"Well, stop crying - how old are you? Like a kid? "

If you're wronged, you're going to complain!

The corners of her lips were hooked unconsciously, and she stared at a pair of big and round clear black pupils. The beautiful little face was crying into a kitten. She raised her hand unconsciously, and Lori wanted to wipe her face. When his hands touched, they were all wet. On the side of his arms, he unconsciously used his sleeves:

"tears don't need money?" So much?

"Don't be hypocritical!"

Men are bad guys! All liars! All bully her!

She clapped his palm off angrily, snuffled his nose, looked vaguely at the noise floating in the distance, wiped her face, turned around, and then she was ready to go back. With the previous experience, before the action, she instinctively tried to move in situ first, but did not feel the difference. She made an effort to drop her foot, but her body was reeling again, instinctively raised her hand, and she kept it by her body And almost at the same time, Lori flashed to her side and reached out.

The two men's eyes fell down coincidentally, and they saw that the bag on one side of her super slim high-heeled sandals was obviously pulled out. The strap that should have been stuck in her ankle was now loose and collapsed, and her white and tender instep was also marked with a clear blood mark, as if there were blood blisters. It was terrible to watch.

As soon as he glanced at her, Luo Li grabbed her wrist, put a strong hand on it, and lifted her horizontally. Long Xin didn't react. He walked to a rest chair beside the flower bed in three or two steps and put her on it.

Squat down, Luo Li lifts up one of her little feet, raises her hand and unties the strap shoes on her feet, estimates that she has adjusted it slightly for her again, glances at the scars on her feet, and unties the twining silk scarf on the hanging rope of her handbag and twines it on the shoelace. His hands rub and try. Luo Li just reaches for her little feet, but is pushed by Longxin Drive away and stare at him with his lips. Long Xin directly covers the shoes that fall on the ground:

in fact, she carries a band aid in her bag. Besides, this is Longyu's home, full of servants, not to mention dealing with a wound, that is, she needs to find several pairs of shoes to replace.

But she didn't say anything. She put on the shoes with the style.

After pulling a button and getting up, she wiped her face again, and then turned around and wanted to go. But after all, there was a wound on her foot and her shoes were not comfortable. She could not help but feel a little uneasy because of the friction. Luo Li stretched out her hand several times and was opened by her. She saw that she had a spleen qi after venting, and looked at the floating figure in the distance. Luo Li couldn't do it for a while:

this Little ancestor, what a life!

Seeing that the makeup on her face was obviously spent, he still grabbed her wrist and said, "second miss!"

Longxin stops, and his voice softens: "deal with it! It can only be maintained for a while, and the foot will be injured after a long time! "

And her face, go back like this, be seen by the second master and the second lady, still can't fry pot?

Clap open his hand, dragon core lip angle pursed a few minutes again.

Just walked two steps, before body another dark shadow covers: "two young lady!"! You can't go back like this, your makeup is gone! "

Coldly glanced at him, and Longxin walked two steps over him!

Following the same trend, the same pattern came again: "second miss!"

"Miss two, miss two, have you had enough? You used to call me "~"

"so respectful Just stay away from me! Can't you talk to me? Don't you want to draw a line with me? Don't worry, I will never trouble you again, no matter how embarrassed I am or how I will pull you to carry the pot! "

After a roar, Longxin's tears came up again:

usually, she doesn't like to cry, but this time, she doesn't know what happened! Xu is depressed for a long time. He is really aggrieved by his heart's yearning for him for a long time. Xu is a bit of his own delusion because one of his famous words "grass has Lord" is broken and hurt too much.

Look at him, she wants to cry; the gentler he is, the more she wants to cry!

After wiping two faces, Longxin pushes him away again: in fact, she has principles in her bones! Although she is stupid, she is not ignorant. When can she be stupid and who can believe that she actually knows.

He has been with Lu Yanhao for many years and more than ten thousand people under one person. His character must have been tested. Therefore, she dare to live in his home and get along with him for a period of time. She really likes him, so she is not stingy and takes the initiative to take this step!

But even if she likes it again, she knows she can't touch it even if she already has a famous grass owner!

Like her mother, even if she is now her father's right wife, there were not many people who knew what was right and what was wrong, but she has carried the reputation of destroying people's family and been stabbed in the back all her life! No matter what she does or how she does it, it will always be a stain. No matter how well she does it, it is also said that she is "washing white". With her, she will always be looked down upon by others, maybe even in the eyes of her own father!

