"If I didn't get the dry mother back, I would be hungry every day, unable to eat and sleep." This is an ruoqiu's heart words, Aunt Zhang listened, this heart is actually not taste.

I feel guilty.

Ann ruoqiu's kindness to Aunt Zhang can be felt by Aunt Zhang.

In addition, Li Chenyu is also very good to Aunt Zhang. Although Aunt Zhang is only an ruoqiu's dry mother, Aunt Zhang can feel that Li Chenyu takes care of her like her mother.

However, Aunt Zhang also did not say, just in the heart of love, if autumn just, did not say.

It's almost ten o'clock when I get home.

When they got home, Li qingzong was already waiting for them at home.

Assistant Lin hasn't come yet. Assistant Lin has to buy some food for them, so he hasn't arrived yet.

"Assistant Lin has not come to see if there is anything to eat in the kitchen. Would you like something to eat first Li Chenyu looks at Aunt Zhang and an ruoqiu with concern.

"I don't want to eat I'll go up and take a shower Aunt Zhang felt very cold, especially cold, so she wanted to take a bath first.

"Well. Godmother, I'll accompany you. I'll let you water, and then you'll take a hot bath. After you've finished the hot bath, assistant Lin should be able to buy food back. Do you have anything special to eat? " Ann ruoqiu said to Aunt Zhang with concern.

"No Aunt Zhang can't care to eat at this time. She doesn't want to eat anything.

"Well, there are some cereals and sesame paste at home. I'll make some for you. You can pad your stomach first." Ann ruoqiu said to Aunt Zhang and asked Li Chenyu to bubble: "husband You can soak us some cereal, sesame paste and so on. Let's pad our stomachs first

"Good." Li Chenyu replied.

"How can you let your husband soak up?" Aunt Zhang a listen, some anxious: "I come, I come."

"How can I let Li Chenyu serve me?" Aunt Zhang thinks it can't work. It must not.

"It's ok Godmother, you see you are polite to us again. We are all a family. You are my godmother and my husband's generation. What's wrong with serving you? " Ann ruoqiu is going to take Aunt Zhang upstairs: "gone, we went upstairs."

"It's OK." At this time, Li qingzong came over and looked at Aunt Zhang with a smile.

When Aunt Zhang was looked at by Li qingzong, she was a little nervous: "er..."

"I'm really sorry." Aunt Zhang saw that Li qingzong had come out to speak. She was embarrassed to look at Li qingzong for such a long time, so she could only escape: "that would be troublesome I went upstairs first. "

Aunt Zhang ran up the stairs.

Li qingzong is not a fool, naturally understand that Aunt Zhang has been running away from himself, this time is more obvious to escape himself.

After Aunt Zhang fled, Li qingzong sighed slightly: "Alas..."

"Dad. Don't worry, take your time Mom doesn't know her identity now. She thinks she is destroying your family, so That's what it's like. " Li Chenyu looks at his father that pair of sad appearance comforts a way.

"Well." Li qingzong can only comfort himself: "if she knew her identity, maybe she would not be like this."

"No, certainly not." Li Chenyu comforts Li Chenyu again and says.

In fact, this is a fact, and it is not a comfort.

After all, if you know your identity, what else can you avoid.

"How is she? Are you going back? " Li qingzong looked at Li Chenyu with some worries.

Li Chenyu nodded helplessly and said with a bitter smile: "yes, along the way, if autumn advised her to stay, but she didn't want to, that is, she wanted to leave, said she must leave You can't destroy your family. That's what I mean

"She Why, she is so stubborn Li Qingzong grabbed as like as two peas: "it's the same as before. It has not changed at all."

"Dad Well, I've thought about it. If she really can't persuade her to stay, let's tell her who she is and let's meet each other. " Li Chenyu felt that this was the last solution.

Li qingzong listen to Li Chenyu so said, feel li Chenyu said right: "also can only like this."

"It is absolutely impossible for me to let her leave us again. If she leaves and stays alone in that place, who knows whether there will be danger, who knows whether someone will deal with her, and what if something happens to her?" Li qingzong thinks so.

Li Chenyu, of course, thinks so.

No matter how I think, no matter whether there is anyone against her, she will not be allowed to leave again. If she is not easy to find, how can she continue to leave.

"Yes, she can't be allowed to leave again." Li Chenyu nods.

"Look, let ruoqiu persuade her again after dinner, and see her attitude. If her attitude is still firm, we will tell her the truth. If she knows the truth, she will stay." Li Chenyu thinks she can stay."Yes." Li qingzong nodded.

Li Chenyu is talking with Li qingzong, while soaking the food that Ann ruoqiu and Aunt Zhang want to eat.

"Dad, you'll have some first. You're starving." Li Chenyu advised Li qingzong.

"Good." In any case, people have been found back, so naturally they will not feel bad about their own body. Li qingzong is also very old. If they are not in good health in the future, the most troublesome thing is Aunt Zhang.

He is reluctant to let Aunt Zhang trouble, so he will take good care of his body.

"I'll send it to them." Li Chenyu finished with two bowls of food.

For Li Chenyu, never for others to do these things, but now one is a wife, the other is his own mother, do these things for them is normal.

Ann ruoqiu is giving Aunt Zhang water, and then simply help clean up Aunt Zhang's room. It's really messy. Think about how hateful those people are: "these people are really hateful."

An ruoqiu edge clean up angry complain: "really too bad, I will not let them so easy, I must let Li Chenyu to deal with them."

"Why, after the water is put in place, you go to soak first. I'll ask Li Chenyu to carry your things up." An ruoqiu said to Aunt Zhang lying on the sofa. Aunt Zhang really can't stand it. She's tired. The whole person is frozen. Even if the heating is on in the room, Aunt Zhang feels that the whole person is still stiff.

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