Chapter 489

Before Yun Bufan could speak, a man full of official spirit, smiling and holding out his hands, welcomed him around the male policeman who pressed him to the police station: "lawyer Yun, it's a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding."

He said he wanted to hold Yun's hand, but suddenly he saw the bright handcuffs on his wrist.

He turned his head, the stern expression of the male police said: "don't you hurry to let lawyer Yun go."

Male police quickly will cloud extraordinary handcuffs open.

The handcuffs were released. Yun Bufan moved his wrist for a while, then stood up. He was holding the fire. Now he could be regarded as an object of vent. He pointed out to the two people in front of him and said, "it's really ridiculous. I showed my identity at that time, but you just didn't listen. I must reserve the right to sue you! There is no such indiscriminate to bring people to the police station. The female colleague who was brought here with me, let her go as soon as possible. If there is any mistake, I'll settle with you. "

Huang Bureau said with a smile: "lawyer Yun, please calm down. Just now I also learned about the situation with my colleagues who were handling the case. It was someone who reported that they were carrying out immoral transactions in your room. Strictly speaking, it's not our one-sided problem. The female colleague you are talking about is Mrs. Beiming. She has been taken away by Beiming. "

Mrs. Beiming, the Yellow Bureau's address to Gu Huan makes Yun Bufan feel uncomfortable.

But now I don't have the time to care so much with them. Now that Beiming Mo has come out, I'm in his light.

Otherwise, according to the efficiency of these policemen, it would be good if they could figure out the whole thing tomorrow.

Yun Bufan took back all his things and went out of the police station. Originally, the Yellow Bureau wanted someone to send him back to the night demon Hotel, but he refused.

In full view of the public, he was taken to the police car there. If you go back there in a police car, you'll lose your face.

However, before leaving, Yun Bufan seriously asked them to apologize to him and Gu Huan on TV and in the newspaper to save their reputation.

In addition to the gate of the police station, I stopped a taxi on the side of the road to the night devil Hotel and drove home in my own car.

He didn't call Gu Huan until he got home.

After hearing Gu Huan say that he has got home, Yun Bufan comforted her a few words, let her have a good rest, don't think more.


Beiming Mo soon returned home. After getting out of the car, a cool wind blew, and then he remembered that his coat was still on Gu Huan.

It doesn't matter. He went back to his study and rubbed his temples with his hands.

It's really a big night, and it's really a headache for him to make such a play.

Originally, I wanted to talk about Gu Huan at the door of the villa, but looking at her poor appearance, I didn't speak at last.

Holding his mobile phone in his hand, he suddenly remembered that there was a short film on the website when Gu Huan was arrested.

Now that the matter has been solved, don't expand this matter. The short films on the website must be deleted as soon as possible.


beimingmo thought of this and decisively opened the link of that famous website again.

To his surprise, Gu Huan's name appeared in the title of the video.

And in the message area at the bottom of the video, there are all kinds of abusive words, which is really ugly.

Beiming Mo clenched his fist, the knuckle creaking. At first, he suspected that Tang Tianze had done it, but now it doesn't look like his style.

Although he will use Gu Huan to threaten himself, he can see that he is nothing more than forcing himself.

In fact, he didn't mean much to Gu Huan, at least for now.

So, who else can target Gu Huan? This video is used to smear her and put it on the Internet.

Is it su yingwan? She once had a lot of unpleasantness with Gu Huan. If Su yingwan wants to discredit her on purpose, this method is really handy.

If you don't want to do anything else, the most important thing is to delete the video first.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and called Xinghuo.

At this time, Xinghuo was about to rest. Like Beiming Mo, he was now a night owl and couldn't sleep before 12 o'clock.

He is working hard in front of the computer to learn all kinds of information about maternal care and infant care.

Since the relationship with rocho improved, he began to study hard for a rainy day.

Next to the phone rang, the fire quickly picked up the phone: "master, what's your order."

Beiming Mo sent the network address of that video to Xinghuo, and then told him to destroy it with the fastest speed, and not to appear on the network again.

Xing Huo didn't dare to neglect. He quickly opened the address and was stunned when he saw the title of the video.

Knowing that this matter is related to Gu Huan's reputation, he quickly used the relationship and manpower, and soon the video disappeared on the website.Half an hour later, Beiming ink was relieved that it could no longer see the video on the well-known website.


just when Bei Ming Mo and Xing Huo help Gu Huan to settle things.

Gu Huan also did not fall asleep. Her time in the police station has become the shadow that she still stays in her mind, which bothers her.

