Chapter 1362

The happiest thing about one side's forces is that their two enemies of life and death fight together regardless of life and death.

Now, this is true of the divine world and heaven.

The immortal and demon Kingdom has just been established. Both the divine world and the heaven despise it and ignore the existence of this new God level power.

But they were wrong.

Although the immortal and demon realm is new, there are still immortal and magic swords.

They thought that Liu Yun did not dare to attack and kill himself with the immortal demon army, which was a big mistake.

The more this time, Liu Yunyue will fight to the death, while fighting between the divine world and heaven, stab a knife in the back and strengthen himself.

Because he knew that once the battle between the divine world and heaven was over, he would put out his own growing God level power.

Therefore, he did nothing to cut down the heaven and fight the divine world.

What he wants is not to really destroy the other party, but to strive for the greatest strength and deprive the greatest interests in order to develop the immortal and demon kingdom.

What if there is no training ground? Grab it!

What if we don't have a good group of weapons? Grab it!

What to do without powerful spirit beast and enchantment? Or snatch!

The resources here are just like the materials collected by life players in the wild. The materials are guarded by wild monsters, while the resources here are guarded by people in the divine world.

Liu Yun has understood a truth since he entered the xuanjie.

When you have nothing, and the other party sometimes, you will be desperate to grab the other party's things.

Whether it's a magic sword fragment or a treasure.

This is not reality, this is the "metaphysical world". When you have everything, the so-called constraints have no effect on you.

After defeating the first wave of the arrival of the divine world, the immortal demon Kingdom began to plunder resources wantonly. Erlang God was quite familiar with the map of the divine world and found a nearby training ground and a spiritual treasure house, so he began to let his men plunder resources wantonly.

He did not intend to make peace with the people of the divine world.

First of all, it is much more difficult for him to make peace with the people in the divine world than in heaven.

In Tianting, at most, he was full of hatred with the emperor of heaven, but not with many immortal families in Tianting. He did not kill many powerful immortals in Tianting.

But the divine world is different.

He did not know how many archangels he killed. Even God had one arm cut off by him. Moreover, he and Erlang destroyed the God eye Angel army of the divine world. The relationship between him and God and the divine world was extremely deteriorated.

What's more, in the command group of the divine world, he doesn't know anyone who can't speak good words for him. What's more, what he talks about and gets is not as much as grabbing.

And the most important point.

It is also Liu Yun's understanding of the people of the divine world.

That is the great face of people in the divine world, which can be said to be proud or conceited.

They will never lower their face and ask for surrender to the people in the immortal and demon kingdom. Liu Yun can guess this. I believe most American players are also aware of this.

When the second group of the divine Resistance Army was close to the immortal demon domain army, Liu Yun had cleaned all the training grounds, material growing places and treasure houses in the periphery, leaving nothing behind.

Looking at a mess of the peripheral divine land, the angels are filled with endless anger.

In this war, the eternal will and the blood rose also came, and the courage remained in the front line. However, Elliot left the divine world early, as if he did not want to meet Liu Yun.

The number of troops sent out by the divine world this time directly exceeded 2 million. Many of them were regrouped by the first group of Broken Angels. At the same time, there were also many players, including famous experts, deadly swords and forgotten people. There were three angels at the level of ten wings, one was snow angel with ten wings, one was angel with ten wings, one was angel with ten wings, another was angel with ten wings Ten wings angry angel.

Liu Yun understood that the ten winged crazy angel and the ten winged fighting angel that had been killed before were not really dead. After their death, the divine army immediately collected their souls. It was expected that they had begun to revive.

Before Liu Yun and Erlang God did not react, but at this stage to fight, if you kill, you must get rid of your soul and root.

"People from the fairyland!"

When the army approached, the angel with white face, white hair and white wings called out in a clear voice.

Looking at the past, Liu Yun didn't know whether he was a man or a woman. He was extremely beautiful, just like a scholar who had no strength to bind a chicken. However, he was accompanied by two white thin swords around his waist.

"You've made a huge mistake, you know? Come to your senses, men, and do not make mistakes again and again. If you wake up now and admit your mistakes, I promise here in the name of snow that the kind father will forgive you

The voice of the ten winged snow angel called out.


Liu Yun showed his expectant eyes and spoke slowly.

"Of course

Ten wings snow angel makes people happy sound again.Seeing Liu Yun's look, people are filled with a little expectation.

"We are willing to admit our mistakes to God, but we do not believe what you say. In order to show your sincerity, please send one of your angels to take us personally to the merciful God."

Liu Yun began to shout.

When the army of the divine realm listened, you looked at me and I looked at you, and they all stopped talking.

"How cunning this cloud is! They even said such conditions. If these angels go, they will be killed by him. If they don't go, they will be slapped in the face, which will have an impact on the morale! "

Blood rose kneaded fist annoyed way.

"How can he be a brainless man if he can be today? It is naive that these ignorant angels are trying to convince Liuyun with words

Eternal will shakes the head.

"In this case, President, what should we do later?"

"This is easy to do!"

