Chapter 211

Name:One Man Army Author:
Sungjin [112] Alliance (2) Unprecedented Naming 「天魔 五 神氣」 [Unused]: Five special aura of the Chunmatsu. If this energy can be combined into one to complete the Tenma reign, then all of the remainder of the reign can be inherited.

Rating: Myth (GOD).

Type: ancient knowledge.

1) Chunma Shinki (天魔 神氣): The end is not seen like the sea (大海). [Activate increases magic power and vitality (x4) by% and boosts the skill damage (x1)%.] Skill level: 30/100 ☆ Deactivated 2) Tenma 阴气 (天 魔 阴氣): It is like a powerful chill that can freeze the whole world. [When activated, 'Ice Conjuration' effect is added to all actions to reduce the movement speed and attack speed of the opponent that hit the action (Skill x 0.4)%, and an invisible frost shield is formed around the body Reduces all damage by% (Skill x 0.3).] Skill Level: 30/100 ☆ Deactivated 3) Chunmase Base (天 摩 炎 气): A powerful firearm that will burn the whole world. [Activate increases attack power (skill x 2)% and adds a fire effect to all attacks, reducing the healing effect your opponent receives (skill x 0.7%).] Skill level: 30/100 ☆ Deactivated 4) Chunmaokgi (天魔 毒气): A poison that is so awful that it can dissolve everything in the world. [Activate will add a deadly poison effect, so your hit points are lost every 10 seconds (proficiency x 0.01)%. The effect is not superimposed, but it will continue to be initialized and maintained whenever an attack is hit.] Skill level: 30/100 ☆ Deactivated 5) 天馬 尸 气: The energy of the dead body which can not die again because it is already dead, so this energy is also called as 天麻 不死 气.

[Health (x1) is increased by% and continues to recover by an additional 10% (x1.0) per 10 seconds.] Skill Level: 30/100 ☆ Disable Special Note: You can activate two aura at the same time. However, if you select two of the aura that will be activated once, the other three aura will become inactive for 30 minutes after that.

SPECIAL ABILITY: You can use the 'Gunma Gurimgi', which activates all of your hometown for 30 minutes once every ten days. However, after using the Gumma regulator for 30 minutes, you will not be able to use the Gumma for a week.

It was stronger than any ancient knowledge that Sanghyuk possessed. The most impressive of them was the Gunma Goryeonggi.

'If you use a gangmargo repertoire, you'll surpass the power of braggart or machete.'

The bigger thing was that it could be used with a dragon or an armor.

Of course, Sang Hyuk did not hesitate and installed this great Soul Hall in his fifth Soul Hall.

There was no reason to delay such a thing.

As a result, Sang Hyuk became the owner of 'Penta Soul', which will be unheard of in EL history.

More than 70% of EL users were double souls and 29% were soul souls. The remaining 1% was mostly triple soul users.

As a matter of fact, none of the users of Quadroregame were able to play games properly, only Sang Hyuk alone.

But now Soul Hall has been added to become Penta Soul, so now Sang Hyuk is closer to a powerful raid boss monster than the user.

'Once I eat the new medicine, I will eat it. The Chunmae Jingu … · · · If you give me a mugwort, will you write it well? '

Sang Hyuk began to think about how to deal with the remaining 6 items.

'Surely, let's sell the shrine. And I will give Leah to the Chunmae. "

It was a very good item in the case of Chunma Shinto, but since there were two swords that were too good for Sanghyuk, it was a waste to use Chunma Shinto again.

In the case of Chunmae Sewn, it was a very good item with Lea, and in case of Sanghyuk, it was not necessary because it had the "salt of right ascension", which is one grade higher than the Chunma Sewn.

I thought that it would be better to give it to a whore than to sell it though it was a little ambiguous.

Sanghyuk has completed the summary of this way, the last updated main Hidden Quest 'Shadow King's Road? I saw the prelude of the Great War.

'In the end, the core is to sweep them all out after finding the hidden black warts in the Knights of the Sun, Sun Sacred, Sun Magic Tower and the Sun Heroic I am doing …. '

The content of the quest was complex, but the core itself was simple.

Eviscerate black. And the unconditional battle in the process was the core of this quest.

'In previous life, the black wolves took over the sun sex and the solar heroes, and the users were attached to the Sun Knights and the Sun Magic Tower?'

Sang Hyuk stammed the memories of his past life and remembers how the Great War took place.

In the past, the NPC was not the user who started the war with the black people. Therefore, users just spoon through a variety of quests.

'Is it the same again? No. I do not think it's that simple. "

Sanghyuk began to worry about how to draw a big battle with the black eye by rolling his head around.

