For the next half a month, Jiang Feng has been practicing Lingzi's manipulation.

During this period, he did nothing except to understand the soul chopping knife silver moon and black moon, and practiced the ability of time control and space control. He did nothing else, even put aside the study of high-level ghost.

In the past half a month, Jiang Feng's promotion is not small. His control of Lingzi and Lingya has been completely improved. Even compared with lanran, Yamamoto yuanliuzhai and Chongguo, they are not inferior.

With the control of Lingzi and pressure, Jiang Feng is more and more adept at controlling time and space, and his ghost road is also making rapid progress.

In half a month, Jiang Feng has mastered the broken road and the binding road before the 60th, and can give up singing and chanting, and use the broken road will not waste any more spiritual power!

As a beginner, abandoning chanting ghost Road No. 60 can also give full play to its power, and most of them can directly frighten some of the death gods of the 13th guard group.

Even some of the gods of death who have been learning to break the Tao for many years, can't give up singing and accurately release the No. 60 broken path.

The No.60 broken road is the watershed between the intermediate broken road and the advanced broken road. Starting from the No.60 broken road, the difficulty of breaking the road has risen to a higher level.

Seeing that his spiritual power control practice is almost over, Jiang Feng takes out the high-level broken road books from the storage space, and plans to start learning the advanced broken road!

All of a sudden, Jiang Feng's eyes flashed a touch of color. Within his perception range, the breath of Yuzhi Boju appeared!

"Weasel, are you back? Just give him the broken road from the 30th to the 60th! " , Jiang Feng gets up slowly, in the heart thought to move, his figure then appeared in the hall from 108 space barriers in the room.

When Jiang Feng was practicing Lingzi manipulation, he used the ability of space control to cut a space full of Lingzi from the world of corpse and soul, and compressed the space to form a small space of about 100 square meters.

The volume of the space is reduced, but the content of Lingzi in the space is still so much, which leads to the unprecedented concentration of Lingzi in the small space of 100 square meters, which has already surpassed the spirit palace.

The stronger the content of Lingzi in the space, it means the greater the pressure of the space. When the deputy leader of the general No.13 team of the court guards enters the palace of the spirit, the first feeling is that the pressure is so great that even breathing becomes very difficult.

The space created by Jiang Feng in his room is more stressful than that in the king's palace. When the deputy leader of the 13th team of the ordinary court guards comes, he is expected to be pressed out of breath.

Jiang Feng's soul control level can be improved so much in half a month. This small spiritual pressure space is indispensable!

Moreover, a space barrier can not bear the pressure of this space, so Jiangfeng has opened 108 space barriers.

Jiang Feng came to the hall, Yuzhi Boyou and Jiang Feng said hello!

Jiang Feng goes to Yuzhi Boju, and his heart moves. He takes out two special soul books from the soul space and hands them to Yuzhi Boju.

"This is..." Seeing this, Yu Zhibo's face looks puzzled and looks at Jiang Feng.

"These two books are brand-new ghost road books, which record the broken road and bound road from the 30th to the 60th!" Jiang Feng said with a smile.

These two soul books not only record the broken road and binding road from the 30th to the 60th, but also have their own understanding and understanding of these ghost ways. It's a part of my memory!

These two soul books are the big tree of soul. They are made with their own memory and soul energy, not for reading. They can be integrated into the soul in the form of soul energy, just like the top of the mountain.

What's more, these two soul books are just copies, and the real ones are in the library in their own soul space.

If in the future, the people around you want to learn ghost, you can directly copy a soul book to them.


He gave the ghost road from the 30th to the 60th to Yuzhi Boyu. Jiang Feng went back to his room again and picked up the senior ghost road books and read them carefully!

The higher the number of ghost road is, the more complex the mantra is, the more difficult it is to practice, and the more powerful it will be.

The ghost road before the 30th is regarded as the basic ghost Road, and the difficulty will not increase too much, while the ghost road from the 30th to the 60th is slowly increased.

When the number is over 60, the difficulty coefficient of ghost Road begins to increase geometrically. Some gods of death who are not enough spiritual pressure can only forget and stop.


The difficulty of abandoning chanting for ghost road above 60 is much different from that of complete chanting. As for the broken road above No.90, it does not exceed the spiritual pressure of the captain level. Don't even want to see it!

In the original work, LAN ran gave up singing and released the No.90 broken road when he seized the broken jade and left the corpse soul world for the empty circle. However, it was only a semi-finished product!

"Scattered animal bones! Spire, red crystal, steel wheel. The moving is the wind, the quiet is the sky. The sound of long guns hitting each other resounded through the empty city! Break the road 63. Thunder roar gunIn the small space in the room, Jiangfeng suddenly raised his arm, pointed to the front with his fingertips, and began to sing.

Suddenly, a terrible electric light beam burst out from Jiang Feng's fingertips, attacking the distance, just like an electromagnetic gun!

The electric light beam thundered on the space barrier in front of us. There was a roar in front of us, and the whole space was shocked for a moment.

As before, Jiang Feng releases the broken road by singing first, and then gives up singing when he finds the feeling!

As time goes by, Jiang Feng studies hard and doesn't look tired

"Seventy eight of breaking the road, chopping the Chinese wheel!"

In the small space, Jiang Feng points to the sword. With a wave in the air, the pressure suddenly condenses and erupts into an arc-shaped halo, sweeping away in all directions.

This arc-shaped chopping strike fell at the end of the small space, and it was blocked down, so that the small space opened in the room was shaking.

"For the ghost road above 60, it is more and more difficult to give up singing. This broken road of No.78 abandons singing, and its power is less than 70% of that of complete chanting." Looking at the power of the blow, Jiang Feng could not help shaking his head.

The difficulty of ghost Road, from the 30th, the difficulty gradually increased, and to the 60th, the difficulty directly increased by a section, but with the increase of difficulty, the power of breaking the road will also rise to a level!

It's like the gap between a newly solved soul chopper and a completely liberated soul chopper.

The difficulty of breaking the road is increasing, and when it comes to the 80th or so, even if it is Jiang Feng, he has to think about it carefully.

In this way, Jiang Feng devoted himself to the study. During this period, there were some emptiness invading the world. Jiang Feng didn't pay attention to it!

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