"Hey, it is meaningless to say that this is meaningless. If we can defeat them, they will die. If we are defeated, we can't go back. What is the point of investigation? What we have to do now is to quickly enter the final. fighting!"

The captain asked Qin Feng who was running: "Night Knight, what is your relationship with Lu Man?"

"She is my girlfriend."

Qin Feng naturally said that this is all **** with fate, and it should be the most accurate to say that it is a girlfriend.

Lu Man in the castle was also watching their battle, blushing, but did not twitch.

"Then you know Shura, too?"

"Of course I know, or why am I so good."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "You have offended the wrong person. No matter what you want to do, I can't afford it."

"Wait, what weapon did you take, they said it was attacked by an assassin, you are not an assassin?"

"I am, nor am I. No one told you that you can work part-time."

As Qin Feng said, he pierced through with a single shot and flew their shield directly!

The shield was beaten by Lu Man in this round of attacks, but it was easily broken by Qin Feng, and only Legendary weapons were used. Even among the Legendary weapons, the level was relatively low. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

The weapon of the demon gun, ordinary players seems to be very top, but in the eyes of professional players, it is just a beginner.

Unless the whole body is in suits or uniforms are legendary equipment, they are eligible to be called the best equipment among professional players, that is, those black armored fighters just now, and now Qin Feng has taken out such a gun, it is simply too low-key.

Five people were picked up, and the combined attack skills were broken up.

But they soon gathered together again, and the wizard captain hurriedly said: "Block him, I will summon the herd again!"

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly and rushed towards the captain. It was obvious that the mage captain was responsible for the summoning of the beasts. The defensive shield they put together was to protect the captain from casting spells. If he were to succeed again, it would be really hard to understand. .

But even if Qin Feng has rushed here, he naturally won't let him succeed again.

Although the weapon he took was not considered top-level, Qin Feng had top-level skills.

"Dragon Emperor" has not been put into use yet, this is a true god-level equipment, known as the strongest war weapon!

Its powerful doubt is not only the weapon itself, Qin Feng will also master a set of combat skills specifically belonging to the "Dragon Sovereign" when he obtains this weapon, called the "Dragon Spear"!

This set of combat techniques is also called God-level combat techniques, and is most suitable for combat mage to use.

The so-called god-level combat skills means that Qin Feng can contend with people equipped with god-level weapons even with lower-end weapons!

The two soldiers in the team stepped forward when they saw Qin Feng rushing, trying to block Qin Feng.

"If you want to go over, pass our level first, and you are embarrassed to show your eyes out with a piece of junk equipment!"

They are also equipped with all Legend-level equipment, and each has an epic level, which is a gap with the black armored fighters just now, and Qin Feng now has the best demon spear in his hand, which is only the legendary level.

But Qin Feng could use God-level combat skills. He didn't want to get entangled with these people, so he just overtook it.

······· Ask for flowers·········

"Dragon Spear, Liuyun Step!"

Two steps passed the fighter who came to stop him, Yun Cong Long Feng Cong Hu, these two fighters couldn't stop him at all.

"What, just passed, we can't even touch him!"

"Captain, be careful! He has passed, we can't stop it!"

"It's okay, I'm still here!"

Another assassin came out. They also had assassins in their team, but no archers.

Archers and wizards are both long-range. Generally speaking, a balanced team only needs to have one type of long-range. Of course, they can all. But as long as the output damage is enough, they don't need to be fully equipped.

The person protected by the whole team is the output position. This person generally does not need speed or defense, and is focused on output.


The assassin got close, waving a short knife and sneered: "How fast are you faster than me?"

"Of course, you are the fastest man, I don't rely on quickness."

Qin Feng smiled and began to shake his body, and he bypassed the assassin's attack without even touching the tip of the knife.

The assassin had never seen such an incredible dodge. He had already attacked, so why didn't he miss it?

"I didn't block it either, be careful!"

"What's the matter, none of the three can stop it, even if the difference in strength is not enough to come here..."

Fortunately, there is a priest beside him, this is the last straw to prevent getting close.

"Fountain of Holy Light!"

The priest hurriedly performed the recovery technique, which was an emergency operation and basically no mistakes.

Because the main C is about to be attacked, he may not be able to stop him again if he makes a move. He will increase the blood first. The purpose of increasing the blood is to prevent the C position from being lost in one move, and then two fighters and an assassin will return to chase. , The crisis is lifted.

The idea is very good, the operation is also very stable, anyway, there is no need to confront Qin Feng.

And Qin Feng's sudden second output also caught them off guard. This was already the best choice.

The priest wields an epic staff, [Seraph's Sorrow]. With this thing, even if a person is attacked with only a little blood, he can still be full of blood in an instant!

"It's really surprising, but you can only stop here. It's nice to be able to rush to my side."

The Mage Captain also judged the situation and felt that Qin Feng was unlikely to succeed.

=== Chapter 581 Instant Crash ===

Qin Feng knew that the power of the priest's hand was not a direct attack, but an increase in state. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

This hand not only added blood volume, but also added defense, and it would be very exaggerated to cooperate with that epic staff.

At this time, even if Qin Feng's damage exploded, the opponent would not die in this hot spring, and a little blood would remain after reaching the sky.

In other words, the wizard captain will complete the summoning, and the Warcraft will reassemble. This time Lu Man can no longer send that arrow. It seems that her appearance is so meaningless. Of course, Qin Feng does not allow such a thing as a wizard.

"Do you think this can block me?"

"Why can't stop it, under the rules of the game, can you second me!"