When I saw that thousands of guards were killed in a moment, everyone below was shocked.

They don't know Jiang Cheng, but they know Gong Qing.

Gong's family was killed hundreds of millions of years ago, and she was the only one left.

This girl herself is also a double emperor. What kind of master can she meet?

When they saw her coming back with someone to kill, they just thought that she was out of measure and threw herself into the net.

Who knows

Gong Qing's "helper" is too strong.

How powerful is it that you can compete with the pro guard army of the LORD alone?

And the palace fine oneself, also quick startled.

She finally understood why leader Jiang dared to come straight to the door.

What strength is this?

Is it the four realms of the Empire?

Imperial four, that's the strength of the Lord level!

Did you accidentally meet a lord?

She felt it was too unreal.

However, the city brother himself, who is fighting fiercely at this time, is not happy at all.

He's counting on being killed once and then hanging up.

It's so easy. As long as you die, you don't have to work hard to solve the battle.

As a result, I can't die for half a day.

That's all. The key is that this battle is a tough one.

Because there is little difference in strength between the two sides.

With the ten level immortal sword, he really had the fighting power of the imperial realm in the initial stage.

However, Tu Xing, as the third stage of the imperial realm, was also qualified to fight against the fourth stage of the imperial realm.

Besides, he also had seven other helpers.

As a result, they and chengge are inseparable.

The battle was dark and dark.

The city elder brother is bathed in blood all over, the heart is to cry without tears.

With this brother's foundation, even if he works as a unit for many years, he will not be tired.

It's just that he doesn't want to work so hard!

However, if you don't fight hard, you will be killed by releasing water directly, which will be regarded as suicide by the system.

So he had to go on fighting.

This is the most troublesome battle for him, who is always ready to kill.

From sunset to dawn, it finally appeared