Until more than three o'clock in the morning, I finally fell asleep.


the next morning was the press conference for GT group and Beiming group to sign the contract.

After sleeping for a few hours, Gu Huan got up very early and rushed to the night devil hotel after washing.

She gave all the materials she had sorted out yesterday to bi he, who also came here very early.

He didn't seem to be aware of the episode that happened here last night.

This let Gu Huan's heart relax a lot.

With Bi Heshang's press conference, the meeting went.

During this period, invited reporters from various media came here one after another.

GT group and Beiming group join hands. Not only that, even the president of GT group, who has never been seen before, will be present today, which is a once-in-a-lifetime big news.

It is not only the journalists from the media, but also the representatives from the government. This is also a good opportunity for them to make achievements.

There were more and more people in the meeting hall.

When Xinghuo drove here with Beiming Mo, it was less than half an hour from the start of the press conference.

At this time, Gu Huan looked at his watch on one side of the venue, anxiously waiting for the arrival of Beiming ink. Finally, she lost her breath and picked up the phone to call Xinghuo.

"Miss, my master and I are already in the parking lot downstairs. We'll be up in a minute." After receiving Gu Huan's call, Xing Huo replies immediately.


GU Huan tells Xing Huo to take Beiming Mo to the rest room first, and wait until the press conference is just at the beginning.

According to the instructions, Xinghuo came to the rest room not far from the meeting place.

"You're here, general manager of Beiming." It was mo Jincheng who was talking. He was sitting alone in the rest room without an escort.

The North Ming Mo ordered to nod to him: "Mo always comes very early." Then he found a seat at random and sat down.

After a while, Gu Huan also came to the lounge.

She first regards Mo Jincheng, and then nods to Beiming mo.

Beiming Mo did not mention the video of last night. After seeing Gu Huan like that yesterday, he decided to let it fade away slowly without her knowing. That was the best and the least harm to her.

Soon, the time is up, Bi he, as the head of the office here, presides over the whole process of the press conference.

All the major media reporters and other guests were seated.

After a while of music, Mo Jincheng and Beiming Mo are led to the table on the rostrum by the etiquette lady.

There are two cooperation agreements on the table.

Bi he announced the beginning of the meeting, and Mo Jincheng and Beiming Mo sat down respectively.

First, Mo Jincheng made a speech.

As the behind the scenes president of GT group, the reporters didn't want to miss this good opportunity when they appeared for the first time today. The flashing lights kept flashing.

Mo Jincheng smiles in front of the numerous media under the stage and simply explains why GT group wants to move its headquarters to this city.

Then it shows the design of the new headquarters building.

In the end, he said with a smile: "the reason why we decided to come here is because of Beiming group. I think we will be more closely linked in the future. Well, that's all I have to say. Let's ask Beiming to say a few more words. "

Mo Jincheng raised his hand and made a gesture of please, then he took the lead to clap.

The people moved the camera to Beiming Mo again.

Beiming Mo sat behind the table very seriously. Although he didn't make any preparation, he simply said a few high sounding words, which was to deal with the past.

The next step is the signing of the agreement.

These processes are going very smoothly.

When we were about to finish perfectly, suddenly a famous media reporter stood up.

Then he took a video screenshot and asked Beiming Mo, "general manager of Beiming, there was a very ugly thing happened in your night demon hotel last night. I don't know if you've heard anything about it?"

As soon as this sentence came out, all the people present immediately hissed.

Beiming ink's face suddenly sank, did not expect that this video thing or leaked out.

He turned to look at Gu Huan standing at the door of the meeting. When she heard this question, her face turned white.

He couldn't let this matter hurt Gu Huan any more. His tone became very angry: "I asked you not to mention this matter any more. It's a complete misunderstanding. Then you will understand what happened."But the reporter didn't seem to want to give up: "Mr. Beiming, is your answer too far fetched? As far as I know, after this incident, someone put a video of police arresting people on the website. But unfortunately, this video disappeared overnight. I don't know if you did this in order to restore the image of the night devil hotel? Moreover, the title of the video also mentioned a woman named Gu Huan. In the case of seizing children a few years ago, it seems that you are suing this woman named Gu Huan. "

As soon as the reporter's voice fell, he heard the door of the meeting hall clang.

Beiming ink follow sound to see, Gu Huan disappeared.


at the same time, everyone's eyes stayed on the front door of the venue.

After a pause, they turned back. All their spirits were focused on Beiming Mo, who was sitting on the rostrum.

Never noticed a woman at the door of a meeting.

"General manager Beiming, where are you going?"