* * * * [Tell Immortality and One Guild] – We now declare war to the 'Guild One' from this moment. All users of the one guild, especially the immortal guild master, will be given an unlimited jailbreak, and at the same time, all users and forces that help the guild at all can also be targeted by the Jailbreak.

This war will continue until the immortality and the original guilds acknowledge and surrender all their sins.

This has been happening simultaneously to all EL communities. This was literally propaganda.

Escape is an immortality and propaganda to the original guild · · · · · · · · · ·.

Indeed, they had already applied for a guild war.

Escape was revealed to be the union of the super-large guilds, and it was rumored that they were intertwined with immortality and a very serious problem, and a lot of users started to get interested in this war.

Issaques' declaration of propaganda was not an idiom.

They actually warned that if you help the guerrilla guerrillas in the Korean Rising Guild, which maintains a friendly relationship with the Guilds, they will declare guild warfare.

Of course, the Rising Guild warned him to stop the ridiculous threat, but inside the guild he had no choice but to stay away from the original guild.

Since then, Escape 's public guild war strategy has been working properly.

Opinion has also been on the side of escapism, because it is the union of the greatest guilds with the greatest influence on each continent.

Opinion was simple.

There was a lot of allegation that the genuine appearance of 'One Guild' and 'Immortality', which are packed in somewhat exaggerated rumors and called like legend, should be revealed at this opportunity.

It was true that each of the giant guilds was excessively involved in creating such a public opinion, but it was true that these arguments were getting stronger.

Every situation was going to the worst, but the original guild and immortality still did not appear anywhere.

As a result, some interested seed users told me that the immortal and guilty guilds were scared and hid, and from now on they began to bite the immortality that they should be called chi, not legend.

Although it was immortal that showed its presence for a long time, seeds of interest were not able to remember it at all.

"These cubs are really bad. I think this is organized and public opinion.

After a long time, the buckwheat touched his face with an angry expression.

"Stop, let's have some rice."

However, Sanghyuk who is a person who is being attacked by public opinion, was making a calm expression.

"Do not you get angry when you see something like this garbage?"

"Is not that possible? Of course I am. "

"But how can you be so happy?"

"The more you do, the more you should be calm. Honestly, what am I supposed to do now that I write to the community? I am alone and they are many, so I will not be able to say anything. So now we have to show it as an unconditional result. "

Sanghyuk was not in a hurry. He was rather angry because he was more angry than ever.

"Are you going to fight?"

"If you want to fight, you have to fight."

"Are you sure?"

He was really worried about Sanghyuk. He knew enough that Sanghyuk was strong, but he was a very strong opponent even if he considered it.

"It will not be easy. But you can not surrender what they want. "

Sanghyuk was curious about how they found out that he was trapping, but now that was not the point.

Already they have figured it out and so they get together.

The fight with them could never be avoided.

"What can we do?"

Already she was thinking about fighting Escape with Leah.

"No, I really want to do this alone."

"What is this? You've always been alone. So this time we get help. "

"That's right," he said. I've been talking about it for a few days and I never hear it. "

Leah, who was beside him, said a word, but Sanghyuk still shook his head.

No fucking way. I do not know if it's anything else, but I can never get help from anyone. I'll take care of him. "

Sincerely, Sang Hyuk. Leah looked down and looked down at her again.

"Huh, that commitment ………. I can not stop her from sticking to me, so I'm trying to convince you. "

She had already given up on persuading her for several days.

"You do not believe us?"

"No, not at all. You know that I am the two most believing people in the world. This is not a matter of faith but a matter of promise with myself. "

The Pact

"I told you what kind of heart I made when I created the guild I won before. One man, Invincible, One Corps … This was my goal, and for that I did not get you in the guild. So I think this is a way to achieve my goals. If you overcome this, you will be close to the real corps. So I want to get over it alone. "

The buckler who listened to Sanghyuk quietly nodded his head.

"Hmm, then you can not help it."

This was a part that I had to admit.

"But only in the moment when you seem to be unable to cope alone, you and Lea will intervene regardless of what you say. I know so. "

All right. Then I'll get help from you too. "

Sanghyuk nodded his head and accepted it because he could not refuse it.

"Beat those cheeky trash cubs."

"It should. I'm going to make sure they have heaven outside the sky. "

Sanghyuk laughed lightly and nodded his head.

It was an absolute disadvantage, but he still had not lost a smile.

[113] The power of money (1) @ The power of money. "But how long do we have to keep an emergency border?"

Tess, a town with many European users' hometowns, was on the land of heroes. And there was a big guild house of Tim Apple.

