glasses of wine.

These words, which Beiming Yifeng had never heard, surprised him. A second uncle, who doesn't care about Beiming clan, is the most devoted person to Beiming clan in his family besides his grandfather.

"Second uncle, what you said seems to be contradictory. And since you are so disdainful of Beiming, why do you want to involve her. Don't you understand the saying "don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself". Do you know that she is in the situation you are in now. She doesn't like being there, but she is bound there by an invisible rope

Beiming Mo takes his eyes back and gently shakes his glass. He knows who she is referring to in Beiming Yifeng's mouth: "I know you are crying for huan'er, but I also have my own overall plan."

"Oh..." The north also Maple sends out a light smile: "overall plan?"? You are not interested in Beiming. What else do you want to do. What's your plan? Can it be for the future development of Beiming clan? If you say so, I can only express deep doubt. Because I don't believe that a man who doesn't put his heart into his career will have the heart to let his career continue to grow. "


"Yifeng, I can understand your disapproval. Maybe if I put it in the past, I would surely watch Beiming's collapse without moving the slightest voice. But it can't be done now. Because I promised in front of my father that I would let Beiming family continue to carry forward. "

"Fallacy, all you say is fallacy. Give the Beiming clan to a person who has no experience at all, and swear that this is for the good of the Beiming clan. " Beiming also Maple some can't bear the temperament.

Originally, he wanted to discuss the future of Beiming group with Beiming Mo calmly. After all, both of them are descendants of Beiming family.

However, Beiming Mo was always evasive, which made him feel that he was "teased" in this conversation.

Beiming ink looking at Beiming also Maple show attitude, of course, is not a lot of things to pick out with him. Because in Beiming Yifeng's mind, just like he used to be, he just wanted to get Beiming's family into his hands, even by any means, so that now he leads wolves into the house.

"It seems that the conversation between us can't go on now. Although you haven't given me an answer why you don't hate me so much. I think, after a conversation, you regret what you just said

Beiming Mo said and patted the dust on his hands: "let's talk about it here. Maybe we won't have to meet again in the future. As for what I said before I advise you to forget. It's best to be clean. " Beiming ink finish, is still walking steadily in the two staff under the guidance of the roof.

At the moment, Beiming Yifeng and two staff members who accompanied him not far away were left on the roof.

He looked at the direction of Beiming Mo's leaving, until his back disappeared behind the door.

Beiming Mo is right. It seems that he should take back the sentence he just said: I don't hate you so much at first.

I should have expected it, didn't I? There are always two things hanging between myself and him that can't be solved.

First: about Gu Huan. In the best period of his and her student career, the sudden intervention of Beiming Mo broke up the two intimate lovers.

Second: about Beiming. In order to get Beiming's family, Beiming Mo really racked his brains and finally put him in the bag. What's more, he drove his father out of Beiming family.Perhaps these two things should be changed in order to be more appropriate.

It's such a person who said in front of himself today that he didn't feel much about Beiming family