Chapter 219: Tony leaves

"Master Loya ... that ... the giant seems to be missing."

Alex was a little aggressive, and had been speechless for 12 minutes.

"Calm, calm, nothing more than normal." Roya replied.

But this sentence made Alex even more aggressive.

So, what was the situation from the beginning to the present?

Didn't I come to this island to meet the two lieutenant generals?

So what am I doing now? Watch an open air magic show?

"Okay Alex ..." Loya clapped his hands to attract Alex's attention, and then pointed at Colonel Dado and others. "Now you care more about them, you inform G-9. Is the branch? You can't take so many people with you on a boat. "

"Uh ... yes! I'll do it right away!"

It is true that Loya said that Colonel Dado's warships were first attacked by pirates, and then accidentally fell into the karst cave when they escaped. The damage suffered was not small.

It is a godsend to be able to sail to Ian Island. As for returning to the headquarters of Mariin Fodor, which is more than a month away from here ... no one wants to take this risk.

Watching Alex walk away, Loya's expression remained unchanged, but she was relieved.

He's been here for a long time with this Alex, isn't it just to stop him from approaching the center of the island.

In addition to the reason that Tony's imminent succession to the Titan power cannot be interrupted, the more important reason lies in Shanks and others.

That's the Four Emperors Shanks!

The ghost knows exactly who this Alex is, even if the opponent is a subordinate of Mole.

If the other party is a crazy dog ​​over a red dog, wouldn't Mole and Loa be embarrassed?

Lieutenant Lieutenant General of the Naval Headquarters, stomping ... Except for the new world, the other big men who have to shake the world, have a relationship with the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors?

Isn't this just an excuse for others to make trouble?

Even if Loya wasn't afraid of himself, he had to think about the mole of the old Myron Bell (infallible).

He spent most of his life fighting and fighting with pirates. He suffered countless injuries and made countless achievements. The glory he obtained has made countless navies ashamed.

It would be pitiful if in the end the old man was spilled with such a pot of sewage and ended up late in the evening.

At this moment, a voice of a telephone bug interrupted his thoughts.

Bruble, Bruble.

Loya turned left and right to look for her body, and finally found a shaking phone bug behind her belt.

This is the new communication tool that Mole gave him. The phone bug he had previously given to Zefa was returned to the warship for treatment by a special person, waiting for everyone to return to the headquarters before sending it to the "maintenance station".

The phone bug used in this chapter is a special breed with excellent security and communication distance.

Even if these phone bugs are dead, they cannot leave the corpse, they must all be brought back to the headquarters.

In this regard, Loya did not say that on the earth, high-end technology monopoly, nuclear non-proliferation, etc., he is already commonplace.

Taking out the new phone bug, Loya picked up the handset and said, "Mosimosi, I'm Loya. Who do you want?"


The Mole took a deep breath: "Asshole! Are your eyes blind? Can you take a look next time you answer the phone!"

Ah, this habit is hard to change ...

Roya rolled over the dead fish's eyes, calmly moved the receiver away from her ears, and waited for the Mole to growl to end.

Then he dug out his ears, squinted at the bright purple hair on the phone bug head, and said, "Oh, it's Lieutenant General Mole. What's the matter? I saw Tony disappear, did he succeed? "

After venting his anger, Mole felt much better, and when he heard that, he calmly said, "It's almost there, but it takes a long time to store energy after each transformation, Shanks said ..."

"Wait a minute!" Loya interrupted the Mole, and watched Alex not far away, then walked a little further and leaned on the trunk, and then re-opened: "Okay, you say it."

"Well, according to Shanks, Tony now only has the ability to become a Titan for a short time, and cannot fully exert the power of the source of life. Under the premise of maintaining IQ, he has become a 15-meter-high Titan That is his current limit. "

"Well, that's it, then ... wait a minute, what does it mean to keep IQ ?!"

Luo Ya was so aggressive that she hadn't heard of her transformation and IQ? !! Shouldn't it be rational?

While Loya was talking to the Mole, Alex put the flute in his ear and listened.

Suddenly, there was a weird smile in the corner of his mouth, and he muttered to himself: "So it is ... is this the status quo on the island?"


"My opinion is to leave Tony in the New World." After the call, Shanks said to the mole who was turning back the phoneworm: "Because most of the blood myelia released by the Bibi family are in the New World, Tony can find more bugs here. As for his safety ... "

He looked at his crew from side to side, and nodded their approval before solemnly saying, "Just leave it to me, because I owe him a life."

After hearing this, the Mole stared at Shanks.

Give the Navy ... to the Pirates?

If the person who speaks is not Shanks, the Mole will slap him with disgust!

However, the problem is actually here.

Before eliminating the blood worm that helped Shanks mingle with his body's blood, the main reason the Mole agreed to allow Tony to inherit Titan's power was to clear the blood worm.

But the problem came. If Tony returned to the headquarters with them, it would be the safest place to be stuck in the middle of the great route, which would not have much significance.

I also want to know that the Bibi family will not be so stupid and let the blood marrow beetle run near the naval headquarters.

That would not be an experiment ...

That's called death!

However, Tony's current status is ultimately the Navy, or a member of the elite camp, staying with red hair and others, he can imagine the criticism and hostility he will endure.

And not only him, Mole, Loya, Shanks, will be involved in the storm.

After listening to Shanks, the Mole turned to look at Tony still hot: "Tony, what do you think?"

Whether to return with the mole or stay in the new world with Shanks.

This is a difficult question.

Well, why not stay in the G-9 branch ...

In other words, no matter how stupid the Bibi family is, they won't leave blood medulla in the windless zone, right?

In other words, how should they get blood medulla to windless!

Yes, the G-9 branch is located in the windless zone, and it is the only naval branch in the windless zone!

Only the Navy has this confidence, and set up bases in the windless zone.

After listening to the two, Tony silently stared at the red lines on his hands.

After a long time, he looked up at the Mole.

"Master Mole, please forgive my waywardness, I ..."

"I see." Mole interrupted him before Tony finished speaking.

Looking at Tony ~ ~ The mole looks very complicated.

"I know what you are for, Tony."

"But you have to remember, you only have one year. If you don't come back after one year ..." Speaking of this, Mole silently stroked the hilt of the sword: "You know that will happen then what."

"Ah, I understand, Lord Mole."

Tony's mood was not high, and his tone was bleak.

"Well, don't talk about those now!" Shanks suddenly came over, clutching the mole's shoulder, paused when he was about to go to Lan Tony, retracted his hands, pretending nothing happened. The Mole said, "We are the heroes who saved the world! Now is the party time! Come and play together!"

"Beckman, go and bring all the ingredients on board! It's a banquet!"


In other words, inviting the Navy to have a banquet, in addition to Luffy in the world, Shanks did it?