"Make a wish! However, you must assure me that after these dragon beads are dispersed, they must not be searched for until you have to Jiang Feng looks solemn to say.

There is no limit to people's greedy heart. If these dragon beads are used frequently, once the negative energy bursts, the whole galaxy will be affected.

The power of the evil dragon born among them is at least superior to that of the God of race.

"Will these dragon beads still disperse into the Milky way?" Tranks asked curiously.

"Yes, these new dragon balls are used in the same way as the black star dragon balls before. After fulfilling their wishes, they will also be scattered throughout the universe and galaxy." Jiang Feng nodded.

"So it is! Then we won't look for them again! I don't want to venture into the universe again There was a flash of fear in Tranks' eyes.

This trip to the universe with Wukong and Xiaofang made him realize that there are many powerful beings in the universe. It would be a big mistake to think that super Saiya can run wild in the universe.

If he had not been careful during the journey, he would have been a stranger!

Tranks opened his mouth, and the others nodded, searching for seven dragon balls in the whole universe and galaxy. This is not a simple task, which requires a huge amount of time and energy. I believe that no one is willing to go as a last resort.

Like the Black Star Dragon ball, if it is not related to the safety of the whole earth, they are not willing to look for it.

"Wukong! What do you want? "Dandy looked curiously at Wukong!

"What wish? Well Now the earth has been restored, and the dead have been resurrected... " Wukong scratched his head and began to think.

"Dad! Do you forget that you are still a child? "WuFan began to remind Wukong.

"Yes! I'm going to be the same! But it's nothing like this now! " Wukong chuckled.

"So, the wish is to let Wukong return to his original appearance? I will summon the dragon!" Dandy goes to the seven big dragon balls.

"Wait a minute! All of you on earth, can I have this wish? As for your wishes, I will help you to realize them! " The king God of time came up with the egg in his arms.

He glanced at Wukong, and the king God of time lightly touched Wukong's body, and saw a flash of light. Wukong felt a magic force acting on him, and his body grew up and soon recovered to its original appearance.

Wu fan was surprised and said, "Dad, you've recovered."

Wukong felt full of strength in his body and said happily, "yes! Finally, you don't have to be a child again. The LORD God of the time is really powerful

"Wukong has been restored, then this wish will return to the king and God of the time Dandy said slowly, then yelled at the seven shining Dragon beads: "come out! Dragon

Boom! Boom!

The sky of the whole earth has changed with the booming sound. However, it is different from the general dragon ball. The Dragon Ball transformed by Jiangfeng looks like the dragon ball of Kronos when summoned. The sky is golden.

The majestic and majestic sound of thunderbolt sounded from the sky, and the golden clouds floated in large groups.

Between the golden clouds, the flash of lightning communicated with the world.

All the earth's human beings and Wukong are shocked to see this extraordinary phenomenon.

"It doesn't seem like this when the dragon ball calls! These golden clouds have never been seen before... " Wukong raised his head and looked at the sky in shock.

WuFan, Tranks and others are also staring at the scene that has never appeared.

"This holy breath! How strong

The king God of the East bound rubbed his eyes, and was suppressed by the golden auspicious cloud when the Dragon appeared.

"Oh A song of a dragon was heard among the gorgeous clouds.

Soon, the Dragon appeared, and its appearance was similar to that of the red dragon before. However, it became golden all over the body. The evil smell on the body disappeared completely and became extremely sacred.

It's huge in size and quickly covered the sky. The whole sight is covered by the magnificent figure of the dragon.

The Golden Dragon floats in the sky and circles the earth with its whole body.

"It's too Too big Wukong and others, who often see the dragon of the earth, exclaim in their mouths.

"It's a little bigger indeed!" Begita was also a little surprised.

"People who collect seven dragon beads! Say what you want! No matter what wish I can achieve, but you can only achieve one wish! " The Golden Dragon spits out the storm, the sound resounds through the whole earth.

"Dragon, my wish is to let the eggs hatch quickly!" The king God of time suddenly raised the egg and looked forward to the golden dragon!

"Your wish You You are The king and God of time! It's very disrespectful. I'm really sorry to talk to you at such a high place! I didn't expect that you would come to the earth below The Golden Dragon's huge forehead was sweating.Jiangfeng can feel that its long dragon body is shaking.

"Well! Let's realize my wish and hatch eggs The king God nodded and said with a smile.

"Oh! That This I can't do it! " The Golden Dragon stammered.

"Well! Can't you do it? " Time boundary King God small face suddenly became unhappy!

"This Lord God of time, I can tell you how to speed up the hatching of eggs If you want to hatch eggs quickly, you need to inject the power of time and space! As you know, it is forbidden to abuse the power of space and time in the universe! So I can't do it... "

After saying this, the Golden Dragon roared, and its slender body circled in the sky for a while, and then it was divided into seven pieces, which became seven hard stones scattered in the middle of the galaxy.

"How fast the dragon is Jiang Feng raised a radian at the corner of his mouth.

The king God of the time boundary is the God who holds the power of time and space under the king of time and space. Its position is in the Dragon God system, and the seven dragons can be compared with it.

The golden dragon is just a small God appearing in the human world. It doesn't dare to annoy the king God of the time.

The king God of the time boundary skimmed his mouth and held the egg to Jiang Feng and said, "let's put the power of time and space into the egg of time together."

Jiang Feng nodded and put his hand on the egg. The force of time and space in his body constantly surged out and poured into the egg. On the other side, the king God of time began to exert his power slowly.

All of a sudden, from time to time, the egg glitters with brilliant silver white light. At the same time, the holy light spreads in all directions.

Gradually, from time to time, the egg shell began to crack, with more and more cracks, suddenly a small head sticking out of the head.

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