Chapter 1400

Smoke is the system.

The news is really shocking.

In this way, many strange phenomena can also be explained.

The light and shadow in the land of immortals and demons, the performance of Yan'er when leading to the gate of heaven, and the strange phenomenon that Yan'er can easily point out the mechanism and those monsters don't attack her

Everything can be explained.

She is the real God of the world, what emperor, what Buddha, in her eyes, but the dust of the moment.

However, Liu Yun's biggest doubts at the moment also follow.

Buy a NPC servant girl from Baoge for Mao himself is a system, while others are ordinary NPC servant girls?

Why does the system run to be a servant girl for oneself?

Liu Yun does not understand, feel his brain is covered by a layer of fog, which must have a strange!


He took off his helmet and looked aside.

At this moment, it is already night.

Liu Yun unconsciously wandered for another afternoon.

Wang Zhi and Xiao Yue are busy working in the kitchen, and Liu chun'er is standing beside him. At this time, he is staring at him with a small face full of frost.

"Chuner, what's the matter? What do you want me to do offline? "

Liu Yun rubbed his temple and asked wearily.

At this time, Liu's wife came to see you, but she looked for you

"My wife?"

Liu Yun micro Leng, looked up to Liu chun'er, but saw her out of the room.

Liu Yun was surprised. He quickly got up and headed out.

However, not out of the door, they heard Wang Zhi smile ha ha voice.

"Are you a friend of yun'er? Don't mention it. Come on! Make this your home

Wang Zhi first used English, but soon began to speak in pure Chinese.

Thank you

The voice is very soft, as if there is no force to speak at all, but simply use gas, but there is no sense of hoarseness, and it is very beautiful and pleasant

However, Liu Yun's look changed.

He already knew who was coming.

The living room was already full of people when he walked out.

Liu Longtian, Wang Zhi, Xiao Yue, Liu chun'er, and the uninvited guest.

Her delicate body is covered with a milky white dress. Her delicate skin, delicate and beautiful facial features, especially the natural white hair, make her beautiful like a spirit falling into the world.

Even Xiao Yue, seeing this western girl full of soft taste, also had to marvel.

However, it is very strange that half of her cheek is covered by snow-white long hair, and her appearance can only be seen in half, but even so, it does not affect her aestheticism, on the contrary, it makes her add a bit of mystery.


Liu Yun helplessly called a sentence.

"Cloud, she Is that your friend? "

Xiao Yue at the beginning of the appreciation of the eyes immediately full of vigilance.

"Er This... " Liu wantun vomited.

Wang Zhi saw this situation, immediately understand that the situation is not right, but she did not dare to attack, had to quickly pull the girl's hand, sat on the sofa, and with such a loud voice, began to ask about some home routine, hoping to change the topic.

"Moon, come on! Go and have a look at the soup in the kitchen. It's going to be burnt off

At this time, Wang Zhi added a sentence.

Xiao Yue didn't say anything. She took a breath and stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Wang Zhi's face went down immediately, Xiao yun'er went to see her


"Come here!" Wang Zhi face cloth frost.

Liu Yun sighed and had to go over and sit on the sofa.

"Say, what's going on? Who is this girl

Wang Zhi hums a way.

"Her name is aliya, and that It's It is... " Liu Yun hemmed and hawed, but his words could not collapse.

"I'm cloud's fiancee." Aliya, soft judo.


From the kitchen came the sound of the spoon falling on the ground.

The people in the living room were quiet at once.

Liu chun'er clenched her pink lips, and her eyes overflowed with tears. Her small face glared at Liu Yun, hoping to eat him.

"Who can help me?"

Liu Yun covered his forehead with pain.

"Girl, you have to think clearly. What's good about this boy? Have you been deceived by him? " Although Wang Zhi was angry, she was only angry with Liu Yun. She was still very kind to aliya. She held Elia's tender hand and said with a smile, "what's more, you are so beautiful. Are you afraid you can't find a good man? The boy already has a fiancee. How can you be his fiancee"Has he got a fiancee?"

Aliya looked calm and turned her eyes. Her blue eyes looked at Liu Yun without saying a word. However, her little hand gently stroked her abdomen.

Liu Yun was stunned and quickly gathered some natural forces. In an instant, he looked stunned, and the whole person was not good.

"Can I have a word with Liu Yun?"

Then aliya spoke again.

Finish saying, she nodded to Wang Zhi, then got up and walked towards the room.