The name of the guild house was Apple Tower, which has been maintaining an emergency border system since the escape was formed.

"Yes. I will be annoyed every time I come back. I honestly think that the immortal is scared and diving. I wonder if it is necessary to do this. "

"I know yeah! But what if immortality does not appear in the original guild? You can not keep this coalition going on? "

"I heard from my brother that I know that if immortality does not appear, I will hunt Korean users."

"Hull, really?"

"Yes, this is really confidential, so do not go anywhere."

All right. But is it still okay? Korean users can repulse as a group, right? "

"It seems that he took measures to deal with it again."

"Huh, I feel fortunate that I am not a Korean and I have not joined the Korean Guild for the moment."

"In fact, Korean users have done so much in the meantime. Now Korean users have a little bit of time. "

"That's right."

The two general guild members of Team Apple were patrolling the Apple Tower, talking about this and that.

"I wish I could finish sooner or later."

"Well, it's going to be a lot easier if it's over soon … There's not much time to hunt because there's so many emergency calls these days."

"I mean. It's too hard these days. "

Guild Wars seemed like a story of the distant world to two guild members. To be honest, they did not think it was meaningful to do such a patrol so formal patrols were pretending to do just that and they were still shaking.

"Yes, the new Dungeon punched in the guild last time …"

Pig, puck!

The two men, who seemed to be continuing until the end of the patrol, were cut off. It was a single magic power shot that broke it. The magic power shot pierced the two men straight in the head, and the two men just got out of the game.

One of the guild's 'Immortal' has killed the 'RISE98' of Team Apple's guild.

The 'Immortal' of the One Guild has now defeated 'Koidd' of the Guild of Team Apple.

The person who removed them was immortal, who made fun of them scared and scared. Of course, even if you were to fall asleep in this way, there was an offline emergency network, so it was obvious that the immortal attack would soon be known.

But Sang Hyuk did not even think Hajin to hide his raid dare.


Sanghyuk had turned on channel 1's broadcasting 30 seconds before the attack. Because it was not regular broadcast, it was only relayed to the Internet.

Sanghyuk had three broadcasting cams around him. There was nothing wrong with setting the cam to mosaic all enemies' faces except for themselves in real time.

Tatataku! Pat!

Sanghyuk, who had eliminated the guard, immediately jumped into the area of ​​the apple tower.

It's a joke!

I then split the ice flame into a Volcano and a Blizzard, then a Volcano in my right hand and a Blizzard in my left hand.

Tadadang, Kwaw and Gwang!

Sanghyuk crashed the outer barrier of the Epley Tower with a volcano and entered inside.

Team Apple's guild members had no choice but to respond to the splendid success of the show.

Team Apple's guilds that are coming to the top.

Their response was so natural. If there were an intruder, it was right to stop and block.

But there was one thing they overlooked, that was that the intruder was not ordinary.

* * * * [Counterattack of one guild begins! Go to the Internet right now and watch the channel broadcast! It's a big hit!]

[Wow, I've scrambled to death! I told you I was not immortal to make a tail like this.]

[CK, I do not want to see the aggro guys dropping in the meantime.

[It is different if it is a one guild. No matter how escaped it is, even if it is a different allied force created by the union of the giant guilds, it is possible to deal with the guilds!]

[Ou, I'm more serious than Kukpa. It seems that immortality is trying to do something wrong, but it is just evil. In the end, immortality will become an ants trampled by the escape.]

[Are you saying that while watching the broadcast? I do not want to watch the broadcast on how Apple Apple is proud of now.]

[KAHAHAHAHAHA, Apple Tower is a complete fucking oblivion? How many people are dying? The kids returning after the recall are just slaughtered as soon as they arrive.]

[Guildhouse also has durability? If this is wrong, the Guild House itself will collapse?

[Guildhouse also has durability, but the Apple Tower is a S-level guild house, so its durability is really high. So it is not easy to collapse?]

It 's not easy. Five minutes ago, Apple Tower durability was less than 30%.]

[Hul · · · · Really? Then the big hit!]

[Rumor has it that it 's really a bug player. How is it so strong?

[But when did immortality use firearms?]

[That's not a user, it's almost a raid boss monster.]

[A few attacks are not avoided, but they are taken with the body. How high is your defense?

[The defense is also high, but the resilience is also tremendous. It looks like I'm going to get rid of it soon.

[It feels like something touches the lion's nose, where the escape is sleeping?]

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 'Sukhyuk literally'

He showed me exactly what the massacre was. There was no mercy in his hands. As soon as all of the team members who had just passed the Apple Tower were slaughtered and connected or recalled by all the Team Apple guild members, they were immediately removed.