The eternal will pointed to the right side of the immortal demon army, and said seriously: "the immortal demon kingdom is a god level force composed of a large number of NPC forces, but among these NPC forces, the weakest is the NPC in Shenzhou, that is, the NPC under the little girl of Xinbai sword. We will concentrate our efforts on that end, kill more Shenzhou soldiers, and then go back to find those damn NPC Get the reward

"What about the war here?"

"We're just players, and we don't have the strength of Liuyun, so we don't have a big impact on the war situation. We have done our best to help these NPCs kill their right wing, and the rest will be handed over to NPC."

"Good!" The red rose nodded: "then I'll go to prepare it right away!"


After waiting for a long time, the angels did not answer Liu Yun. Liu Yun sneered, knowing that these angels did not know how to refute themselves.

He secretly passed a message to Xin Baijian, and then said, "since you don't believe us, in order to show our sincerity, let's go."

When the voice falls, Liu Yun takes the lead in instigating the decision of Jiulong riding and leans towards the divine army.

This action of him, actually let the whole divine world army can't help but step back, people raised their arms, nervously staring at the person close.

"It's lost before it starts! It's amazing, it's amazing The eternal will shakes its head and nods its head, and its eyes are full of worries.

"What's so good?" Others question.

"The momentum of Liuyun is powerful! This time, he not only shocked the players, but even the NPC was afraid of him! Isn't that great? "

The way of eternal will.

"The whole army is ready!"

At this time, the whole world thundered like a thunderbolt.

People's nerves are pulled, all stand up straight, buff chaos.

But at this time, a dazzling lotus suddenly bloomed in the sky above the army of immortals and demons, and then the lotus turned into five winds and rolled away in five directions, Southeast, northwest and middle.


The speed of all the people in the immortal demon Kingdom army has increased by more than ten times in vain!

Mass acceleration scroll!

And the scope is so wide! Speed up a million people!

"Not good!"

The eternal will cries out.

However, seeing that all the people from the immortal and demon Kingdom rushed in, everyone was like lightning. In a moment, they ran into the divine army and scattered the whole divine army in an instant. Then, the crazy massacre broke out.

"Get people together and attack the right wing! Come on, let's attack the right wing! "

The eternal will of the moment in the fire of war was the first to react. He held up his sword and roared repeatedly, so that people could recover from the sudden changes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosion went on and on.

The roars of the gods and beasts are intertwined.

Liu Yun and Erlang God rush over and take the lead to kill the ten winged snow angel.

Apart from the other two ten winged angels, they worked together to kill the existence of the temporarily commanding army.

The snow angel pulls out the snow sword hanging from his waist and resists the attack of them sensitively.

Erlang's magic power is great. If the snow angel's sword touches the three tips and two blades, he will be shaken back, and people will also be pushed back.

Liu Yun takes advantage of the situation and blows away the tricky magic sword.


Ice spirit magic formula!

Liu Yun's eyes flashed a shred of alertness, the blade turned, the power of ice covered open.


Ding! System: if Bing Ling shenjue fails to activate, the opponent will be immune to all "water system" and "ice system" spells.


Liu Yun's face sank. He took back his magic sword and chopped at the snow angel again.

Although the snow angel is powerful, he is certainly defeated by the joint efforts of Erlang God and Liuyun. He immediately retreats and waves two thin swords, but he sees a lot of wind and snow jumping out of the body of the thin sword and rolls towards them.Erlang Shen's body was immediately covered with a thin layer of ice, and the speed was greatly reduced. Although Liu Yun was not affected by the ice, he was affected by the wind resistance and his moving speed slowed down.

Then, the angel of seeing victory and the angel of anger rushed to kill Liu Yun and Erlang. The snow angel hid in the periphery and cast his magic.

"I heard that you killed the crazy angel. Ha ha, I want to avenge my brother!"

The angry angel, holding a silver knife with both hands, roared and chopped at Liu Yun.

Liu Yun looks at the angry angel and dodges sideways. He pulls out the cloud water sword with his left hand and cuts to the angry angel.

"- 208548548, critical hit."

"Anger breaks out!"

The angry angel roared, and a fierce breath suddenly penetrated into Liu Yun's body. Then, the blood trough on his head turned red and his vitality was declining. In contrast, the angry angel's blood trough on his head rose with the fall of Liuyun's blood trough.

The silver knife in his hand was completely blood red, and he rushed to Liu Yun with wild eyes.

Liu Yun was just about to move. Suddenly, a lot of wind and snow appeared around, and they were blowing wildly with Liuyun as the center.

Liu Yun is about to move, but he is surprised to find that he is hard to move by these strong winds.

"Die! Dirty people

The angry angel cleaved with a knife.


The double technique was performed.

Liu Yun dodges.

But he just dodged away, a person suddenly and quietly held him.

Liu Yun looked sideways and saw that it was the snow angel who had been casting magic beside him.

He seems to have figured out that Liu Yun will use the double technique to avoid it. He actually aims at his landing position after the double operation. He takes the body as the control and launches all forces to suppress Liu Yun , the fastest update of the webnovel!