Chapter 534: Dorag's goal ...

Great sea route, "Island of White Earth" Bardigo.

When Loya came here, there was no one on the entire island. Even if it was the headquarters of the [Silent] Army, it was scarcely crowded at this moment. Looking around, all the places you reach are snow-capped ... Of course, it's not real snow, like its name, the island of white clay. The soil here is mixed with a special white.

However, it's not really as quiet as it seems. In Loya's perception, the strong existence of life is hidden in the secret passage below the ground, in the middle of which is mixed with those who have been branded by themselves, watching their actions through surveillance phone bugs.

In this regard, Loya sighed: "I said, why don't you come out to meet me personally? Don't give me face, do you think I don't have the ability to sink the island? Or bet I dare not do that?"

Grunt ...

In the face of Loya exuding a strong feeling of disgust all over the body, even through the image, a group of people lifted their hearts. Of course, don't go out to face Loya, this is the order of the leader Monch d. Dorag, even if Loya talks so much, they will not disobey the order.

However, Dolag naturally did not allow Loya to sink the island, and he never doubted that the man in front of him did not have that ability.

Stepping out of the hiding stone, Dorag stood alone in front of Loia: "Sorry, I can't believe you yet, so make sure you don't have other enemies behind you."

Upon hearing this, Loya spread his hands: "I have given you such a powerful fighting force, and still doubt me? Can there be a little more trust between people ..."

"If it's really just combat ..."

Dorrag said that he was not prepared to get involved in this matter. The pale fisherman Haku suddenly crawled out of the tunnel and came to Dorrag and said something.

Loya heard it clearly. It was Haku telling him that, except Loya, no one else existed a few hundred miles around the island.

The reason why Haku would expose such a blatantly openly is because both of them knew that this little trick could not hide the ice dragon in front of him.

His breath and perception of living people can even penetrate steel! It was impossible to hide Loya's eyes from the earthy partition.

Nodded, Dorrag didn't care if Loya could hear it, and gestured at him: "Please come in for a cup of tea!"


As the alarm was lifted, [silence] soldiers of the army rushed out of the tunnel. In the building on the ground, the humble hall was full of people. But they all stood around, only Loya and Dorrag sitting around the round table in the center.

"What important information do you say about the runes at Bega Punk?"

Being able to get Doragh to invite himself, Loya doesn't think the important information in his mouth is a trivial matter. Based on his current status, he knew how to make such a joke.

"This will be discussed later. Before that, I would like to ask, can you provide more ... the kind of imprint?"

Dorag's first sentence surprised Loya.


"You talking about this on them?" Pointing at Haku, Loya asked in amazement: "What are you going to do?"

This imprint consumes vitality and transforms it into magic to use the freezing ability, which is not uncommon in the Magister's system. However, because it consumes vitality, every wizard will be cautious every time he overdraws his vitality, and he will bury himself in fear of a bad one.

Now Dorag wants this mark, and he knows the cost ... So Loya can't help but want to ask, are you ready to launch a full-scale war against the world government or not?

If so, Loya pats her **** and leaves.

That was a behemoth that he had to treat with caution today. Dorrag was so reckless that the [silence] army could declare gg directly.

"Antonio family ..." Dorag slowly explained: "Since the last emergency meeting began, we have stepped up our efforts. Many battlefields have been defeated across the board because of their involvement. We The layout for so many years is slowly being eroded ... "

"So you want to fight for the battlefield and regain the initiative?"

If this is the case, Roya asks, it would be forgiven for Doragh to need more power.

Antonio, that's a terrible family, and you can't believe it! They are now entering the game to suppress the [silence] army, and they are able to ask for help after half a year, which is the proof of Dorago's majestic posture.


"Mr. Dorag, what is your purpose, do you think about it?"

Instead of answering his question, Loya asked a question back.

Standing behind Dorag, Saab, now the second officer of the [silence] army and serving as chief of staff, said, "That is to say, of course, to overthrow the world government and destroy the cruel dragon ... "

A hundred years in the fog was also the goal of the [silence] army, but after Loya issued a declaration, Dorager basically cut off this idea. After all, they really want to say that their goal of searching for a century of history is also to overthrow the world government.

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, Dorag screamed and interrupted Saab ~ ~ Saab was stopped and was at a loss, not understanding what he was saying wrong.

Looking at Loya's eyes, Dorrag solemnly said, "Our purpose is peace and quiet."

"... boss?"

Saab glared at Dorrag and murmured softly.

The meaning of this sentence was immediately understood by Saab ... Yes, isn't it what they want, tranquility and peace? Rescue the oppressed slaves and overthrow the ruthless king. Everything is for tranquility and peace. It is only in the process that the Dragons and the world government are blocking their way, so they have to destroy it.

"Since it's clear, it couldn't be better ..."

Loya did not point out, he believed that Idolag's IQ would understand what he wanted to express. After a pause, with a flick of his finger, a few ice crystals emerged from the air and dinged on the table.

Now he does not need to work as hard to make this kind of parasitic bomb. However, even if it was effortless, the number of these ice crystals he took out was far from enough. Not to mention comprehensive resistance to cannibalism, even if you want to keep the existing stronghold, you have to give twelve points of energy.

"It's not enough. More than thirty kingdoms have been destroyed ..."

Someone said anxiously, and was dissatisfied with Loya. They have come to the realization that their lives have been saved. Is Loya's behavior like this showing mercy on them?

"Just as you don't trust me, I don't trust you either. If there is one day, I hope you know how to let go."

Dorrag glanced deeply at Loya and nodded: "I know, this is the position I decided from the beginning."

"Well then ... spread! Now tell me about Bega Punk."