Chapter 65: S2. Resentment Wished Upon The Stars - 8

Name:Otherworld TRPG Game Master Author:
Chapter 65: S2. Resentment Wished Upon The Stars - 8

S2. Resentment Wished Upon The Stars 8

The fanatics, clad in white cowls, circled the mansion and emitted indiscernible shrieks All while embodying an innocent sparkle, akin to moths drawn to the dim light of a faded lamp.

Intoxicated with religious ecstasy, they drooled and laughed madly. The white flames consuming Abrahams mansion heightened their faith and belief. The stars sang, blessing this sacred place.

In the midst of this revelry, Saintess Tara felt


A revulsion so intense that she had to vomit.

From the shadows of those in white cowls, Tara saw the Priests of the Goddess Church. They followed blindly, willing to sacrifice everything to fulfill the will of the one they worshiped. Tara could not comprehend it, no matter how hard she tried.

How can you laugh like that? The flames are moving, clinging to you, burning you from the limbs up. Your ankles are twisted and swollen because you keep dancing carelessly, not caring for your own body. How can you continue to be in such ecstasy?

The flames seemed eager to erase everything one human had left behind. Memories ingrained in the house, his tender paternal love, and brief moments of happiness were all consumed by that snow-white faith, turning into mere entertainment for the fanatics.

The world around her began to blur, tears clouding her vision.

If being an accessory to a god and throwing all other values into the trash was truly such a joyful existence. If one could abandon both family and friends for such mere things.

Then, what really needed to be abandoned was.


Someone grabbed Taras shoulder, calling out her name loudly. Tara, as if awakening from a dream, shuddered, her mind clearing from the numbing thoughts.

When she looked ahead with regained focus, she saw a man that had half his face covered by ash-gray hair. It somewhat seemed like the colors cast by the surrounding flames made his face appear pale and ghostly at a glance.

A person she had argued with so much over such a short span of time.


Snap out of it! Now is not the time! Niolle went into the mansion first. Ill hold off these madmen, so go in and save Abraham!

Bennett said this and then, drawing his longsword, charged forward. The fanatics, as if refusing to allow anyone to disrupt their festival, screamed and chanted spells, burning their own limbs with flames.


The sound of breaking, slashing, the ground being kicked, and space shaking. Despite the noise of battle clearly emanating from nearby, it felt as if it was coming from a distant place. Her head felt foggy. In a daze.

Thats right. Abraham.

Saintess Tara stumbled into the mansion. The only image in her mind at this moment was

The house where her mom and dad lived. Her triumphantly returning home. While choosing in her mind what words to say for their reunion, she placed her fingers on the doorknob, turning her wrist to open the door And stepped forward to express the worries and love she hadnt been able to for a month.

Her calling out cautiously.

The door slowly opening, revealing the interior of the house from the right side. The shelf she had decorated with her family, her dads favorite round chair, the pillar that was marked every time she grew taller, the round table where they gathered for meals. And

Pale fingers.

Haggard wrists, forearms, shoulders. Two bodies lying dead. Flies buzzing around. The stench of rot, an unidentified liquid spread on the floor, swollen feet, and

On the left wall, looking down on all this, a wooden statue of the benevolent Goddess.

Having already lost loved ones once, she thought she couldnt bear to lose such people again.

So, this time. Please.


There was only one thought she had while agonizing over this repeating regret. That she was not too late this time.


The pale flames seemed to burn through time and space. If the flames grazed her while wandering inside the mansion, instead of blistering burns, wrinkles appeared and age spots formed.

Saintess Tara wrapped herself in mana. With this coating around her, she could resist the snow-white flames. Entering the mansion, she looked around. There was no sign of Abraham at the dining table where they used to eat, nor at the comfortable chair by the fireplace.

Then, on the wall leading to the 2nd floor She noticed an arrow drawn with a pen. It seemed Niolle had left directions. Saintess Tara followed the arrow, running upstairs.

The arrow led to a trapdoor; the entrance to the rooftop that could so clearly see the stars. Saintess Tara climbed the ladder that had already been pulled down from the trapdoor. Gripping the last rung, she pulled herself up.

