Yaskin, who just died, is not a member of the ordinary star cross order, but one of the bodyguards of yohabah!

Seeing yaskin's death, the members of the Star Cross knights were in a complex state of mind.

Deep in the palace of ice, several figures suddenly disappeared and came to the center of the battlefield!

"This is Other pro guards of the order, and Lord haswald... "

Minnina is aware of the pressure of approaching the battlefield, and her eyes are constantly changing. Although her rank in the Star Cross Knights' order is not low, it is not inferior to the pro guard, and far less than yuglen haswald, who is No.1 of the Star Cross knights and more than ten thousand people.


The other three members of the Star Cross order's Pro guard also came. Their spiritual pressure was increasing, and the terrible pressure was attacking in all directions.

Rao is also a member of the Star Cross Knights' order. Minnina and jiatis are all under pressure.

For a moment, the whole palace of ice began to vibrate violently!

Feeling the explosion of such a powerful spiritual pressure, minnina's expression finally became a little calm, and said to Jiang fengseli's internal stubble: "other pro guard members are coming, and haswald represents your majesty. It's still time for you to escape now!"

Seeing that minnina showed a look of fear, but also pretended to be calm and threatened himself, Jiang Feng couldn't help laughing, "run away? Do you need it yourself? "

When you meet yourself, the person who should consider life safety is youhabach.

Just now he was in the depths of the palace of ice, and the powerful pressure he felt came from haswald.

But it's not entirely right to say that it's from haswald!

Like other exterminators, haswald can't absorb the spirit child and transform it into his own power. His ability is to empower others.

Haswald and barzby grew up together, and haswald's strength has never been improved. Under the influence of haswald's ability, bazby's strength is far beyond his peers.

At 10:10 at night, haswald will exchange strength with his friend habah. Haswald can be said to be the other half of friend habah. During the day, he will take back his own strength, while at night, haswald will take his strength with him to help him manage the ice palace.

"Who are you, who destroyed the ice palace and killed one of his Majesty's bodyguards..."

Soon, haswald came to Jiang Feng, and his eyes were fixed on him. His eyes twinkled with cold light. The whole person was like frost, emitting a cold spirit pressure breath.

Haswald looked gloomy.

Your majesty has just regained strength and is still stabilizing the spiritual pressure. At this time, some people have sneaked into the Invisible Empire. For the sake of safety, they should be cleaned up.

If the Invisible Empire is found by the corpse soul world, then the decisive battle between them and the corpse soul world will start in advance.

Their war book was handed to the 13th guard, but they hoped that the battlefield they were fighting against was the corpse soul world, not the palace of ice.

If they find the palace of ice, the gods of death of the 13th guard will surely fight in the palace of ice. Even if their star cross knights are not afraid of the 13th guard, they will also fall into a passive situation.

"Take him!" 'said haswald coldly.

During the sleep of yohabah, he is the king of the Invisible Empire and dominates everything. Even during the sleep of yohabah, his power will also be used by him. As a king at night, how can he tolerate the enemy's wantonness in his own territory, the ice palace.

A command was given, and in a flash, the members of the Star Cross Knights' order looked at Jiang Feng, and the spirit pressure burst out faintly, forming a terrible pressure field.

Just a few breaths, the palace of ice is filled with a very heavy spiritual pressure. The spiritual pressure is like an avalanche of pressure on the river maple. The whole palace of ice is shaking, and there are cracks on the wall.

Pethida pacaja took the lead.

Pethida, one of the four bodyguards of yohabah, was originally the left arm of the king of spirits. The holy letter was C, symbolizing the ability of "enforcement".

Pethida can release her own nerves out of the body. As long as the objects contacted by the nerves, whether living or inanimate, can change the solid shape and movement state at will.

And this ability is also transmissible. Pethida injects her own nerves into objects, and when objects come into contact with other objects, other objects are also affected by Peneda's power.

Peneda came to Jiang Feng's body, but his body was blocked by the pressure barrier around Jiang Feng.

Pethida, wearing a cloak, took off her cloak to reveal her body. Her body was a huge arm.

The five fingers on the huge arm are connected by a strange iron chain. There are two eyeballs on the palm. The whole looks very penetrating.

Seeing that she was blocked, pethida's body began to wriggle. Her fingers fell off, and she wriggled and expanded on the ground, turning into huge arms, which surrounded Jiang Feng.Seeing this, Jiang Feng's heart was a little chilly, and the scene was really a little nauseous.

Jiang Feng's mind moved, and a spiritual pressure burst out of her body. More than a dozen of Peneda's bodies were broken into pieces by Jiang Feng's spiritual pressure.

Seeing this, the members of the Star Cross order did not panic. They knew that the real terrible thing about Peneda's ability was regeneration. Even if pethida's body was torn apart, it would fuse together.

At this time, gerrart, who was also a member of the pro habah group, also went to Jiangfeng.

Gerald, Saint Wen Zi m, symbolizes the miracle of ability. Originally the heart of the king of spirits, he can put his own spiritual strength into words and turn the situation that is absolutely not conducive to his body into a condition favorable to himself, such as converting all the injuries to his body into strength.

"We can't watch when the guards are on Bazzie snorted coldly, and the pressure on his body suddenly burst out.

All of a sudden, the spirit son in front of Bazi's body seemed to have been ignited, and there was a fire around him.

"Hum! Do you need any more nonsense? "

Cangdu, Robert and other members of the Star Cross Knights also surrounded Jiang Feng.

During the short film, all the members of the Star Cross Knight Order moved, and they locked Jiang Feng firmly.

Peneda, who had just been torn to pieces by Jiang Feng's pressure, also recovered. The number of arms around Jiang Feng's body increased several times.

"Yes, it's all here. If it's OK, we'll solve it together." Jiang Feng looked at the people of the Star Cross knights and whispered faintly.

"Cut, what a hot fellow Seeing the calm expression on Jiang Feng's face, several members of the Star Cross Knights' regiment were very angry.

A few feet suddenly step on, the whole person will suddenly a flash, appear in front of Jiang Feng.

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