Liu Yun saw this and immediately got up.

"Stinky boy, if you don't give my mother and Xiao Yue an account, you can't get away today!" Wang Zhi glared at him.

"Boy, you have the ability. Foreign girls can get it!"

Liu Longtian smiles and pats Liu Yun on the shoulder, revealing the look that men all know.

Liu Yun grinned bitterly and went in.

As soon as she entered the room, aliya closed the door gently, and moved her fingers gently. She sprinkled a circle of natural force to seal the place completely.

But the next second, she was picked up by Liu Yun, gently put on the bed.

Aliya's cheeks were red, her little mouth moved, but she didn't say a word.

But saw Liu Yun lying on her belly quietly listening for a while, the face appeared bursts of joy, way: "is a boy!"

"It's only been a month, can you hear that?"

Aliya took the man's head and chuckled.

"He will be a qualified Lord of nature!"

Liu Yun said with a smile, his head was still a little confused. If it wasn't for aliya's deliberate gesture, he could hardly see that he was going to be a father.

"I hope so, but I don't want the natural realm to multiply under the contention of countless people in the future."

Said aliya.

Liu Yun was stunned, but soon understood what aliya meant. He held out his hand, lifted up her long snow-white hair which covered her small face, looked at the bright petal pattern, and said softly, "how did you come here?"

"I want to see you. By the way, you're going to be a father." The radian of aliya's mouth is full of happiness.

She seldom laughs, or hardly laughs, and it is only in this situation that she can't help laughing.

Liu Yun scraped her small nose and said, "are you not jealous?"

"As the Lord of nature, it's normal to have a few women, and so is my father!" "And I'm tired of your lover's running into the natural world these days," aliya said softly



Liu Yun heard the speech, but he sighed bitterly.

"Andre, they are on standby at cloud motion. I think you and your family can go there and arrange work for them after dinner!"

"Do you think we can catch Yang zhanyan this time?" Liu Yun asked.



"Because they can't run away this time!"

Aliya said softly, her words full of confidence.

When Liu Yun and aliya walk out of the door, Liu chun'er just pulls Xiao Yue into another room.


The door is closed.

"Xiao Yue, have you ever thought about how many women will there be outside that rascal?"

Liu chun'er is sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the windowsill. Her cheeks are bulging and she is angry.

"It should be a lot!"

Xiao Yue sighed.

"Then shouldn't you do something about it?"

Liu chun'er turns her head and looks at her.

"I'll have aliya today, a Suning tomorrow, and who will come the day after tomorrow? If he goes on like this, is he an emperor? Three thousand harem beauties

"Chun'er, I understand!" Xiao Yue walked over, took Liu chun'er's hand and said helplessly, "but you should know that he is not the cloud of the past. He is different from ordinary people..."

"Excuses, are all his flowery excuses, this hateful lecher!"

Liu chun'er said with pain on her face.

Xiao Yue gently hugged her and sighed: "there is no turning back, pure son, just live like this."

"Can you bear it?"

"But if I were to leave him, I would feel worse." Xiao Yue's mouth was full of bitterness and bitterness, and said: "it's the pain of two people, but let me suffer alone. At least I know that he still loves me. In his heart, I still have a place. I believe that cloud is just sentimental, not sentimental and unjust."

"You're conniving at him. He'll do it again in the future."

"What else?"

Xiao Yue asked.

Liu chun'er hesitated a few times, but could not answer.

Finally, her small face a cry, sink way: "castrate him!"


Liu Yun, who was still in front of the dining table, suddenly felt his lower body cold and shivered for a moment. He covered his lower body with his hands and looked frightened."What's the matter with you, Wang?"

Aliya asked softly.

"No Nothing... "

Liu Yun was laughing.

Aliya looked at him puzzled, puzzled.

At this time, a sparrow flew into the window and chirped twice.

Liu Yun's face sank, and aliya stood up.

"Let's go first." She said softly.

Liu Yun nodded and picked up his coat and put it on.

"Where are you going

Sitting on the sofa Wang Zhi strange asked.

"Aliya has just come from the United States and wants to get familiar with Guangshen. After dinner, she just goes out for a stroll." Liu Yun laughs.

"Oh? Is it? "

Wang Zhi also stood up at this time and said with a smile: "in this case, that together, I and your father have not been around in the Guangzhou Shenzhen market for a long time!"

"This Isn't that good? "

Liu Yun's face changed and he was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!