The night sky could be seen.

Even as the mansion blazed, casting a snow-white light, the stars in the night sky shone ever so brightly and clearly. Saintess Tara felt a gaze. As if each star was someones eye. It felt like some grand, holy being was observing her.

And there, he encountered Abrahams severed head.


Tara, seemingly in severe shock, laid slumped, vomiting tears and bile. Niolle stood still with a vacant gaze, staggering as if caught in a nightmare. And Abraham had been decapitated.

The mansion was still burning and every time the flames flickered in the wind, dozens of shadows emerged, swaying before vanishing. It was like a scene straight from hell.

Whatin the worldis this

Bennett collected himself and surveyed the surroundings.

Abrahams head was butchered like that of a pig or cow. His tongue was cut out, his eye sockets hollow and dark, and his lips sewn into a grotesque smile. A brand of a living sacrifice was scarred on his forehead.

A burnt offering.

Someone had offered up even Abrahams soul. Bennett understood what it meant to offer a soul, as well as the agony of having it torn away. Abraham must have died in horrific pain. It was possible that, even now, he was still screaming in anguish.

There was also writing in blood found there.

As we have been given a flawed female goat, we are naturally grateful, thus offering this to you.

It was nonsensical ramblings, the ravings of a madman.

A surging flame ignited within Bennett. However, he was not overwhelmed by rage. There was still work to be done. They needed to escape the danger and leave this place.

Tara, Niolle! Snap out of it!

This time as wellI wasonce againtoo la.



Bennett slapped Tara across the face. Her head jerked to the side, and for a moment, her vacant eyes regained focus.

We need to get out of here. The night sky is strange. Something is coming. If we stay here, we will die a dogs death! Hurry and get moving!

As Niolle was showing no reaction, Bennett slung her over his shoulder and grabbed Tara by the wrist, leading her away. Had there been time, he would have liked to give Abrahams severed head a proper send-off, but protecting the other two people was his priority.

As such, Bennett ran frantically. The ominous presence felt above the mansion grew stronger over time. He ran like someone fleeing the radius of a ticking time bomb until

He reached the place where he first met Abraham.

A waste collection site. The boundary between the slums and the outside. The clothing bin flaunted its green color, as if to welcome their reunion, and a broken streetlamp flickered weakly.

After setting Niolle down and letting go of Taras wrist, Bennett sat down. And then, he looked back at Abrahams mansion.

Some thing

Some thing formed from the night sky and stars, an indescribable entity whose form was so irregular, so indeterminate, that it was impossible to predict whether it could even be cut. After blinking its eyes formed from constellations and flicking its tongue that was as dark as the universe itself

It opened its mouth wide and swallowed the mansion whole. And then, as if in reward, it spat out something dark and formless onto the earth. From a distance, it was hard to see clearly.

But there was no mistaking from their silhouettes that they were monsters.

Monsters had been unleashed upon the city.

Niolle, standing in a daze, bit the tip of her index finger until it bled. Then, scraping her finger against the rough asphalt, she wrote.

[If I hadnt tried to save that person, would Abraham have lived?]

.No, he would have died. Stop having pointless thoughts. The bastards from the Order of the Silver Twilight would have attacked whether we were there or not. And Iwould have abandoned Abraham. Whether you two opposed it or not, I would have abandoned him.

[Thank you for saying that. Bennett.]

.Stopit. Dont write anymore. After all, its a waste to even cast a healing spell on your finger. We need to conserve our mana. We have to head to a safe place.

The temporary base mentioned in the report. 201 Carter Street, East Shopping Mall, 2nd Floor.

Given that it stored items collected during reconnaissance, it was the best alternative now that they had lost their home. They had to move. Bennett was about to urge Tara and Niolle to hurry when.

We will depart to the secret safe house mentioned by the investigator. In 10 minutes.

Bennett gave them a reprieve. After all, it seemed they needed time to mend their broken hearts, mourn, and gather the strength to stand again.

As the stars and moon held hands, looking down upon the earth with a sneer, the only solace was the flickering light of a streetlamp.
