Chapter 391: Ace's little moves

(Thank you, my bookmates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It ’s as if eating on Pippi shrimp. Now the editor is off work and ca n’t change it if he wants to change it.)

As the warship stopped moving, it seemed as if it had been agreed. One pirate ship suddenly appeared at the sea level, dense and endless, like locusts, rushing towards the navy.

A door or rough or delicate artillery was pushed out by the pirates on the ship and aimed at them remotely.



A cannonball landed on the periphery of the warship's protective circle, and the waves set on the deck, overturning two careless soldiers to the ground.

"Did not fight?" Loya stared strangely at the Pirate Ship. In his original plan, the pirate killing of the Pirates was also an important step to reduce their number.

"Who do you think I am? They don't have that courage!"

Green glanced at Loya, and then ordered: "Fire!"

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang!

The naval artillery can be much more fierce than the old cannons of the pirates. The range and accuracy are not comparable to each other. In addition, the naval gunners are trained and there are many artillery. One round of volleys hits the group of pirates. .

However, the pirates also knew that facing the fleet in front of them, it was a living target if they did not bring the distance closer, so even if the cabin had been filled with water, they still howled and rushed forward.

The one who rushes the fastest will have the most chance to be exposed to the historical text.

But often they are the fastest, and they are usually cannon fodder ...

"It's up to you to solve them. The underwater mermaids haven't run yet, I'll go and catch them back." Loya said, shaking her wings, and came to the side of the warship in a circle around the air.

The mermaids, as Loya said, paralyzed the warship and did not choose to leave. They continued to swim to the next warship. They planned well. As long as the warship carrying the historical text stopped moving, the rest of the warships had to surround it.

Anyway, the mission has been completed, and the remaining warships do not have to consider sinking, so the amount of explosives arranged is intended to sink the ship.

However, when they had just arranged the explosives to run a little farther to detonate, a sudden cold hit them, instantly freezing them in the sea water.

Even with it, a large piece of seawater around it has condensed into a shell and fixed together.

As soon as he lifted his finger, the ice cubes surrounding the mermaid were lifted by Loya from under the ice.

"It's so ugly, Murloc ..." Looking at the weird guy in front of him, Roya pouts in disgust, drawing a circle in the air with his fingers.



The ice cubes were quickly covered with cracks, and then in a burst of soothing squash, the mermaid was crushed into a ball of meat.

"Next ..." Loya turned to look back at the pirate ships that were getting closer, a **** smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The slaughter begins!"


"Fire! Fire!"

The captain kept roaring, and Ace, whose real name was Aite, ran to the cannonball to fill it, and then lit the lead ...

"The naval artillery is terrible. It won't work like this!" Ace has also established the Spade Pirates for some time. He has been hunted many times by Carp's guards, and understands the advantages of naval artillery.

Don't look at the large number of pirates now, but before the distance approached, at least 80% of the artillery on these pirate ships could only interfere with sight.

On the other hand, the navy is using its own advantages to spare no time, and generally named the pirate ships one by one.

More importantly, there are no more pirate ships in front of them. When they are sunk, the cannon will come straight to them!

Drowning in the sea before confronting Loya, this is not Ace's original plan.

After thinking about it, Ace ran to the captain and said, "Captain, the artillery opposite is too fierce, and we will be sunk!"

"What should we do?" The captain was not a fool. Naturally, he could see the current situation. But the pirate ship behind them was aggressive, and if they dared to slow down or turn, they would be subject to shelling from the pirates for the first time.

Naval artillery is dangerous, but the distance is far away, and those behind the buttocks are firing face to face!

"I have a way!" Ace turned her eyes and laughed.

A few minutes later, a small boat was put down, and Ace raised his hands in a surrender, leaning forward toward the pirate ship behind.

"The little ghost on the pheasant boat?"

The Captain of the Pirates Group hesitated for a moment, and ordered: "Bring him up!"

Following the pirates around, Ace, with her hands bound, stepped onto the deck. Even though the pirates were all around him and **** with their hands, Ace was still calm and looked around with a smile.

This made the captain's evaluation of Ace helplessly, but he still had a face on his face and said fiercely, "Tell me, kid! What's wrong with your captain?"

He didn't think that a small guy like Ace was qualified to communicate with himself, so he guessed that Ace had accepted the captain's order to talk to him.

"Hello, sir." Ace saluted first, bowed down, and said to the captain, "It's not Captain Pheasant who wants to find you, but I ... I want to light one on your boat. thing."

"Oh! This way ..."

As he was talking like this, the captain suddenly took out a musket from his waist and aimed at Ace's eyebrow: "That's really sorry, I can't allow anyone to mess around on my boat."

"It's okay, I'm just feeling sorry!"

Ace grinned, and suddenly nodded to the left: "Look!"

A group of pirates looked down his gaze, panicking. I saw that the cannon that had been pushed out had been ignited, and the direction was exactly at a large ship nearby.

They agreed, however, that they should not attack each other until the historical text was taken from the navy. Although there is no evidence, at this time, no one dared to break the rules.

Once violated, they will be attacked by the remaining ships!


The captain turned back and fired without a word.


But at this time, Ace had left the spot, and was easily untied the rope in his hand, and the iron sand left only a bullet hole on the deck.



Fired ...


"Ahhhhh, seeing that you are approaching, so you start killing each other? Sure enough, the pirate is the pirate ..." Qing Yan put his hand on his forehead, looking at the pirate ship in a war They: "Really, do they think they'll fix us?"

"Whatever it is, we can save a bit of work!"

Sitting on the ice, Loya glanced indifferently, then ordered the warships to transfer their firepower and destroy the ships in the other directions.

At the same time ~ ~ On the sore pheasant pirate group, the captain leaned back against the black railing, looking angry and desperately at Et in front of him.

"Ahem! Why ... do you want to do this? Didn't you say you were going to join them?"

His chest was bombed by a large pit, and his life was short, but he wanted to know the answer before he died.

"Well ..."

Ace clasped his cheeks and tore off the filthy coat of the pheasant corpse. Then, wearing only shorts, he took an orange cowboy hat from the back and put it on his head. "Smile" and "Sad" badges.

"Everyone is a pirate, isn't it normal to use each other?"

Seeing his dress, Captain Pheasant suddenly widened his eyes.

"Supernova! Firefist ... Ace!"

Then he tilted his head and lost his breath.