It was as if the guys from the primitive tribe surrounded them, Qin Feng was still calm, but Princess Liya was a little nervous and whispered: "My god, do you want me to do it here?"

"What do you do, don't panic, besides, your bows and arrows are not used at this distance."

"But they are so scary, what should I do?"

"It’s right to be scary. This is the easiest state for human beings to deal with unknown threats. You have to put it in a well-civilized place. You don’t know what those guys are thinking. Look, these people are now unreserved. Written on the face. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program"

Indeed, these primitive guys are all full of vigilance.

Almost all had weapons, some bone spurs, and weapons such as stone axes and spears.

Qin Feng calmly responded to the person: "Who are you, why do you ask us this, can't we come to this place?"

"I can come, but few people come, and the people who come here are all unkind."

The giant said, "I, the guardian here, stop everyone who makes ideas about Philip!"

"That's great, we won't have any ideas for you here at all."

"Then why are you here~〃?"

"I have an idea for your god. I came here to kill your god."

"What did you say……"

The giant man's face became stiff, then he looked at the other people on the left and right, and then everyone laughed wildly in unison.


Qin Feng spread his hands to Feng Feng and Princess Liya around him: "Look, it's that simple, they will not be hostile to us at all."

Fengfeng wondered: "It's also strange, why are they laughing, don't they respect God at all?"

"No, it's not that they don't respect gods, but they worship to the extreme, and they don't believe we can kill gods at all. The source of this article is [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program"

Qin Feng is right. Humans in this state have supreme worship and belief in gods. Their beliefs are very simple. Without the thoughts of later generations of human beings, they worship gods because they are powerful enough.

Now that the gods have reached the point for them to worship, it is impossible for them to be killed.

Logically, God does not want their protection.

Without the rules of their gods imposed by later generations, their beliefs at this time are very simple.

In other words, if God really wants them to take up weapons to protect them, then why worship such a weak God?

The **** you can protect yourself is of course not worthy of your belief. Therefore, there is no flicker in this state of belief. It depends on strength to speak. There is no truth or falsehood. If you are strong enough, you are a god!

"They said they came to kill the gods, hahaha..."

"I don't know how ridiculous I am, God, I actually think I can kill?"


Qin Feng let them finish laughing calmly, without any change in expression on their faces, as if nothing had happened.

"Can you speak, don't you take up arms to protect your god?"

"What are you protecting? If you have the ability to kill the gods, we can't protect it. If you don't have the ability to kill, then we don't need to do it. Do you still want to kill the gods? Do you want me to show the way?"

The big man laughed like a muffled thunder, watched Qin Feng and even put down his weapon.

Qin Feng nodded: "Okay, then take us there."

"How simple, I thought there were some twists and turns, it turned out to be straightforward to explain the purpose."

Fengfeng can't believe it. If you dare to blaspheme, you will die if you have a religious belief.

But in ancient times, people in the barbaric era would not think so, because religion is also developing, and there are so many rules and beliefs in later religions. The purpose is not to be God, but to prevent you from not believing...

It's very simple to ask people to believe, just call your **** out and manifest.

"Okay, follow me. It's been a long time since I saw such a courageous person."

Not only is Dahan not hostile at this time, he seems to admire Qin Feng very much, "Tell you, we have many people here to challenge the power of God, if you are brave enough, God will give you Martial Spirit."

It turns out that the people here are so martial arts, they don't have the kind of big family in other countries.

It doesn't matter. Another principle is followed here, which is natural selection. Those who dare to challenge God must be qualified.

The martial arts warrior chosen by God must of course be the best, with strong courage and quality.

Unlike reality, the gods in the game settings are "¨〃real" existence, so there are real gods, and there are real existences that crush human beings, so they are not afraid of challenges and take this challenge as an experience for selecting fighters. .

"So, there are a lot of people here to dance God of War?"

"Of course there is. God is the most powerful in the world. Since you want to, I will send you to God."

"That's great, lead the way."

Qin Feng waved his hand, letting this guy in a tiger-skin coat take him away.

Fengfeng doesn't matter, anyway, she knows this is Shura, killing a **** is nothing great, the devil has fought against it, and what is great about gods, but Liya's heart is very disturbed.

"Are we really going to kill the gods?"

"Of course it is true. Why are you afraid? If you are afraid, you can go back now."

Qin Feng can still understand her feelings, because of the formation of beliefs, the fixed routine is that gods can't move, whoever dares to kill will be spurned by everyone, and those who die are all later words, and you will become a heresy.

Therefore, in her opinion, Qin Feng's remarks are unconventional and very violent behavior.

It's like a mouse thinking about how to eat a cat tonight, roasted or stewed?

"I won't go against you, my god, I won't hesitate to give any orders!"

"That's good, remember your words, I am the one who gives you strength."

The big man who led the way was also unambiguous, not looking like a fool, leading Qin Feng and them all the way.

First out of this tribe, and then a prairie in front of him, he stopped.

"The front is the land of the gods. If you want to kill the gods, go by yourself. Be arrogant and don't blame me for not reminding."

Looking at the deserted grassland, Qin Feng felt it was like a hoax. attack.

=== Chapter 697: The Domain of the Lord God ===

But this should not be a scam, and people in this state should not lie. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program