Ye Ling used to be so rebellious, but the eldest uncle's family agreed with her. Apart from the sympathy of human instinct, sympathy for the weak and appreciation of talents, justice is also a powerful tool. She can see that her father really loves and hates her! My father loves me very much. From childhood, she hurt a lot. Outsiders say that she is my father's eye bead. Maybe she is. But her eye bead is flawed. Occasionally, for a moment, she can feel a strong sense of contempt. The emotion that outsiders can't hide from their bones, but she just stands on her back and stings from time to time!

In fact, Longxin has always felt this, so she always wanted to change.

Before, she wanted to marry into a powerful family and turn over completely. But after these years of experience, she suddenly found that maybe she was wrong. She could not change her position by climbing high and marrying someone. On the contrary, her talent and position could make her really upright.

Especially during the time when she lived in him, although she still had to look at his face sometimes, she was really happy. With a little ambiguity in her daily life, after she left, she wanted to continue with him, but she didn't expect him to hide from her even if he took advantage of this time to decide on a girlfriend and pet someone else. Longxin felt very hurt and felt that he had a fair chance and the original opportunity Be deprived of by his Elusion: he can speak with her frankly clearly, but it is to avoid talking about direct deprivation, she is very hurt!

She felt that her budding feelings had failed again! This time, unlike in the past, she was deeply hurt, wronged, angry and even cheated.

So, what she has to do now is not to pursue love, to strive, but to heal and go out?

"Dragon core!"

Holding on to her, Luo Li suddenly became so upset that he couldn't do it: "don't you do this, OK? What do you look like now? "

He raised his hand and wiped two on her face. First, he wiped out the fly excrement that she had black poked in the corner of her eye:

"your parents and relatives are all here. What do you think about going out like this? Do you want to lose your face? I don't know. What did I do to you? "

What a heinous thing!

In a word, for a moment, it seems to light the withered Lei Xinzi, who just killed Long Xin, and for a moment, her violent temper comes up again:

"yes! You didn't do anything! Kiss me and hug me is nothing to you? But I'm serious! I'm stupid, I'm amorous! Now, it's not a matter of going to bed, getting pregnant and having a miscarriage. What a fart is the nonsense of the fans who are hugging each other for a while? "

"But I haven't lived with anyone. I haven't been kissed, hugged or touched like this! You make me heart, I take it seriously! You are bullying me, and you will not allow me to be aggrieved or cry! "

"You are a liar! Men and women are really different, just different What else do you want to do to me? "

"You don't know who you've been in bed, do you? My mother is right, you guys are all like this! It's very important to say that the first time is not important when you cajole a woman. It's very important to say how the first time is when you don't want someone else! "

"You flirt and never count, do you? Turn around and you can flirt with others. Anyway, you didn't do anything to me! Yes, your man's favorite is not to pick up the pants and not admit it? "

"You can tell me if you don't count! Why don't you answer my phone? Why are you hiding from me? Do you know that it's a kind of feeling to miss someone, think of someone and find someone every day, and it will become a habit! Is it not bullying to drag others along? "

"Don't tell me you don't know why I'm looking for you and calling you! I try my best to find you and contact you, but you hide from me and decide others I don't want you to choose me. Why do you hurt people so much? You are a liar! "

"I know you look down on me! How can I, a lady who only knows how to stretch out her clothes and open her mouth to eat, match your exquisite and first-class help? I will only drag you back, you can't support me, I know! "

"You should take care of your girlfriend's feelings and ignore me. Anyway, I have nothing to do with you. You don't care if I'm a young lady. I understand! Anyway, I'm useless. You all hate me! "

"I don't need you to care about me!"

"Stay away from me!"

After all, it was grown up in favor of others. Usually, it was soft and waxy like a millet bug. It was really hot. Longxin was also a small cannonball that should not be ignored!

Knowing that the matter was handled improperly, Lori felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, not that he didn't feel for her, on the contrary, it was because he realized that he had an inappropriate mind that he would make such a decision. Seeing her like this, Lori felt even worse. Seeing her excited and forgetting where she was, he reached for her and hugged her:

"Long Xin, you Don't make a fool of yourself! You know I don't mean that. I don't mean that! "