"Brother Su? Brother Su?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Su Yang saw Lu Yinghua.

"The Gorgon Stone seems to have arrived over there."

Lu Yinghua reminded.

"Huh? Is that fast?"

Su Yang raised his eyebrows. He remembered that Erica told him that it should be tomorrow, right?


After a while, a silver-billed girl with a ponytail walked into the room tremblingly.

Her name is Liliana, Erika is a good girlfriend and a good competitor in a sense.

It's just that she is usually the target of being bullied.

And Su Yang also knows the reason why she came so early, it must be because of her own cautious character, and...before being used by the marquis as a sacrifice for summoning the gods. shadow.

Well, for the shadow of the godslayer.

Especially this time Su Yang asked her to send something dangerous.

She can clearly and clearly anticipate that this country may be in dire straits afterwards.

But............ the first time she saw Su Yang's appearance.

She felt... herself, did she think wrong?

Although she is not a person who looks at her face completely, she is also a girl with the dream of Prince Charming.

Moreover, she is still a girl who is good at brain supplement to the extreme.

With Su Yang's current posture, it was still too invisible to the lives of this world.

Therefore, before descending into this world, he still suppressed his temperament to the extreme.

That's right, even if it is suppressed to the extreme, it has such an effect.

"Ah~~~ Lily, are you thinking about something? Is it possible that you are intoxicated by the king's attitude, and even fell into your own delusion?"

Erica gave a sly smile.

She felt that what she said was inseparable, because she knew Liliana's girl who likes to fantasize very clearly from Liliana's novels.

He even often imagined that a leading male protagonist like a domineering president would do various things to her.

Because it is obvious that women write such private novels with themselves as the protagonist.

What did the heroine do by the hero, doesn't it mean that she wants to be done by this kind of man?

"Ai Ai Ai Ai! ~ Erica"

After hearing what Erica said, the innocent Liliana instantly fell into a state of panic.

"You, you, you! ~ What are you talking about...I...how can I..."

Although this explanation was a bit pale, she was still trying her best to explain it.

She admits that she is indeed the first favorite for the appearance of the new king, but, but how can she not reach the level of delusion in her mind! ~~

"Well, I believe what you said, can you give me that thing?"

Su Yang smiled.

She could see Liliana's state at this time.

Erica said that she would be there after tomorrow, and she calculated the situation that she would take a break in the middle.

However, it is now obvious that she did not rest in the middle.

Even with the physique of a great knight, using flying magic to fly such a long distance could not hold it.

Therefore, her current body can be said to be extremely weak.

At this time, after listening to Su Yang's words, Liliana hurriedly took the Gorgon Stone she had kept from the special fixed magic enchantment.

This is a magic seal used to seal the Gorgon Stone.

It's a pity, it's only temporary, the goddess of the Earth Mother cannot be sealed forever, nor can it be destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that Italian magic associations have always regarded it as a major concern.

"Thank you."

Su Yang took over the Gorgon Stone.

This stone looks a bit rough and ugly, but it feels round to the touch.

The most direct thing is that...... It's a little bit cold.

"it is my responsibility."

Liliana said solemnly.

"Well, you should go down and take a rest. Arriving here in such a short time should have overdrawn your body by 927."

Su Yang could see that she was in a state of shame that had just been irritated by Erica and the state of excitement after seeing Su Yang, so she seemed to look good.

However, it is actually...

As long as she enters a resting state, the function of the whole body will quickly stop, and it will not be impossible to cause irreversible damage.

"Eh? Does the king want me to take a rest?"

Liliana pointed at herself, but she didn't expect to say such a thing.

However, since he would say such a thing, it should prove that he is not a cruel king, so she can rest assured.

"Yes, I guess you can sleep for a day or two."

Su Yang stretched out his hand while talking.

The golden light covered her body.

I have to say that she is really a serious girl, and Su Yang is a little embarrassed seriously.