Not only that, he steadily attacked the guild house, the Apple Tower, and cut down the durability almost completely.

The collapse of the Guild House was a much bigger blow than I thought.

Is that so? Tim Apple helped escape and quickly put in large support forces.

However, even in this situation, Sang Hyuk stood firmly.

And then finally, the Gear dropped the Apple Tower.

Department of Quasi Medicine

This was not the first time guild houses collapsed in the guild war. But this was the first time that an S-level guild house like Apple Tower collapsed.

Until then, neither the S grade nor the A grade guild house had collapsed.

When the Guild House collapses, Team Apple will not be able to use various guild features such as Guild Buff and Guild Dungeon, and all Guild members will gain 30% of their gained karma until the Guild House is fully restored.

And ironically, when Apple Tower collapsed, Timmy the master of Team Apple arrived at the battlefield.

"Great! Get that damn cock right now! "

Dmitry thought that he could catch the immortal unconditionally because he had led the elite battalion of Escape.

Together with his cries, hundreds of elite users ran up beside the collapsed Apple Tower.

But they could never catch the immortal.

It is not a question of whether or not to be opponent.

Sanghyuk was already using the "emergency recall," an item skill built into the belts of the adventurous NATO, at the moment of breaking down the Apple Tower.

Of course, the squad that surrounded him was scared and did not escape. I could fight as much as I could with the battalion if I fought with heart, but now I had no reason to do such a fight.

The early tactics Sanghyuk thought were "guerrilla warfare" by Hong Gil-dong, which maximized a few advantages.

This was one of the best strategies that a small number could achieve against many.

However, the guerrilla war that Sanghyuk thought was different from the ordinary guerrilla war.

It was a surprise tactic rather than guerrilla warfare because it was disappeared after the other side was knocked down to the level of saying that it was guerrilla war.

Anyway, Dmitry and battalion users were forced to make a fretful look by looking at the ruined Apple Tower just as the dog chasing the chicken looked at the roof.

Sanghyuk, who dropped the Apple Tower, moved busy again for a short while.

The broadcast ended immediately before the emergency recall, so no one knew where he was going.

Already all the EL community was upset. Sanghyuk's surprise broadcast only lasted about 30 minutes, but during that brief moment, almost 10 million viewers watched the video and was shocked at the same time.

Especially, Europe users were frustrated by the fact that Team Apple, which can be called their pride, was shattered.

Tim Apple and the Apple Tower were symbols of Europe, and in fact many European users were trying to get into Team Apple.

However, such a team Apple was shattered by only one user, and of course, it had a big wound to pride.

Was it so shocking? They took out bug players who had already cooled down and attacked immortality.

Of course, the already familiar Korean users refused to answer the criticism, but Hajin did not answer it anyway. However, they strongly denied the immortal existence and wrapped the defeat in a way that was not enough.

They claimed that Team Apple's genuine elite users were all elsewhere, so the fact that the immortality was actually destroyed was just the shell of Team Apple.

Their claim was not wrong.

Apparently Tim Apple's elite was not in the Apple Tower. However, no matter how much they packed it, the Apple Tower could not be denied because it was a fact that could not be denied.

Users from other regions, except Europe, were also very surprised by this immortal surprise, with China, North America, South America, and India users most directly involved in the reaction.

They all insisted that they should tighten their base of escape in their area as quickly as possible. There were even those who said they would help defend themselves.

Ijin did not have a full-fledged yet, this was not a guild war between guilds, but it felt like a war between continents.

On the other hand, while many ordinary users were doing the same thing, Sang Hyuk, who was busy, was able to arrive at his desired place through several recalls.

This time he arrived in the Empire was boasted of the armor (Grade) Guild Dungeon was.

It was also the largest Dungeon of Guild Dungeon in Empire and the largest Dungeon in Guild Dungeon that all other guilds have.

The Dungeon was a honey dungeon that played a decisive role in the Empire's current guild, so it was called the Bob Rule of Empire.

'Well, here's the marking again …'

Sanghyuk landed the mark at a suitable location and slowly walked toward the entrance to Dungeon.

The reason he came here was simple.

To protect the base, the Apple Tower crashed and pulled out the crowded raccoons back out of the oyster.

In the case of Sanghyuk, the enemy was able to kill all over the world, but there was no enemy in the escape position.

This was the most crucial difference between the original guild and escape.

'Knock. Then it will open! '

Sanghyuk's approach to dungeon entrance was very simple. Immediate elimination of visible dust. This was Sang Hyuk's only strategy.

[113] The Power of Money (1) End