At the time when all the people who escaped were guessing the result, Luo Qing, who was far away from the center and was flying high in the sky, was also accepting the results of his attack!

From today on, the holy land of marjoria is history!

Marigioa, once a prosperous holy land, was razed to the ground in the blink of an eye, all of which disappeared in smoke, and no grass was born!

What's more terrifying is that mieshi Lei Ying spurts energy in all directions around him when he explodes. That is to say, the red soil land above 8000 meters above sea level is like a cream cake smashed by a football. It is hard to say that the height of nearly 2000 meters is smashed, leaving behind a huge and ugly basin!

As for the Tianlong people who hide in the underground safety room and think they can rest assured, there is no one left who has died.

Who did not expect to have Luo Qing such a madman, a word does not agree to enlarge the move, regardless of where you hide directly full screen seconds!

Even the bodies of 300000 people were wiped out in the explosion just now. Although they can not be buried, at least there is no need to worry about the plague.

Falling slowly from the air and stepping on the already blackened red soil land, the first thing I feel is burning and tingling. This is undoubtedly the sequela brought by mieshi Lei Ying to this land. The ground is full of flashing electric arcs. At first glance, it looks like tens of thousands of silver snakes running on the ground.

According to the law, he has wiped out everything here. Even if the monster that can be "reborn" by other means like im should have been gone, Luo Qing doesn't believe that the other party is really so easy to be killed.

If there is no absolute certainty, he does not think that the other side will choose to resist rather than retreat strategically before he is uncertain whether he can resist his attack.

There must be something else he doesn't know about.

Just as Luo Qing opened up his own views and stories, and began to search for the traces of IM's possible existence, a voice came from the empty place.

"I underestimated your means and determination. I thought the cannon fodder you brought was enough for me to use, but I didn't expect to waste it.

But forget it, I'm very satisfied to spend such a long time of boredom. The attack just now let me experience the meaning of "danger" for a long time, but it's all over. In recognition of your hard performance, I'd like to make an exception to let you see the essence of "King of heaven."

"Wake up, my partner, Uranus..."

with the murmur of IM, a dark red light burst into the sky and disappeared in an instant!

Far away in the outer space of the earth, a steel floating fortress which seems to have been forgotten for a long time was suddenly hit by a red light and suddenly trembled for several times!

As the frequency of the tremor became more and more intense, the whole steel floating fortress actually resumed its operation, and two faint red lights suddenly shot out from the two towers. Looking from afar, it was like this iron floating fortress came alive at once!

"Wu... La..."

the alarm sounds suddenly, and then seems to be sensing the position of the person calling it, and two faint lights seem to be scanning.

Then it started to move and hit the blue planet not far ahead. Soon, the whole iron and steel floating fortress was wrapped by a huge fireball...........

At the same time, Luo Qing, who was still on the destroyed holy land of marijoa, was on guard, but nothing seemed to happen except the voice of IM and the inexplicable red light column?

He once thought that the "king of heaven" should be hidden in the holy land of Marie Chia. Otherwise, once he reached the most dangerous moment, what would Tianlong people take to protect themselves.

But at the moment, Im's sudden call to the heavenly king made him immediately overturn his original speculation about what the "Heavenly King" would be?

Dragon? phoenix? Or an angel? devil?

Luo Qing did not speculate for too long, because only a dozen seconds, there was a huge ball of fire in the sky, and it hit here.

Is it an extraterrestrial meteorite called by a smile?

No! A smile can never pull down such a big "meteorite"!

It was not until the meteorite hit his head that his eyes widened. The meteorite was the size of an island!

Based on this impact force, it is estimated that the laterite continent will be completely crushed!

However, just as he was preparing to retreat strategically, the flaming fire disappeared in a blink of an eye. At the same time, the "meteorite" as large as the island was suddenly stopped at a hundred meters above the red earth continent in an extremely anti gravity and unconventional way.

How can the kinetic energy be digested at once?

Not even heat?

Luo Qing, whose heart was moved, flew high into the sky. He was shocked by this!

He didn't expect that this was really an island, and it was a floating fortress armed to the teeth of steel. The exposed part of the firepower was enough to make people wonder. It's hard to imagine such a mobile fortress falling from the sky!?What the hell is this!

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly agglomerates on the island, and it is the Imam who should "vanish in smoke"!

"You look so shocked? Yes, after all, the "memory" from the divine tree does not include this part. " Im opened his mouth with a smile.

"Ula... North!"

It seems to feel the breath of "master". The whole steel floating fortress trembled for a moment, and then made such a response.

At the moment, Luo Qing is really shocked, some can not be added!

This iron and steel floating fortress is the legendary ancient weapon, Uranus!?

It's not the Western dragon that he once dreamed of, and it's not a bullshit angel, but a steel floating fortress with life, talking and reacting!?

How could that be possible!?

What kind of creature ate the special devil fruit? How could such a demon fruit exist?

He suddenly thought of carpenter Becky. The hard city fruit that this guy ate seemed to have the same effect, but it was not so exaggerated as the scene before him!

"Is this the king of heaven?"

It seems that he saw the shock and hesitation in Luo Qing's eyes, which greatly satisfied IM's self-esteem, so he gave a very kind explanation.

"Yes, this is the legendary ancient weapon, Uranus! Oh, by the way, its hometown comes from the moon city of bilka. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!