Inside the office, the couple begged not to allow the news to leak out. The two have already a highly publicized life. If the press gets a whiff of what happened to their son, they'll surely flock the hospital.

This is also the last thing Jingyi needed. Reporters swarming in the trauma department.

The Chief promised. But while listening, Jingyi smirked. She didn't believe he will keep his word. Because Dr. Zhao was an opportunist. He will exploit anyone to his advantage. He'll use the opportunity for publicity. Not the hospital's but to put his name in the spotlight.

A simper grew on Luo Jingyi's lips.

"As if I'll let you have it," she muttered as she left the man's office.

As she surmised, reporters had flocked the hospital by the time she got to the ER. She told the nurse to call the guards.

"Hmm—I don't know. He was shot on his abdomen. When he came here, he didn't have a pulse. So we tried to—" Intern B paused when she felt someone looking at her intently. When she glanced ahead, she saw Dr. Luo standing not so far.

"Oh, there is Dr. Luo. She was the one who operated on him."

Suddenly, the mics were in front of Jingyi.

"Dr. Luo, what happened to Yun Jian? "

"Doctor, will he recover? "

"What injuries did he sustain? "

"Why was he shot? "

Multiple questions were shot at once.

"What am I, the police? How would I know why he was shot?"

The question startled the reporters. By the time they recovered, Dr. Luo was already steps away. The other doctor who was giving them information earlier was gone too. The guards suddenly appeared and threw them out of the hospital.


Inside her office, five interns stood with their heads down. Not wanting to look onto Jingyi's eyes. While the senior and junior resident waited for Dr. Luo to scold them.

Luo Jingyi sat quietly and was tapping her fingers on the table. Just sitting there made them uncomfortable.

After much tension, Jingyi asked Intern B, "Dr. He, do you know what you did wrong?"

"Not wearing mask and cap was just a simple mistake." she pouted.

"Simple?" Jingyi's eyes dimmed. She's going to have a headache just dealing with her.

"Dr. Feng, why do we need to wear appropriate attire inside the OR?" Jingyi asked blue girl.

"It is to avoid equipment contamination and to ensure the patient's safety and protection. If not, the rate of SSI will be high."

"Did you hear that?"

"But--ouch!" A resident stepped on her foot.

Stubborn. Jingyi thought. Today was the interns' third day but Dr. He was starting to annoy her. The only reason why she was accepted to the program was that her father was the VP of the hospital. He begged the Chief. Obviously, her being a spoiled brat thinks she can do whatever she wants in the hospital. However, what Jingyi hates the most are the privileged people. Those who can get what they want without lifting a finger.

Internally, she let out air before scolding them. "Remember this and drill it into your head. When life is at stake, the simplest errors are the most unforgivable. This minuscule mistake in your eyes has serious repercussions. It was a miracle to save a dying child but you are going to ruin his survival rate because of post-op complications? What if he gets an infection?"

Dr. He was unable to refute.

"We are doctors. Our role is to save people not to kill them. That was in our oath. " Jingyi paused to glare at Dr. He and emphasized the following words, "Additionally, we are not at liberty to discuss a patient's medical condition to the public. Unless the patient's family gives a nod. Do you understand?"

"I just wanted to explain because they were asking. The people have to know what happ—" she stopped when blue girl nudged her.

"It was me, Dr. Luo. I didn't tell her the protocol." Dr. Lin who was in charge of the interns apologized on her behalf.

"Dr. He, if you are not going to listen to your superiors, then this hospital is not the place for you." Jingyi's annoyance was already plastered on her face.

Dr. He Ling was quiet. Her father said the most difficult person to please in this hospital was Dr. Luo. There were rumors of her being hard-hearted to new interns but she didn't believe them. She thought, if she could charm her stoic father easily, Dr. Luo would be the same. But apparently not.

"I don't want this to happen again in the future. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Dr. Luo. "

The interns nodded.

"Go. Dr. Lin, stay."

When everyone left, she told the senior resident, "Manage the interns well. Be tough if you have to. Don't forget, we are here to save lives. If you have to break them, do it. They should learn from their mistakes."

Dr. Lin bowed his head and murmured, "I am sorry."

"Stop saying sorry. Do it."

Dr. Lin admits that she was lenient to this group because of the Vice President.

After exchanging a few more words, she left.

When she was alone, Jingyi leaned on the chair and fell in contemplation. The reason why she's stricter to the interns was for their own good. It's to prepare themselves for the worst. Being a surgeon is a tough job especially in trauma where the patient's survival rate was 50-50. If they get easily demoralized, then they aren't fit to be in this specialty.


Luo Jingyi removed her glasses as she yawned. She stretched her sore back by extending her arms upwards and moving them from left to right. Feeling accomplished, she turned off her computer and stood.

As she was collecting her things and putting them inside her backpack, she heard the door open, followed by a voice. "The hospital is buzzing with bees. "

She didn't have to turn to see who it was. There was only one doctor in this hospital who can talk to her like that. It was Dr. Xu, the hospital's psychiatrist.

"Not surprising. We have very important patients."

"That's not what I meant. They are talking about you all over the place. "

Jingyi's brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Well, apparently Dr. Wicked hasn't yelled nor sent anyone to the records room for the last 18 hours."

One of Jingyi's favorite punishment was to send interns to the records room to study cases and write case reports if they messed up in the OR.

"And who's to be blamed?"

"Of course I'm the culprit." Dr. Xu admitted. "But like I said, it wouldn't kill you if you are nicer to your people."

Luo Jingyi shrugged her shoulders as she tried to remember what happened 18 hours ago.